blob: fb9a3e2055b66b899c57a2d4ba138b57de525b90 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Simulated HPS hardware device.
#include "hps/hal/fake_dev.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include "hps/hps_reg.h"
#include "hps/utils.h"
namespace hps {
bool FakeDev::ReadDevice(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t* data, size_t len) {
// Clear the whole buffer.
memset(data, 0, len);
if ((cmd & 0x80) != 0) {
// Register read.
uint16_t value = this->ReadRegister(static_cast<HpsReg>(cmd & 0x7F));
// Store the value of the register into the buffer.
if (len > 0) {
data[0] = (value >> 8) & 0xFF;
if (len > 1) {
data[1] = value & 0xFF;
} else {
// No memory read.
return false;
return true;
bool FakeDev::WriteDevice(uint8_t cmd, const uint8_t* data, size_t len) {
if ((cmd & 0x80) != 0) {
if (len != 0) {
// Register write.
uint16_t value = static_cast<uint16_t>(data[0] << 8);
if (len > 1) {
value |= data[1];
this->WriteRegister(static_cast<HpsReg>(cmd & 0x7F), value);
} else if ((cmd & 0xC0) == 0) {
// Memory write.
return this->WriteMemory(static_cast<HpsBank>(cmd & 0x3F), data, len);
} else {
// Unknown command.
return false;
return true;
// Switch to the stage selected, and set up any flags or config.
// Depending on the stage, the HPS module supports different
// registers and attributes.
void FakeDev::SetStage(Stage s) {
this->stage_ = s;
switch (s) {
case Stage::kStage0:
this->bank_ = BIT(0);
this->fault_ = RError::kNone;
this->feature_on_ = 0;
case Stage::kStage1:
this->bank_ = BIT(1) | BIT(2);
case Stage::kAppl:
this->bank_ = 0;
uint16_t FakeDev::ReadRegister(HpsReg reg) {
uint16_t v = 0;
switch (reg) {
case HpsReg::kMagic:
v = kHpsMagic;
case HpsReg::kHwRev:
if (this->stage_ == Stage::kStage0) {
v = 0x0104; // Version return in stage0.
case HpsReg::kSysStatus:
v = hps::R2::kOK;
if (this->fault_ != RError::kNone) {
v |= hps::R2::kFault;
if (this->stage_ == Stage::kStage0) {
v |= hps::R2::kStage0;
if (this->Flag(Flags::kWpOff)) {
v |= hps::R2::kWpOff;
} else {
v |= hps::R2::kWpOn;
if (this->stage_ == Stage::kStage1) {
v |= hps::R2::kStage1;
if (this->stage_ == Stage::kAppl) {
v |= hps::R2::kAppl;
case HpsReg::kBankReady:
v = this->bank_;
case HpsReg::kFeature0:
if (this->feature_on_ & hps::R7::kFeature0Enable) {
v = this->f0_result_;
case HpsReg::kFeature1:
if (this->feature_on_ & hps::R7::kFeature1Enable) {
v = this->f1_result_;
case HpsReg::kFirmwareVersionHigh:
// Firmware version, only returned in stage1.
if (this->stage_ == Stage::kStage1) {
v = static_cast<uint16_t>(firmware_version_ >> 16);
} else {
v = 0xFFFF;
case HpsReg::kFirmwareVersionLow:
// Firmware version, only returned in stage1.
if (this->stage_ == Stage::kStage1) {
v = static_cast<uint16_t>(firmware_version_ & 0xFFFF);
} else {
v = 0xFFFF;
case HpsReg::kError:
v = this->fault_;
case HpsReg::kSysCmd:
case HpsReg::kApplVers:
case HpsReg::kFeatEn:
case HpsReg::kFpgaBootCount:
case HpsReg::kFpgaLoopCount:
case HpsReg::kFpgaRomVersion:
case HpsReg::kSpiFlashStatus:
case HpsReg::kDebugIdx:
case HpsReg::kDebugVal:
case HpsReg::kCameraConfig:
case HpsReg::kMax:
VLOG(2) << "Read reg " << HpsRegToString(reg) << " value " << v;
return v;
void FakeDev::WriteRegister(HpsReg reg, uint16_t value) {
VLOG(2) << "Write reg " << HpsRegToString(reg) << " value " << value;
// Ignore everything except the command register.
switch (reg) {
case HpsReg::kSysCmd:
if (value & hps::R3::kReset) {
} else if (value & hps::R3::kLaunch1) {
// Only valid in stage0
if (this->stage_ == Stage::kStage0) {
// Only boot if stage1 was valid, or WP is off
if (this->Flag(Flags::kStage1NotVerified) &&
!this->Flag(Flags::kWpOff)) {
this->fault_ = hps::RError::kStage1InvalidSignature;
} else if (this->Flag(Flags::kFlashEccError)) {
this->fault_ = hps::RError::kMcuFlashEcc;
} else {
} else if (value & hps::R3::kLaunchAppl) {
// Only valid in stage1
if (this->stage_ == Stage::kStage1) {
// only boot valid spi flash, else set fault bit
if (this->Flag(Flags::kSpiNotVerified)) {
this->fault_ = hps::RError::kSpiFlashNotVerified;
} else {
} else if (value & hps::R3::kEraseStage1) {
// Only valid in stage0
if (this->stage_ == Stage::kStage0) {
this->bank_erased_[HpsBank::kMcuFlash] = true;
} else if (value & hps::R3::kEraseSpiFlash) {
// Only valid in stage1
if (this->stage_ == Stage::kStage1) {
this->bank_erased_[HpsBank::kSpiFlash] = true;
this->bank_erased_[HpsBank::kSocRom] = true;
case HpsReg::kFeatEn:
// Set the feature enable bit mask.
this->feature_on_ = value;
case HpsReg::kMagic:
case HpsReg::kHwRev:
case HpsReg::kSysStatus:
case HpsReg::kApplVers:
case HpsReg::kBankReady:
case HpsReg::kError:
case HpsReg::kFeature0:
case HpsReg::kFeature1:
case HpsReg::kFirmwareVersionHigh:
case HpsReg::kFirmwareVersionLow:
case HpsReg::kFpgaBootCount:
case HpsReg::kFpgaLoopCount:
case HpsReg::kFpgaRomVersion:
case HpsReg::kSpiFlashStatus:
case HpsReg::kDebugIdx:
case HpsReg::kDebugVal:
case HpsReg::kCameraConfig:
case HpsReg::kMax:
// Returns the number of bytes written.
// The length includes 4 bytes of prepended address.
bool FakeDev::WriteMemory(HpsBank bank, const uint8_t* data, size_t len) {
if (this->Flag(Flags::kMemFail)) {
return false;
// Don't allow writes that exceed the max block size.
if (len > (this->block_size_b_ + sizeof(uint32_t))) {
return false;
// Bank must be explicitly erased before writing.
if (!this->bank_erased_[bank]) {
return false;
switch (this->stage_) {
case Stage::kStage0:
// Stage0 allows the MCU flash to be written.
if (bank == HpsBank::kMcuFlash) {
this->bank_len_[bank] += len - sizeof(uint32_t);
// Check if the fake needs to reset the not-verified bit.
if (this->Flag(Flags::kResetApplVerification)) {
// Check if the fake should increment the version.
if (this->Flag(Flags::kIncrementVersion)) {
return true;
case Stage::kStage1:
// Stage1 allows the SPI flash to be written.
if (bank == HpsBank::kSpiFlash || bank == HpsBank::kSocRom) {
this->bank_len_[bank] += len - sizeof(uint32_t);
// Check if the fake needs to reset the not-verified bit.
if (this->Flag(Flags::kResetSpiVerification)) {
return true;
case Stage::kAppl:
return false;
size_t FakeDev::GetBankLen(hps::HpsBank bank) {
return this->bank_len_[bank];
} // namespace hps