blob: 982c9f40be5c1a8ef6f5de1879a5724f2f29eb12 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "init/file_attrs_cleaner.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/xattr.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
namespace file_attrs_cleaner {
const char xdg_origin_url[] = "user.xdg.origin.url";
const char xdg_referrer_url[] = "user.xdg.referrer.url";
namespace {
struct ScopedDirDeleter {
inline void operator()(DIR* dirp) const {
if (dirp)
using ScopedDir = std::unique_ptr<DIR, ScopedDirDeleter>;
bool CheckSucceeded(AttributeCheckStatus status) {
return status == AttributeCheckStatus::NO_ATTR ||
status == AttributeCheckStatus::CLEARED;
} // namespace
AttributeCheckStatus CheckFileAttributes(const base::FilePath& path,
bool isdir,
int fd) {
long flags; // NOLINT(runtime/int)
if (ioctl(fd, FS_IOC_GETFLAGS, &flags) != 0) {
PLOG(WARNING) << "Getting flags failed";
return AttributeCheckStatus::ERROR;
if (flags & FS_IMMUTABLE_FL) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Immutable bit found, clearing it";
flags &= ~FS_IMMUTABLE_FL;
if (ioctl(fd, FS_IOC_SETFLAGS, &flags) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to clear immutable bit";
return AttributeCheckStatus::CLEAR_FAILED;
return AttributeCheckStatus::CLEARED;
// The other file attribute flags look benign at this point.
return AttributeCheckStatus::NO_ATTR;
AttributeCheckStatus RemoveURLExtendedAttributes(const base::FilePath& path) {
bool found_xattr = false;
bool xattr_success = true;
for (const auto& attr_name : {xdg_origin_url, xdg_referrer_url}) {
if (getxattr(path.value().c_str(), attr_name, nullptr, 0) >= 0) {
// Attribute exists, clear it.
found_xattr = true;
bool res = removexattr(path.value().c_str(), attr_name) == 0;
if (!res) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to remove extended attribute";
xattr_success &= res;
if (found_xattr) {
return xattr_success ? AttributeCheckStatus::CLEARED
: AttributeCheckStatus::CLEAR_FAILED;
} else {
return AttributeCheckStatus::NO_ATTR;
bool ScanDir(const base::FilePath& dir,
const std::vector<std::string>& skip_recurse,
int* url_xattrs_count) {
// Internally glibc will use O_CLOEXEC when opening the directory.
// Unfortunately, there is no opendirat() helper we could use (so that ScanDir
// could accept a fd argument).
// We could use openat() ourselves and pass that to fdopendir(), but that has
// two downsides: (1) We can't use ScopedFD because opendir() will take over
// the fd -- when closedir() is called, close() will also be called. We can't
// skip the closedir() because we need to let the C library release resources
// associated with the DIR* handle. (2) When using fdopendir(), glibc will
// use fcntl() to make sure O_CLOEXEC is set even if we set it ourselves when
// we called openat(). It works, but adds a bit of syscall overhead here.
// Along those lines, we could dup() the fd passed in, but that would also add
// syscall overhead with no real benefit.
// So unless we change the signature of ScanDir to take a fd of the open dir
// to scan, we stick with opendir() here. Since this program only runs during
// early OS init, there shouldn't be other programs in the system racing with
// us to cause problems.
*url_xattrs_count = 0;
ScopedDir dirp(opendir(dir.value().c_str()));
if (dirp.get() == nullptr) {
PLOG(WARNING) << "Unable to open directory";
// This is a best effort routine so don't fail if the directory cannot be
// opened.
return true;
int dfd = dirfd(dirp.get());
if (!CheckSucceeded(CheckFileAttributes(dir, true /*isdir*/, dfd))) {
// This should never really fail...
return false;
// We might need this if we descend into a subdir. But if it's a leaf
// directory (no subdirs), we can skip the stat overhead entirely.
bool have_dirst = false;
struct stat dirst;
// Scan all the entries in this directory.
bool ret = true;
struct dirent* de;
std::vector<base::FilePath> subdirs;
while ((de = readdir(dirp.get())) != nullptr) {
CHECK(de->d_type != DT_UNKNOWN);
// Skip symlinks.
if (de->d_type == DT_LNK)
// Skip the . and .. fake directories.
const std::string_view name(de->d_name);
if (name == "." || name == "..")
// If the path component is listed in |skip_recurse|, skip it.
if (std::find(skip_recurse.begin(), skip_recurse.end(), name) !=
const base::FilePath path = dir.Append(de->d_name);
switch (de->d_type) {
case DT_DIR: {
// Don't cross mountpoints.
if (!have_dirst) {
// Load this on demand so leaf dirs don't waste time.
have_dirst = true;
if (fstat(dfd, &dirst) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to stat dir";
ret = false;
struct stat subdirst;
if (fstatat(dfd, de->d_name, &subdirst, 0) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to stat subdir";
ret = false;
if (dirst.st_dev != subdirst.st_dev) {
DVLOG(1) << "Skipping mounted directory " << path.value();
// Enqueue this directory for recursing.
// Recursing here is problematic because it means that |dirp| remains
// open for the lifetime of the process. Having a handle to the
// directory open for that long causes problems if the tool is still
// running when a user logs in. This can happen if the user has a lot of
// files in their home directory.
case DT_REG: {
// Check the settings on this file.
// Extended attributes can be read even on encrypted files, so remove
// them by path and not by file descriptor. Since the removal is
// best-effort anyway, TOCTOU issues should not be a problem.
AttributeCheckStatus status = RemoveURLExtendedAttributes(path);
ret &= CheckSucceeded(status);
if (status == AttributeCheckStatus::CLEARED)
base::ScopedFD fd(openat(
dfd, de->d_name, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK | O_NOFOLLOW | O_CLOEXEC));
if (!fd.is_valid()) {
// This routine can be executed over encrypted filesystems.
// ENOKEY is normal for encrypted files, so don't log in that case.
// We might be running in parallel with other programs which might
// delete paths on the fly, so ignore ENOENT too.
if (errno != ENOKEY || errno != ENOENT)
PLOG(WARNING) << "Skipping path";
// This is a best effort routine so don't fail if the path cannot be
// opened.
ret &= CheckSucceeded(
CheckFileAttributes(path, false /*is_dir*/, fd.get()));
case DT_FIFO:
case DT_CHR:
case DT_BLK:
case DT_LNK:
case DT_SOCK:
case DT_WHT:
// no action needed.
LOG(WARNING) << "Skipping path due to unsupported type " << de->d_type;
if (closedir(dirp.release()) != 0)
PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to close directory";
int sub_xattrs_count = 0;
for (const auto& subdir : subdirs) {
// Descend into this directory.
if (ScanDir(subdir, skip_recurse, &sub_xattrs_count))
*url_xattrs_count += sub_xattrs_count;
ret = false;
return ret;
} // namespace file_attrs_cleaner