blob: 29a43575e8afdafc92c443951111e9464a86c87c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "rmad/metrics/metrics_utils_impl.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_refptr.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <metrics/structured/structured_events.h>
#include "rmad/constants.h"
#include "rmad/metrics/metrics_constants.h"
#include "rmad/utils/json_store.h"
using StructuredShimlessRmaReport =
using StructuredReplacedComponent =
using StructuredOccurredError =
using StructuredAdditionalActivity =
namespace rmad {
MetricsUtilsImpl::MetricsUtilsImpl(bool record_to_system)
: record_to_system_(record_to_system) {}
bool MetricsUtilsImpl::Record(scoped_refptr<JsonStore> json_store,
bool is_complete) {
if (!RecordShimlessRmaReport(json_store, is_complete) ||
!RecordOccurredErrors(json_store) ||
!RecordReplacedComponents(json_store) ||
!RecordAdditionalActivities(json_store)) {
return false;
return true;
bool MetricsUtilsImpl::RecordShimlessRmaReport(
scoped_refptr<JsonStore> json_store, bool is_complete) {
auto report = StructuredShimlessRmaReport();
double current_timestamp = base::Time::Now().ToDoubleT();
double first_setup_timestamp;
if (!json_store->GetValue(kFirstSetupTimestamp, &first_setup_timestamp)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get timestamp of the first setup.";
return false;
static_cast<int>(current_timestamp - first_setup_timestamp));
double setup_timestamp;
if (!json_store->GetValue(kSetupTimestamp, &setup_timestamp) ||
!json_store->SetValue(kSetupTimestamp, current_timestamp)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get and reset setup timestamp for measuring "
"running time.";
return false;
double running_time = 0.0;
// It could be the first time we have calculated the running time, thus the
// return value is ignored.
json_store->GetValue(kRunningTime, &running_time);
running_time += current_timestamp - setup_timestamp;
if (bool is_ro_verified;
json_store->GetValue(kRoFirmwareVerified, &is_ro_verified)) {
if (is_ro_verified) {
} else {
} else {
ReturningOwner returning_owner = ReturningOwner::UNKNOWN;
// Ignore the else part and leave it as the default value, because we may
// abort earlier than we know it.
if (bool is_same_owner; json_store->GetValue(kSameOwner, &is_same_owner)) {
if (is_same_owner) {
returning_owner = ReturningOwner::SAME_OWNER;
} else {
returning_owner = ReturningOwner::DIFFERENT_OWNER;
MainboardReplacement mlb_replacement = MainboardReplacement::UNKNOWN;
// Ignore the else part and leave it as the default value, because we may
// abort earlier than we know it.
if (bool is_mlb_replaced;
json_store->GetValue(kMlbRepair, &is_mlb_replaced)) {
if (is_mlb_replaced) {
mlb_replacement = MainboardReplacement::REPLACED;
} else {
mlb_replacement = MainboardReplacement::ORIGINAL;
int wp_disable_method = static_cast<int>(WriteProtectDisableMethod::UNKNOWN);
// Ignore the else part, because we may not have decided on it.
if (json_store->GetValue(kWriteProtectDisableMethod, &wp_disable_method)) {
if (std::find(kValidWpDisableMethods.begin(), kValidWpDisableMethods.end(),
static_cast<WriteProtectDisableMethod>(wp_disable_method)) ==
kValidWpDisableMethods.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse [" << wp_disable_method
<< "] as write protect disable method to append to metrics.";
return false;
if (record_to_system_ && !report.Record()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to record shimless rma report to metrics.";
return false;
return true;
bool MetricsUtilsImpl::RecordReplacedComponents(
scoped_refptr<JsonStore> json_store) {
// Ignore the else part, because we may not replace anything.
if (std::vector<std::string> replace_component_names;
json_store->GetValue(kReplacedComponentNames, &replace_component_names)) {
for (const std::string& component_name : replace_component_names) {
if (RmadComponent component;
RmadComponent_Parse(component_name, &component)) {
auto structured_replace_component = StructuredReplacedComponent();
if (record_to_system_ && !structured_replace_component.Record()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to record replaced component to metrics.";
return false;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse [" << component_name
<< "] as component to append to metrics.";
return false;
return true;
bool MetricsUtilsImpl::RecordOccurredErrors(
scoped_refptr<JsonStore> json_store) {
// Ignore the else part, because we may have no errors.
if (std::vector<std::string> occurred_errors;
json_store->GetValue(kOccurredErrors, &occurred_errors)) {
for (const std::string& occurred_error : occurred_errors) {
if (RmadErrorCode error_code;
RmadErrorCode_Parse(occurred_error, &error_code)) {
auto structured_occurred_error = StructuredOccurredError();
if (record_to_system_ && !structured_occurred_error.Record()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to record error code to metrics.";
return false;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse [" << occurred_error
<< "] as error code to append to metrics.";
return false;
return true;
bool MetricsUtilsImpl::RecordAdditionalActivities(
scoped_refptr<JsonStore> json_store) {
// Ignore the else part, because we may have no additional activities.
if (std::vector<int> additional_activities;
json_store->GetValue(kAdditionalActivities, &additional_activities)) {
for (int additional_activity : additional_activities) {
if (std::find(kValidAdditionalActivities.begin(),
static_cast<AdditionalActivity>(additional_activity)) !=
kValidAdditionalActivities.end()) {
auto structured_additional_activity = StructuredAdditionalActivity();
if (record_to_system_ && !structured_additional_activity.Record()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to record additional activity to metrics.";
return false;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse [" << additional_activity
<< "] as additional activity to append to metrics.";
return false;
return true;
} // namespace rmad