blob: 22676d2cd662992cf8b982c98884ddcc59d0343f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "typecd/port.h"
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <re2/re2.h>
#include "typecd/pd_vdo_constants.h"
namespace {
constexpr char kDualRoleRegex[] = R"(\[(\w+)\])";
} // namespace
namespace typecd {
Port::Port(const base::FilePath& syspath, int port_num)
: syspath_(syspath),
power_role_(PowerRole::kNone) {
LOG(INFO) << "Port " << port_num_ << " enumerated.";
void Port::AddCable(const base::FilePath& path) {
if (cable_) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Cable already exists for port " << port_num_;
cable_ = std::make_unique<Cable>(path);
LOG(INFO) << "Cable enumerated for port " << port_num_;
void Port::RemoveCable() {
if (!cable_) {
LOG(WARNING) << "No partner present for port " << port_num_;
LOG(INFO) << "Cable removed for port " << port_num_;
void Port::AddCablePlug(const base::FilePath& syspath) {
if (!cable_) {
LOG(WARNING) << "No cable present for port " << port_num_;
void Port::AddPartner(const base::FilePath& path) {
if (partner_) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Partner already exists for port " << port_num_;
partner_ = std::make_unique<Partner>(path, this);
LOG(INFO) << "Partner enumerated for port " << port_num_;
void Port::RemovePartner() {
if (!partner_) {
LOG(WARNING) << "No partner present for port " << port_num_;
// Since a partner is disconnected, we should reset the |metrics_reported_|
// flag so that metrics can be reported on the next connect.
metrics_reported_ = false;
LOG(INFO) << "Partner removed for port " << port_num_;
void Port::AddRemovePartnerAltMode(const base::FilePath& path, bool added) {
if (!partner_) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Trying to add alt mode for non-existent partner on port "
<< port_num_;
if (added) {
if (!partner_->AddAltMode(path))
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add alt mode for port " << port_num_
<< " at path " << path;
} else {
void Port::AddCableAltMode(const base::FilePath& path) {
if (!cable_) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Trying to add alt mode for non-existent cable on port "
<< port_num_;
if (!cable_->AddAltMode(path)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add SOP' alt mode for port " << port_num_
<< " at path " << path;
void Port::PartnerChanged() {
if (!partner_) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Trying to update a non-existent partner on port "
<< port_num_;
void Port::PortChanged() {
DataRole Port::GetDataRole() {
return data_role_;
PowerRole Port::GetPowerRole() {
return power_role_;
bool Port::CanEnterDPAltMode(bool* invalid_dpalt_cable_ptr) {
bool dp_alt_available = false;
bool partner_is_receptacle = false;
for (int i = 0; i < partner_->GetNumAltModes(); i++) {
auto alt_mode = partner_->GetAltMode(i);
// Only enter DP if:
// - The DP SID is found.
// - The DP altmode VDO says it is DFP_D capable.
if (!alt_mode || alt_mode->GetSVID() != kDPAltModeSID)
if (alt_mode->GetVDO() & kDPModeSnk)
dp_alt_available = true;
if (alt_mode->GetVDO() & kDPModeReceptacle)
partner_is_receptacle = true;
// Partner does not support DPAltMode -> partner error
if (!dp_alt_available)
return false;
// If the partner supports DPAltMode and an invalid cable flag is passed to
// the function, check to see if the cable also supports DPAltMode.
if (invalid_dpalt_cable_ptr != nullptr) {
// First assume the cable can support DPAlt mode.
*invalid_dpalt_cable_ptr = false;
// Missing cable with partner indicating it is not captive -> cable error.
if (!cable_ && partner_is_receptacle)
*invalid_dpalt_cable_ptr = true;
// Cable exists and partner supports DPAltMode. If cable is usb2 and the
// partner is a receptacle -> cable error.
// Otherwise it is a captive cable, and not a cable error.
auto speed = cable_->GetProductTypeVDO1() & kUSBSpeedBitMask;
if (speed == kUSBSpeed20 && partner_is_receptacle)
*invalid_dpalt_cable_ptr = true;
// Partner supports DPAltMode.
return true;
// Mode entry check for TBT compatibility mode.
// Ref:
// USB Type-C Connector Spec, release 2.0
// Figure F-1.
ModeEntryResult Port::CanEnterTBTCompatibilityMode() {
// Check if the partner supports Modal Operation
// Ref:
// USB PD spec, rev 3.0, v2.0.
// Table 6-29
if (!partner_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No partner object registered, can't enter TBT Compat mode.";
return ModeEntryResult::kPartnerError;
auto partner_idh = partner_->GetIdHeaderVDO();
if (!(partner_idh & kIDHeaderVDOModalOperationBitField)) {
return ModeEntryResult::kPartnerError;
// Check if the partner supports TBT compatibility mode.
if (!IsPartnerAltModePresent(kTBTAltModeVID)) {
LOG(INFO) << "TBT Compat mode not supported by partner.";
return ModeEntryResult::kPartnerError;
if (!cable_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No cable object registered, can't enter TBT Compat mode.";
return ModeEntryResult::kCableError;
// Check if the Cable meets TBT3 speed requirements.
// NOTE: Since we aren't configuring the TBT3 entry speed, we don't
// need to check for the existence of TBT3 alt mode in the SOP' discovery.
if (!cable_->TBT3PDIdentityCheck())
return ModeEntryResult::kCableError;
return ModeEntryResult::kSuccess;
// Follow the USB4 entry checks as per:
// Figure 5-1: USB4 Discovery and Entry Flow Model
// USB Type-C Cable & Connector Spec Rel 2.0.
ModeEntryResult Port::CanEnterUSB4() {
if (!partner_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Attempting USB4 entry without a registered partner on port: "
<< port_num_;
return ModeEntryResult::kPartnerError;
// Partner doesn't support USB4.
auto partner_cap =
(partner_->GetProductTypeVDO1() >> kDeviceCapabilityBitOffset) &
if (!(partner_cap & kDeviceCapabilityUSB4))
return ModeEntryResult::kPartnerError;
if (!cable_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Attempting USB4 entry without a registered cable on port: "
<< port_num_;
return ModeEntryResult::kCableError;
// Cable checks.
auto cable_type =
(cable_->GetIdHeaderVDO() >> kIDHeaderVDOProductTypeBitOffset) &
if (cable_type == kIDHeaderVDOProductTypeCableActive) {
auto vdo_version =
(cable_->GetProductTypeVDO1() >> kActiveCableVDO1VDOVersionOffset) &
// For VDO version == 1.3, check if Active Cable VDO2 supports USB4.
// NOTE: The meaning of this field is inverted; the bit field being set
// means USB4 is *not* supported.
if (vdo_version == kActiveCableVDO1VDOVersion13) {
if (cable_->GetProductTypeVDO2() & kActiveCableVDO2USB4SupportedBitField)
return ModeEntryResult::kCableError;
return ModeEntryResult::kSuccess;
// For VDO version != 1.3, don't enable USB4 if the cable:
// - doesn't support modal operation, or
// - doesn't have an Intel SVID Alt mode, or
// - doesn't have rounded support.
if (!(cable_->GetIdHeaderVDO() & kIDHeaderVDOModalOperationBitField))
return ModeEntryResult::kCableError;
if (!IsCableAltModePresent(kTBTAltModeVID))
return ModeEntryResult::kCableError;
// Go through cable alt modes and check for rounded support in the TBT VDO.
auto num_altmodes = cable_->GetNumAltModes();
for (int i = 0; i < num_altmodes; i++) {
AltMode* altmode = cable_->GetAltMode(i);
if (!altmode || altmode->GetSVID() != kTBTAltModeVID)
auto rounded_support =
altmode->GetVDO() >> kTBT3CableDiscModeVDORoundedSupportOffset &
if (rounded_support == kTBT3CableDiscModeVDO_3_4_Gen_Rounded_Non_Rounded)
return ModeEntryResult::kSuccess;
return ModeEntryResult::kCableError;
} else if (cable_type == kIDHeaderVDOProductTypeCablePassive) {
// Apart from USB2.0, USB4 is supported for all other speeds.
auto speed = cable_->GetProductTypeVDO1() & kUSBSpeedBitMask;
if (speed != kUSBSpeed20)
return ModeEntryResult::kSuccess;
return ModeEntryResult::kCableError;
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid cable type: " << cable_type
<< ", USB4 entry aborted on port " << port_num_;
return ModeEntryResult::kCableError;
bool Port::IsPartnerAltModePresent(uint16_t altmode_sid) {
auto num_alt_modes = partner_->GetNumAltModes();
for (int i = 0; i < num_alt_modes; i++) {
AltMode* alt_mode = partner_->GetAltMode(i);
if (!alt_mode)
if (alt_mode->GetSVID() == altmode_sid)
return true;
return false;
bool Port::IsPartnerDiscoveryComplete() {
if (!partner_) {
<< "Trying to check discovery complete for a non-existent partner.";
return false;
return partner_->DiscoveryComplete();
bool Port::PartnerSupportsPD() {
if (!partner_) {
LOG(INFO) << "Trying to check supports PD for a non-existent partner.";
return false;
return partner_->GetSupportsPD();
bool Port::IsCableAltModePresent(uint16_t altmode_sid) {
return cable_->IsAltModeSVIDPresent(altmode_sid);
bool Port::IsCableDiscoveryComplete() {
if (!cable_) {
LOG(INFO) << "Trying to check discovery complete for a non-existent cable.";
return false;
return cable_->DiscoveryComplete();
void Port::ParseDataRole() {
DataRole role = DataRole::kNone;
std::string role_str;
std::string sysfs_str;
auto path = syspath_.Append("data_role");
if (!base::ReadFileToString(path, &sysfs_str)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't read sysfs path " << path;
goto end;
// First check for a dual role port, in which case the current role is in
// box-brackets. For example: [host] device
if (!RE2::PartialMatch(sysfs_str, kDualRoleRegex, &role_str)) {
<< "Couldn't determine role, assuming DRP(Dual Role Port) for port "
<< port_num_;
if (role_str == "")
role_str = sysfs_str;
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(role_str, base::TRIM_ALL, &role_str);
if (role_str == "host")
role = DataRole::kHost;
else if (role_str == "device")
role = DataRole::kDevice;
data_role_ = role;
void Port::ParsePowerRole() {
PowerRole role = PowerRole::kNone;
std::string role_str;
std::string sysfs_str;
auto path = syspath_.Append("power_role");
if (!base::ReadFileToString(path, &sysfs_str)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't read sysfs path " << path;
goto end;
// First check for a dual role port, in which case the current role is in
// box-brackets. For example: [source] sink
if (!RE2::PartialMatch(sysfs_str, kDualRoleRegex, &role_str)) {
<< "Couldn't determine role, assuming DRP(Dual Role Port) for port "
<< port_num_;
if (role_str == "")
role_str = sysfs_str;
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(role_str, base::TRIM_ALL, &role_str);
if (role_str == "source")
role = PowerRole::kSource;
else if (role_str == "sink")
role = PowerRole::kSink;
power_role_ = role;
bool Port::CableLimitingUSBSpeed() {
if (!partner_ || !cable_)
return false;
// Check for cable product type.
auto cable_type =
(cable_->GetIdHeaderVDO() >> kIDHeaderVDOProductTypeBitOffset) &
if (cable_type != kIDHeaderVDOProductTypeCableActive &&
cable_type != kIDHeaderVDOProductTypeCablePassive)
return false;
// Check for captive cable.
auto cable_plug_type =
(cable_->GetProductTypeVDO1() >> kCableVDO1VDOPlugTypeOffset) &
if (cable_plug_type == kCableVDO1VDOPlugTypeCaptive)
return false;
// Check for partner product type.
auto partner_type =
(partner_->GetIdHeaderVDO() >> kIDHeaderVDOProductTypeBitOffset) &
if (partner_->GetPDRevision() == PDRevision::k20) {
// PD rev 2.0, v 1.3
// Table 6-24 Product Types (UFP)
// Only AMAs use a product type VDO.
if (partner_type != kIDHeaderVDOProductTypeUFPAMA)
return false;
} else if (partner_->GetPDRevision() == PDRevision::k30) {
// PD rev 3.0, v 2.0
// Table 6-30 Product Types (UFP)
// Only PDUSB hubs, PDUSB peripherals and AMAs use a product type VDO with
// USB speed.
if (partner_type != kIDHeaderVDOProductTypeUFPHub &&
partner_type != kIDHeaderVDOProductTypeUFPPeripheral &&
partner_type != kIDHeaderVDOProductTypeUFPAMA)
return false;
} else {
// Return false on undetermined PD revision.
return false;
auto cable_speed = cable_->GetProductTypeVDO1() & kUSBSpeedBitMask;
auto partner_speed = partner_->GetProductTypeVDO1() & kUSBSpeedBitMask;
// Check for TBT supporting cables which signal as USB 3.2 Gen2 passive
// cables in ID Header VDO and Passive Cable VDO, but can support USB4 with
// TBT3 Gen3 speed.
// USB Type-C Cable & Connector spec release 2.1
// Figure 5-1 USB4 Discovery and Entry Flow Model
if (cable_type == kIDHeaderVDOProductTypeCablePassive) {
for (int i = 0; i < cable_->GetNumAltModes(); i++) {
auto alt_mode = cable_->GetAltMode(i);
if (!alt_mode || alt_mode->GetSVID() != kTBTAltModeVID)
auto cable_tbt_mode =
(alt_mode->GetVDO() >> kTBT3CableDiscModeVDOModeOffset) &
auto cable_tbt_speed =
(alt_mode->GetVDO() >> kTBT3CableDiscModeVDOSpeedOffset) &
if (cable_tbt_mode == kTBT3CableDiscModeVDOModeTBT &&
cable_tbt_speed == kTBT3CableDiscModeVDOSpeed10G20G)
cable_speed = kUSB40SuperSpeedGen3;
return partner_speed > cable_speed;
void Port::ReportPartnerMetrics(Metrics* metrics) {
if (!partner_) {
LOG(INFO) << "Trying to report metrics for non-existent partner.";
void Port::ReportCableMetrics(Metrics* metrics) {
if (!cable_) {
LOG(INFO) << "Trying to report metrics for non-existent cable.";
void Port::ReportPortMetrics(Metrics* metrics) {
if (!metrics || metrics_reported_)
if (!IsCableDiscoveryComplete() || !IsPartnerDiscoveryComplete())
// Check cable for tracking DPAltMode cable metrics.
bool invalid_dpalt_cable = false;
bool can_enter_dpalt_mode = CanEnterDPAltMode(&invalid_dpalt_cable);
if (CanEnterUSB4() == ModeEntryResult::kCableError)
else if (CanEnterTBTCompatibilityMode() == ModeEntryResult::kCableError)
else if (can_enter_dpalt_mode && invalid_dpalt_cable)
metrics_reported_ = true;
} // namespace typecd