blob: 2b02debf0af10f449890c8c3cc8b9ac5c7ae24b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "typecd/chrome_features_service_client.h"
#include "typecd/ec_util.h"
#include "typecd/metrics.h"
#include "typecd/notification_manager.h"
#include "typecd/port.h"
#include "typecd/session_manager_observer_interface.h"
#include "typecd/udev_monitor.h"
namespace typecd {
// This class is used to manage Type C ports and related state. Its role is to
// provide the daemon with an accurate view of the Type C state (after reading
// from the Type C connector class framework sysfs files), as well as provide a
// means to change this state according to policy defined in the daemon.
class PortManager : public UdevMonitor::TypecObserver,
public SessionManagerObserverInterface {
PortManager(const PortManager&) = delete;
PortManager& operator=(const PortManager&) = delete;
void SetECUtil(ECUtil* ec_util) { ec_util_ = ec_util; }
bool GetModeEntrySupported() { return mode_entry_supported_; }
void SetModeEntrySupported(bool supported) {
mode_entry_supported_ = supported;
bool GetUserActive() { return user_active_; }
void SetUserActive(bool active) { user_active_ = active; }
void SetNotificationManager(NotificationManager* mgr) { notify_mgr_ = mgr; }
void SetMetrics(Metrics* metrics) { metrics_ = metrics; }
void SetFeaturesClient(ChromeFeaturesServiceClient* client) {
features_client_ = client;
bool GetPeripheralDataAccess() { return peripheral_data_access_; }
void SetPeripheralDataAccess(bool val) { peripheral_data_access_ = val; }
friend class PortManagerFuzzer;
friend class PortManagerTest;
FRIEND_TEST(PortManagerTest, ModeEntryNotSupported);
FRIEND_TEST(PortManagerTest, SimpleModeEntry);
FRIEND_TEST(PortManagerTest, ModeSwitchUnlockDPandTBT);
FRIEND_TEST(PortManagerTest, ModeSwitchUnlockUSB4);
FRIEND_TEST(PortManagerTest, ModeSwitchSessionStoppedDPandTBT);
FRIEND_TEST(PortManagerTest, ModeSwitchSessionStoppedTBT);
FRIEND_TEST(PortManagerTest, ModeSwitchUnlockDPAndTBTNoPeripheralAccess);
FRIEND_TEST(PortManagerTest, ModeSwitchDPandTBTPeripheralDataAccessChanging);
FRIEND_TEST(PortManagerTest, ModeSwitchTBTPeripheralDataAccessChanging);
// UdevMonitor::Observer overrides.
void OnPortAddedOrRemoved(const base::FilePath& path,
int port_num,
bool added) override;
void OnPartnerAddedOrRemoved(const base::FilePath& path,
int port_num,
bool added) override;
void OnPartnerAltModeAddedOrRemoved(const base::FilePath& path,
int port_num,
bool added) override;
void OnCableAddedOrRemoved(const base::FilePath& path,
int port_num,
bool added) override;
void OnCablePlugAdded(const base::FilePath& path, int port_num) override;
void OnCableAltModeAdded(const base::FilePath& path, int port_num) override;
void OnPartnerChanged(int port_num) override;
void OnPortChanged(int port_num) override;
// SessionManagerObserverInterface overrides.
void OnScreenIsLocked() override;
void OnScreenIsUnlocked() override;
void OnSessionStarted() override;
void OnSessionStopped() override;
void HandleUnlock();
void HandleSessionStopped();
// Central function to perform metrics reporting for the peripherals.
void ReportMetrics(int port_num);
// The central function which contains the main mode entry logic. This decides
// which partner mode we select, based on partner/cable characteristics as
// well as host properties and any other device specific policy we choose to
// implement.
void RunModeEntry(int port_num);
std::map<int, std::unique_ptr<Port>> ports_;
bool mode_entry_supported_;
ECUtil* ec_util_;
// Pointer to the NotificationManager instance. NOTE: This is owned by the
// parent Daemon, and not PortManager.
NotificationManager* notify_mgr_;
// Pointer to the ChromeFeaturesServiceClient instance. NOTE: This is owned
// by the parent Daemon, and not PortManager.
ChromeFeaturesServiceClient* features_client_;
// Variable that is used to determine what alt mode should be entered. It is
// updated in response to session manager events. It is set to false when the
// screen is locked, and true when unlocked. In addition to that, it is also
// set to true when a session starts i.e when a user logs in, and false when a
// session ends i.e the user logs out.
bool user_active_;
// Variable used to reflect the Chrome setting regarding peripheral data
// access. When it is false, we should *not* trigger a switch to TBT mode
// (if applicable) even if the |user_active_| state is true.
bool peripheral_data_access_;
// Pointer to the metrics reporting class. NOTE: THis is owned by the parent
// Daemon, and not PortManager.
Metrics* metrics_;
} // namespace typecd