blob: 60dcbc9e216479128791f830603e50eea355a2e8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "typecd/partner.h"
#include <string>
#include <base/files/file_enumerator.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <re2/re2.h>
#include "typecd/pd_vdo_constants.h"
#include "typecd/port.h"
namespace {
constexpr char kPartnerAltModeRegex[] = R"(port(\d+)-partner.(\d+))";
namespace typecd {
Partner::Partner(const base::FilePath& syspath, Port* port) : Partner(syspath) {
port_ = port;
Partner::Partner(const base::FilePath& syspath)
: Peripheral(syspath, "Partner"),
port_(nullptr) {
// Search for all alt modes which were already registered prior to daemon
// init.
base::FileEnumerator iter(GetSysPath(), false,
// This needs to be called explicitly since it's not in the base Peripheral
// class.
for (auto path = iter.Next(); !path.empty(); path = iter.Next())
bool Partner::AddAltMode(const base::FilePath& mode_syspath) {
int port, index;
if (!RE2::FullMatch(mode_syspath.BaseName().value(), kPartnerAltModeRegex,
&port, &index))
return false;
if (IsAltModePresent(index)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Alt mode already registered for syspath "
<< mode_syspath.BaseName();
return true;
auto alt_mode = AltMode::CreateAltMode(mode_syspath);
if (!alt_mode) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating alt mode for syspath " << mode_syspath;
return false;
alt_modes_.emplace(index, std::move(alt_mode));
LOG(INFO) << "Added alt mode for port " << port << " index " << index;
return true;
void Partner::RemoveAltMode(const base::FilePath& mode_syspath) {
int port, index;
if (!RE2::FullMatch(mode_syspath.BaseName().value(), kPartnerAltModeRegex,
&port, &index)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't parse alt mode index from syspath " << mode_syspath;
auto it = alt_modes_.find(index);
if (it == alt_modes_.end()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Trying to delete non-existent alt mode " << index;
LOG(INFO) << "Removed alt mode for port " << port << " index " << index;
bool Partner::IsAltModePresent(int index) {
auto it = alt_modes_.find(index);
if (it != alt_modes_.end()) {
return true;
LOG(INFO) << "Alt mode not found at index " << index;
return false;
void Partner::UpdatePDInfoFromSysfs() {
if (GetNumAltModes() == -1)
int Partner::ParseNumAltModes() {
auto path = GetSysPath().Append("number_of_alternate_modes");
std::string val_str;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(path, &val_str))
return -1;
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(val_str, base::TRIM_TRAILING, &val_str);
int num_altmodes;
if (!base::StringToInt(val_str.c_str(), &num_altmodes)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't parse num_altmodes from string: " << val_str;
return -1;
return num_altmodes;
AltMode* Partner::GetAltMode(int index) {
if (!IsAltModePresent(index))
return nullptr;
return alt_modes_.find(index)->second.get();
bool Partner::DiscoveryComplete() {
return num_alt_modes_ == alt_modes_.size();
void Partner::UpdateSupportsPD() {
auto path = GetSysPath().Append("supports_usb_power_delivery");
std::string val_str;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(path, &val_str)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't read value from path " << path;
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(val_str, base::TRIM_TRAILING, &val_str);
if (val_str == "yes")
supports_pd_ = true;
supports_pd_ = false;
PartnerTypeMetric Partner::GetPartnerTypeMetric() {
bool usb4 = false;
auto partner_cap = (GetProductTypeVDO1() >> kDeviceCapabilityBitOffset) &
if (partner_cap & kDeviceCapabilityUSB4) {
usb4 = true;
// Check for TBT/DP.
bool tbt_present = false;
bool dp_present = false;
for (const auto& [index, mode] : alt_modes_) {
if (mode->GetSVID() == kTBTAltModeVID)
tbt_present = true;
if ((mode->GetSVID() == kDPAltModeSID) && (mode->GetVDO() & kDPModeSnk))
dp_present = true;
bool usb_present = false;
// For situations where the device is a "regular" USB peripheral, try to
// determine whether it at least supports anything other than billboard.
auto product_type = (GetIdHeaderVDO() >> kIDHeaderVDOProductTypeBitOffset) &
if (product_type == kIDHeaderVDOProductTypeUFPPeripheral ||
product_type == kIDHeaderVDOProductTypeUFPHub) {
auto device_cap = (GetProductTypeVDO1() >> kDeviceCapabilityBitOffset) &
if (device_cap != kDeviceCapabilityBillboard)
usb_present = true;
// Determine whether it is a hub or peripheral.
bool hub = false;
bool peripheral = false;
if (product_type == kIDHeaderVDOProductTypeUFPHub) {
hub = true;
} else if (product_type == kIDHeaderVDOProductTypeUFPPeripheral) {
peripheral = true;
} else if (product_type == kIDHeaderVDOProductTypeUFPAMA) {
// If it's an Alternate Mode Adapter, we have to guess.
// Check the AMA VDO. If only billboard is supported, we guess that it's a
// peripheral. In all other cases, we consider it's a hub.
auto usb_speed = GetProductTypeVDO1() & kAMAVDOUSBSpeedBitMask;
if (usb_speed != kAMAVDOUSBSpeedBillboard)
hub = true;
peripheral = true;
// Now that we have all the data, let's make a type selection.
PartnerTypeMetric ret = PartnerTypeMetric::kOther;
if (usb4) {
if (hub)
ret = PartnerTypeMetric::kUSB4Hub;
else if (peripheral)
ret = PartnerTypeMetric::kUSB4Peripheral;
} else if (tbt_present && dp_present) {
if (hub)
ret = PartnerTypeMetric::kTBTDPAltHub;
else if (peripheral)
ret = PartnerTypeMetric::kTBTDPAltPeripheral;
} else if (tbt_present) {
if (hub)
ret = PartnerTypeMetric::kTBTHub;
else if (peripheral)
ret = PartnerTypeMetric::kTBTPeripheral;
} else if (dp_present) {
if (hub)
ret = PartnerTypeMetric::kDPAltHub;
else if (peripheral)
ret = PartnerTypeMetric::kDPAltPeripheral;
} else if (usb_present) {
if (hub)
ret = PartnerTypeMetric::kUSBHub;
else if (peripheral)
ret = PartnerTypeMetric::kUSBPeripheral;
// If we've found a valid category let's return.
if (ret != PartnerTypeMetric::kOther)
return ret;
// If we still haven't been able to categorize the partner, we make a guess
// based on current port state and hints about partner capabilities.
if (!port_) {
LOG(INFO) << "Port pointer not available; can't determine partner type";
return ret;
// We only proceed in this exercise if the partner doesn't have an ID header
// VDO. Otherwise, it should have been classified some way from the above.
if (GetIdHeaderVDO() != 0x0) {
return ret;
// Grab all the variables together.
DataRole port_dr = port_->GetDataRole();
PowerRole port_pr = port_->GetPowerRole();
bool partner_has_pd = GetSupportsPD();
// Refer to b/195056095 for details about the selection matrix.
if (port_pr == PowerRole::kSink) {
if (partner_has_pd) {
if (port_dr == DataRole::kHost)
ret = PartnerTypeMetric::kPDSourcingDevice;
else if (port_dr == DataRole::kDevice)
ret = PartnerTypeMetric::kPDPowerSource;
} else {
ret = PartnerTypeMetric::kNonPDPowerSource;
} else if (port_pr == PowerRole::kSource) {
if (partner_has_pd) {
if (port_dr == DataRole::kHost)
ret = PartnerTypeMetric::kPDSink;
else if (port_dr == DataRole::kDevice)
ret = PartnerTypeMetric::kPDSinkingHost;
} else {
ret = PartnerTypeMetric::kNonPDSink;
return ret;
void Partner::ReportMetrics(Metrics* metrics) {
if (!metrics || metrics_reported_)
metrics_reported_ = true;
} // namespace typecd