blob: a2bbec6ea37f4fd230744d72468907cb762fa8e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "secanomalyd/reporter.h"
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/strcat.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <brillo/process/process.h>
#include <crypto/sha2.h>
#include <vboot/crossystem.h>
#include "secanomalyd/mounts.h"
#include "secanomalyd/processes.h"
namespace secanomalyd {
namespace {
constexpr size_t kHashPrefixLengthInBytes = 5u;
constexpr char kRootPathReplacement[] = "slashroot";
constexpr char kCrashReporterPath[] = "/sbin/crash_reporter";
constexpr char kSecurityAnomalyFlag[] = "--security_anomaly";
constexpr char kWeightFlag[] = "--weight";
} // namespace
bool ShouldReport(bool report_in_dev_mode) {
// Reporting should only happen when booted in Verified mode and not running
// a developer image, unless explicitly instructed otherwise.
return ::VbGetSystemPropertyInt("cros_debug") == 0 || report_in_dev_mode;
std::string GenerateSignature(const MountEntryMap& wx_mounts) {
std::vector<std::string> dests;
for (const auto& p : wx_mounts) {
std::string signature;
// Use the first path as a visible sentinel for the signature.
// If the anomalous mount is on '/', replace the destination path with a
// default value so that the signature doesn't have consecutive dashes.
if (dests[0] != "/") {
base::ReplaceChars(dests[0], "/", "-", &signature);
} else {
signature = kRootPathReplacement;
// Hash the string resulting from joining all mount destinations separated
// by newlines. Take the first five bytes and use that to complete the
// signature.
std::vector<uint8_t> prefix(kHashPrefixLengthInBytes);
crypto::SHA256HashString(base::JoinString(dests, "\n"),,
base::StrAppend(&signature, {"-", base::HexEncode(prefix)});
return signature;
MaybeReport GenerateAnomalousSystemReport(const MountEntryMap& wx_mounts,
const MaybeMountEntries& all_mounts,
const MaybeProcEntries& all_procs) {
// First line: signature
// Second line: metadata
// signals: wx-mount|root-proc|non-vb-proc
// dest: /usr/local, e.g.
// Third+ line: content
// We need at least one anomalous condition to generate the report signature.
if (wx_mounts.empty()) {
return base::nullopt;
std::vector<std::string> lines;
// Generate signature.
// Generate metadata.
base::FilePath dest = wx_mounts.begin()->first;
std::string metadata;
// Metadata are a set of key-value pairs where keys and values are separated
// by \x01 and pairs are separated by \x02:
// 'signals\x01wx-mount\x02dest\x01/usr/local'
// Right now we only support listing which anomalies triggered the upload of
// this report, and signalling which specific anomaly was used for the
// signature.
{"signals\x01wx-mount", "\x02", "dest\x01", dest.value()});
// List anomalous conditions.
lines.emplace_back("=== Anomalous conditions ===");
for (const auto& tuple : wx_mounts) {
lines.emplace_back("=== Mounts ===");
if (all_mounts) {
// List mounts.
for (const auto& mount_entry : all_mounts.value()) {
} else {
lines.emplace_back("Could not obtain mounts");
lines.emplace_back("=== Processes ===");
if (all_procs) {
// List processes.
for (const auto& proc_entry : all_procs.value()) {
} else {
lines.emplace_back("Could not obtain processes");
// Ensure reports have a trailing newline. Trailing newlines make reports
// easier to read in a terminal.
return MaybeReport(base::JoinString(lines, "\n"));
bool SendReport(base::StringPiece report,
brillo::Process* crash_reporter,
int weight,
bool report_in_dev_mode) {
if (!ShouldReport(report_in_dev_mode)) {
VLOG(1) << "Not in Verified mode, not reporting";
return true;
VLOG(1) << "secanomalyd invoking crash_reporter";
crash_reporter->AddArg(base::StringPrintf("%s=%d", kWeightFlag, weight));
crash_reporter->RedirectUsingPipe(STDIN_FILENO, true /*is_input*/);
if (!crash_reporter->Start()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to start crash reporting process";
return false;
int stdin_fd = crash_reporter->GetPipe(STDIN_FILENO);
if (stdin_fd < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get stdin pipe for crash reporting process";
return false;
base::ScopedFD stdin(stdin_fd);
if (!base::WriteFileDescriptor(stdin_fd, report)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write report to crash reporting process' stdin";
return false;
// |crash_reporter| returns 0 on success.
return crash_reporter->Wait() == 0;
bool ReportAnomalousSystem(const MountEntryMap& wx_mounts,
int weight,
bool report_in_dev_mode) {
MaybeReport anomaly_report =
GenerateAnomalousSystemReport(wx_mounts, base::nullopt, base::nullopt);
if (!anomaly_report) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to generate anomalous system report";
return false;
brillo::ProcessImpl crash_reporter;
if (!SendReport(anomaly_report.value(), &crash_reporter, weight,
report_in_dev_mode)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to send anomalous system report";
return false;
return true;
} // namespace secanomalyd