blob: 143bffb0af2ba08510e401aeb43a155ac8ef8feb [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Library that provides certificate provisioning/signing interface.
#include <string>
#include <base/callback.h>
// Use this for the interface exported by this library.
#define CERT_PROVISION_EXPORT __attribute__((__visibility__("default")))
namespace cert_provision {
enum class Status {
Success = 0,
NotPrepared = 1,
NotProvisioned = 2,
HttpError = 3,
ServerError = 4,
DBusError = 5,
CryptohomeError = 6,
KeyStoreError = 7,
AttestationError = 8,
// Privacy CA types. These values match PCAType values in attestation.h,
// and are implicitly converted to cryptohome::Attestation::PCAType when
// calling cryptohome.
enum PCAType {
kDefaultPCA = 0, // The Google-operated Privacy CA.
kTestPCA = 1, // The test instance of the Google-operated Privacy CA.
// Attestation certificate profiles. These values match CertificateProfile
// values in attestation.proto, where descriptions for profiles are provided.
// They are implicitly converted to cryptohome::Attestation::PCAType when
// calling cryptohome.
enum CertificateProfile {
// Supported signing mechanisms.
enum SignMechanism {
SHA1_RSA_PKCS = 0, // Sign SHA-1 hash using RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5
SHA256_RSA_PKCS = 1, // Sign SHA-256 hash using RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5
SHA256_RSA_PSS = 2,
using ProgressCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void(
Status status, int progress, const std::string& message)>;
// Synchronously obtains a new certificate with |cert_profile| from the PCA.
// The PCA is identified by the |pca_type|. If |pca_url| is not empty, it
// overrides the default PCA url. Stores the obtained certificate, its private
// and public keys in the keystore under |label|.
// |progress_callback| is called after major internal steps or on errors:
// - on steps: status is set to Status::Success, progress is the number between
// 0 and 100 that roughly defines the completeness percentage, and message
// is the description of the current step.
// - on errors: status is set to the appropriate error, progress is set to 100,
// and message provides error details.
// Returns Status::Success if the certificate was successfully obtained, and
// an appropriate other status on errors.
ProvisionCertificate(PCAType pca_type,
const std::string& pca_url,
const std::string& label,
CertificateProfile cert_profile,
const ProgressCallback& progress_callback);
// Synchronously obtains a new certificate with |cert_profile| from the PCA.
// The PCA is identified by the |pca_type|. Stores the obtained certificate, its
// private and public keys in the keystore under |label|.
// |progress_callback| is called after major internal steps or on errors:
// - on steps: status is set to Status::Success, progress is the number between
// 0 and 100 that roughly defines the completeness percentage, and message
// is the description of the current step.
// - on errors: status is set to the appropriate error, progress is set to 100,
// and message provides error details.
// Returns Status::Success if the certificate was successfully obtained, and
// an appropriate other status on errors.
ProvisionCertificate(PCAType pca_type,
const std::string& label,
CertificateProfile cert_profile,
const ProgressCallback& progress_callback);
// Enroll with the PCA regardless of the current status (re-enroll if already
// enrolled).
// The PCA is identified by the |pca_type|. If |pca_url| is not empty, it
// overrides the default PCA url.
// |progress_callback| is called after major internal steps or on errors:
// - on steps: status is set to Status::Success, progress is the number between
// 0 and 100 that roughly defines the completeness percentage, and message
// is the description of the current step.
// - on errors: status is set to the appropriate error, progress is set to 100,
// and message provides error details.
// Returns Status::Success if the certificate was successfully obtained, and
// an appropriate other status on errors.
ForceEnroll(PCAType pca_type,
const std::string& pca_url,
const ProgressCallback& progress_callback);
// Enroll with the PCA regardless of the current status (re-enroll if already
// enrolled). The PCA is identified by the |pca_type|.
// |progress_callback| is called after major internal steps or on errors:
// - on steps: status is set to Status::Success, progress is the number between
// 0 and 100 that roughly defines the completeness percentage, and message
// is the description of the current step.
// - on errors: status is set to the appropriate error, progress is set to 100,
// and message provides error details.
// Returns Status::Success if the certificate was successfully obtained, and
// an appropriate other status on errors.
ForceEnroll(PCAType pca_type, const ProgressCallback& progress_callback);
// Retrieves the provisioned certificate identified by |label| into |cert| in
// PEM format. If |include_intermediate| is true, all intermediate certificates
// in its chain are also obtained.
// Returns Status::Success if the certificate was successfully obtained, and
// an appropriate other status on errors.
CERT_PROVISION_EXPORT Status GetCertificate(const std::string& label,
bool include_intermediate,
std::string* cert);
// Signs |data| with the private key of the certificate identified by |label|
// using signing |mechanism|. Stores the resulting signature in |signature|.
// Returns Status::Success if the certificate was successfully obtained, and
// an appropriate other status on errors.
CERT_PROVISION_EXPORT Status Sign(const std::string& label,
SignMechanism mechanism,
const std::string& data,
std::string* signature);
// Gets endorsement public key of the TPM.
GetEndorsementPublicKey(std::string* ek_public_key);
} // namespace cert_provision