blob: 6f29e5c14f5895b544d01b2eee80a476123c147c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Common datatypes shared between document scanner API and camera app.
// NOTE: This mojom exists in two places and must be kept in sync:
// Chromium: //chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/
// Chrome OS: src/platform2/ml/mojom/
// Note: Other repos downstream of Chromium might also use this mojom.
// Example: A backwards-compatible mojom change (and corresponding
// implementation change) can be made in Chrome OS first, then replicated to the
// clients (Chromium, other downstream repos) later.
// Use //chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/ to help
// replicate Chrome OS-side changes over to Chromium.
module chromeos.machine_learning.mojom;
// Image rotation in clockwise direction.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum Rotation {
// 0 degree rotation (no rotation).
// 90 degree rotation.
ROTATION_90 = 1,
// 180 degree rotation.
ROTATION_180 = 2,
// 270 degree rotation.
ROTATION_270 = 3,