blob: 390820d5a765fe0c106ffcc184c09d6762f1f817 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include <base/memory/unsafe_shared_memory_region.h>
#include <base/synchronization/lock.h>
#include "cros-camera/camera_buffer_manager.h"
#include "cros-camera/common.h"
#include "cros-camera/common_types.h"
#include "cros-camera/export.h"
#include "cros-camera/face_detector_client_cros_wrapper.h"
namespace cros {
enum class FaceDetectResult {
// This class encapsulates Google3 FaceSSD library.
class CROS_CAMERA_EXPORT FaceDetector {
static std::unique_ptr<FaceDetector> Create();
// Detects human faces. |buffer| should be in NV12 pixel format. The detected
// results will be stored in |faces|. |human_sensing::CrosFace| includes a
// bounding box and confidence information.
// Caller can iterate the vector as the pseudo code:
// for (const auto& face : faces) {
// // Bounding box of the detected face. (x1, y1) is top left corner and
// // (x2, y2) is bottom right corner.
// float x1 = face.bounding_box.x1, y1 = face.bounding_box.y1,
// x2 = face.bounding_box.x2, y2 = face.bounding_box.y2;
// // Confidence of the detected face in range [0.0, 1.0]. High confidence
// // score corresponds to high likelihood that the detected region is human
// // face.
// float confidence = face.confidence;
// }
// If |active_sensor_array_size| is specified, the coordinates of the bounding
// boxes in |faces| will be mapped to the "pre-corrected" coordinate space
// using |active_sensor_array_size| as the raw sensor area, matching the
// requirement of Android HAL3 requirements. Otherwise, the coordinates of the
// bounding boxes will be mapped to the dimension of |buffer|.
FaceDetectResult Detect(
buffer_handle_t buffer,
std::vector<human_sensing::CrosFace>* faces,
std::optional<Size> active_sensor_array_size = std::nullopt);
// For a given size |src| that's downscaled and/or cropped from |dst|, get the
// transformation parameters that converts a coordinate (x, y) in
// [0, src.width] x [0, src.height] to [0, dst.width] x [0, dst.height]:
// x_dst = S * x_src + offset_x
// y_dst = S * y_src + offset_y
// Returns a float tuple (S, offset_x, offset_y).
static std::optional<std::tuple<float, float, float>> GetCoordinateTransform(
const Size src, const Size dst);
std::unique_ptr<human_sensing::FaceDetectorClientCrosWrapper> wrapper);
void PrepareBuffer(Size img_size);
int ScaleImage(buffer_handle_t buffer, Size input_size, Size output_size);
// Used to import gralloc buffer.
CameraBufferManager* buffer_manager_;
base::Lock lock_;
std::vector<uint8_t> scaled_buffer_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
std::unique_ptr<human_sensing::FaceDetectorClientCrosWrapper> wrapper_;
std::string LandmarkTypeToString(human_sensing::Landmark::Type type);
} // namespace cros