blob: 551811eee44e7bf955fe8fa037021d5223788ec2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include <crypto/scoped_openssl_types.h>
#include <openssl/rsa.h>
#include "cryptohome/signature_sealing_backend.h"
namespace cryptohome {
class TpmImpl;
// Implementation of signature-sealing operations for TPM 1.2. Based on the
// Certified Migratable Key functionality, with the CMK's private key contents
// playing the role of the sealed secret. The CMK is of 2048-bit size.
// Only the |kRsassaPkcs1V15Sha1| algorithm is supported by this implementation.
class SignatureSealingBackendTpm1Impl final : public SignatureSealingBackend {
explicit SignatureSealingBackendTpm1Impl(TpmImpl* tpm);
SignatureSealingBackendTpm1Impl(const SignatureSealingBackendTpm1Impl&) =
SignatureSealingBackendTpm1Impl& operator=(
const SignatureSealingBackendTpm1Impl&) = delete;
~SignatureSealingBackendTpm1Impl() override;
// SignatureSealingBackend:
hwsec::StatusChain<hwsec::TPMErrorBase> CreateSealedSecret(
const brillo::Blob& public_key_spki_der,
const std::vector<structure::ChallengeSignatureAlgorithm>& key_algorithms,
const std::map<uint32_t, brillo::Blob>& default_pcr_map,
const std::map<uint32_t, brillo::Blob>& extended_pcr_map,
const brillo::Blob& delegate_blob,
const brillo::Blob& delegate_secret,
brillo::SecureBlob* secret_value,
structure::SignatureSealedData* sealed_secret_data) override;
hwsec::StatusChain<hwsec::TPMErrorBase> CreateUnsealingSession(
const structure::SignatureSealedData& sealed_secret_data,
const brillo::Blob& public_key_spki_der,
const std::vector<structure::ChallengeSignatureAlgorithm>& key_algorithms,
const std::set<uint32_t>& pcr_set,
const brillo::Blob& delegate_blob,
const brillo::Blob& delegate_secret,
bool locked_to_single_user,
std::unique_ptr<UnsealingSession>* unsealing_session) override;
// Unowned.
TpmImpl* const tpm_;
// Extracts the CMK's private key from the output of the migration procedure:
// the TPM_KEY12 blob of the migrated CMK in |migrated_cmk_key12_blob|, and the
// migration random XOR-mask in |migration_random_blob|. Returns the OpenSSL
// private key object.
crypto::ScopedRSA ExtractCmkPrivateKeyFromMigratedBlob(
const brillo::Blob& migrated_cmk_key12_blob,
const brillo::Blob& migration_random_blob,
const brillo::Blob& cmk_pubkey,
const brillo::Blob& cmk_pubkey_digest,
const brillo::Blob& msa_composite_digest,
RSA* migration_destination_rsa);
} // namespace cryptohome