blob: a31b1c12ed202867198b72d70b08aaac2c939bbb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/containers/flat_map.h>
#include <base/gtest_prod_util.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <base/observer_list.h>
#include <base/optional.h>
#include <base/sequence_checker.h>
#include <base/stl_util.h>
#include <iioservice/mojo/sensor.mojom.h>
#include <mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h>
#include "power_manager/common/power_constants.h"
#include "power_manager/powerd/system/ambient_light_observer.h"
#include "power_manager/powerd/system/ambient_light_sensor.h"
#include "power_manager/powerd/system/async_file_reader.h"
namespace power_manager {
namespace system {
class AmbientLightSensorDelegateMojo
: public AmbientLightSensorDelegate,
public cros::mojom::SensorDeviceSamplesObserver {
static std::string GetChannelIlluminanceColorId(const char* rgb_name);
static std::unique_ptr<AmbientLightSensorDelegateMojo> Create(
int iio_device_id,
mojo::Remote<cros::mojom::SensorDevice> remote,
bool enable_color_support = false,
base::OnceClosure init_closure = base::OnceClosure());
AmbientLightSensorDelegateMojo(const AmbientLightSensorDelegateMojo&) =
AmbientLightSensorDelegateMojo& operator=(
const AmbientLightSensorDelegateMojo&) = delete;
~AmbientLightSensorDelegateMojo() override;
// AmbientLightSensorDelegate overrides:
bool IsColorSensor() const override;
base::FilePath GetIlluminancePath() const override;
// cros::mojom::SensorDeviceSamplesObserver overrides:
void OnSampleUpdated(const base::flat_map<int32_t, int64_t>& sample) override;
void OnErrorOccurred(cros::mojom::ObserverErrorType type) override;
// Allow the test to construct the class directly.
friend class AmbientLightSensorDelegateMojoTest;
friend class FakeManager;
friend class FakeSensorDevice;
static constexpr uint32_t kNumFailedReadsBeforeGivingUp = 20;
// Number of successful reads to recover |num_failed_reads_| by one.
static constexpr uint32_t kNumRecoveryReads = 2;
AmbientLightSensorDelegateMojo(int iio_device_id,
mojo::Remote<cros::mojom::SensorDevice> remote,
bool enable_color_support,
base::OnceClosure init_closure);
void Reset();
void GetAllChannelIds();
void GetAllChannelIdsCallback(
const std::vector<std::string>& iio_channel_ids);
void StartReading();
mojo::PendingRemote<cros::mojom::SensorDeviceSamplesObserver> GetRemote();
// Extracts the lux value of the specific color axis |index| from |sample|,
// which is from OnSampleUpdated.
base::Optional<int> GetColorValue(
const base::flat_map<int32_t, int64_t>& sample, ChannelType type);
// Gets the color temperature with |sample| by calling
// AmbientLightSensorDelegate::CalculateColorTemperature.
base::Optional<int> GetColorTemperature(
const base::flat_map<int32_t, int64_t>& sample);
void OnObserverDisconnect();
void SetFrequencyCallback(double result_freq);
void SetChannelsEnabledCallback(const std::vector<int32_t>& failed_indices);
void ReadError();
void FinishInitialization();
int iio_device_id_;
mojo::Remote<cros::mojom::SensorDevice> sensor_device_remote_;
// Boolean to indicate if color support should be enabled on this ambient
// light sensor. Color support should only be enabled if sensor is properly
// calibrated. Only search for color support if true.
bool enable_color_support_;
std::set<std::string> channel_ids_to_enable_;
// True if |enable_color_support_| and all color channel enabled.
bool color_channels_enabled_ = false;
// The list of channel ids retrieved from iioservice. Use channels' indices in
// this list to identify them.
std::vector<std::string> iio_channel_ids_;
// The indices of channels in |iio_channel_ids_| to query data from. This is a
// combination of indices in |color_indices_| and |illuminance_index_|, if
// applicable.
// Ex: [1, 2, 3, 0].
std::vector<int32_t> channel_indices_;
// The channel index of channel: illuminance.
base::Optional<int32_t> illuminance_index_ = base::nullopt;
// The channel indices of red, green, and blue channels respectively.
std::map<ChannelType, int32_t> color_indices_;
// Number of failed reads. Triggers an error if it reaches
// kNumFailedReadsBeforeGivingUp.
uint32_t num_failed_reads_ = 0;
// Every time this reaches kNumRecoveryReads, |num_failed_reads_| is
// decremented by 1.
uint32_t num_recovery_reads_ = 0;
// Only used in tests.
// Should be called when the initialization is finished.
base::OnceClosure init_closure_;
mojo::Receiver<cros::mojom::SensorDeviceSamplesObserver> receiver_{this};
base::WeakPtrFactory<AmbientLightSensorDelegateMojo> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace system
} // namespace power_manager