blob: 130f6318ef4aadc495b0bbaeab0f91a002675a2d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <array>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <patchpanel/proto_bindings/patchpanel_service.pb.h>
namespace patchpanel {
// Constant used for establishing a stable mapping between routing table ids
// and interface indexes. An interface with ifindex 2 will be assigned the
// routing table with id 1002 by the routing layer. This stable mapping is used
// for configuring ip rules, iptables fwmark mangle rules, and the
// accept_ra_rt_table sysctl for all physical interfaces.
// TODO(b/161507671) Consolidate with shill::kInterfaceTableIdIncrement
// in platform2/shill/ once routing and ip rule configuration
// is migrated to patchpanel.
constexpr const uint32_t kInterfaceTableIdIncrement = 1000;
// The list of all sources of traffic that need to be distinguished
// for routing or traffic accounting. Currently 6 bits are used for encoding
// the TrafficSource enum in a fwmark. The enum is split into two groups:local
// sources and forwarded sources. The enum values of forwarded sources are
// offset by 0x20 so that their most significant bit is always set and can be
// easily matched separately from local sources.
enum TrafficSource {
// Local sources:
// Traffic corresponding to uid "chronos".
// Other uids classified as "user" for traffic purposes: debugd, cups,
// tlsdate, pluginvm, etc.
USER = 2,
// Traffic from Update engine.
// Other system traffic.
// Traffic emitted on an underlying physical network by the built-in OpenVPN
// and L2TP clients, or Chrome 3rd party VPN Apps. This traffic constitutes
// the VPN tunnel.
// Forwarded sources:
// ARC++ and ARCVM.
ARC = 0x20,
// Crostini VMs and lxc containers.
CROSVM = 0x21,
// Other plugin VMs.
PLUGINVM = 0x22,
// A tethered downstream network. Currently reserved for future use.
// Traffic emitted by Android VPNs for their tunnelled connections.
ARC_VPN = 0x24,
const std::string& TrafficSourceName(TrafficSource source);
// A representation of how fwmark bits are split and used for tagging and
// routing traffic. The 32 bits of the fwmark are currently organized as such:
// 0 1 2 3
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// | routing table id |VPN|source enum| reserved |*|
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// routing table id (16bits): the routing table id of a physical device managed
// by shill or of a virtual private network.
// VPN (2bits): policy bits controlled by host application to force VPN routing
// or bypass VPN routing.
// source enum(6bits): policy bits controlled by patchpanel for grouping
// originated traffic by domain.
// reserved(7bits): no usage at the moment.
// legacy SNAT(1bit): legacy bit used for setting up SNAT for ARC, Crostini, and
// PluginVMs with iptables MASQUERADE.
// Note that bitfields are not a portable way to define a
// stable Fwmark. Also note that the in-memory representation of values of
// this union changes depending on endianness, so care must be taken when
// serializing or deserializing Fwmark values, or when aliasing with raw bytes
// through pointers. In practice client code should not rely on a specific
// memory representation and should instead use ToString() and Value().
union Fwmark {
struct {
// The LSB is currently only used for applying IPv4 SNAT to egress traffic
// from ARC and other VMs; indicated by a value of 1.
uint8_t legacy;
// The 3rd byte is used to store the intent and policy to be applied to the
// traffic. The first 2 bits are used for host processes to select a VPN
// routing intent via patchpanel SetVpnIntent API. The next 6 bits of are
// used for tagging the traffic with a source.
uint8_t policy;
// The 2 upper bytes corresponds to the routing table id associated with
// a shill device or a VPN.
uint16_t rt_table_id;
// The raw memory representation of this fwmark as a uint32_t.
uint32_t fwmark;
// Returns a String representation of this Fwmark. This should
std::string ToString() const {
return base::StringPrintf("0x%04x%02x%02x", rt_table_id, policy, legacy);
// Returns the logical uint32_t value of this Fwmark.
uint32_t Value() const { return rt_table_id << 16 | policy << 8 | legacy; }
constexpr TrafficSource Source() {
return static_cast<TrafficSource>(policy & 0x3f);
constexpr bool operator==(Fwmark that) const { return fwmark == that.fwmark; }
constexpr Fwmark operator|(Fwmark that) const {
return {.fwmark = fwmark | that.fwmark};
constexpr Fwmark operator&(Fwmark that) const {
return {.fwmark = fwmark & that.fwmark};
constexpr Fwmark operator~() const { return {.fwmark = ~fwmark}; }
static Fwmark FromSource(TrafficSource source) {
return {
.policy = static_cast<uint8_t>(source), .legacy = 0, .rt_table_id = 0};
static Fwmark FromIfIndex(uint32_t ifindex) {
uint32_t table_id = ifindex + kInterfaceTableIdIncrement;
return {.policy = 0,
.legacy = 0,
.rt_table_id = static_cast<uint16_t>(table_id)};
// Specifies how the local traffic originating from a given source should be
// tagged in mangle OUTPUT. A source is either identified by a uid or by a
// cgroup classid identifier.
struct LocalSourceSpecs {
TrafficSource source_type;
const char* uid_name;
uint32_t classid;
bool is_on_vpn;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const LocalSourceSpecs& source);
// This block defines the names of uids whose traffic is always routed through a
// VPN connection. Chrome and nacl applications
constexpr char kUidChronos[] = "chronos";
// Crosh terminal and feedback reports
constexpr char kUidDebugd[] = "debugd";
// Printing
constexpr char kUidCups[] = "cups";
// Printer and print queues configuration utility used for cups
constexpr char kUidLpadmin[] = "lpadmin";
// Chrome OS Kerberos daemon
constexpr char kUidKerberosd[] = "kerberosd";
// Kerberos third party untrusted code
constexpr char kUidKerberosdExec[] = "kerberosd-exec";
// While tlsdate is not user traffic, time sync should be attempted over
// VPN. It is OK to send tlsdate traffic over VPN because it will also try
// to sync time immediately after boot on the sign-in screen when no VPN can
// be active.
constexpr char kUidTlsdate[] = "tlsdate";
// Plugin vm problem report utility (b/160916677)
constexpr char kUidPluginvm[] = "pluginvm";
// smbfs SMB filesystem daemon
constexpr char kUidFuseSmbfs[] = "fuse-smbfs";
// The list of all local sources to tag in mangle OUTPUT with the VPN intent
// bit, or with a source tag, or with both. This arrays specifies: 1) the source
// type, 2) the uid name of the source or empty cstring if none is defined (the
// cstring must be defined and cannot be null), 3) the cgroup classid of the
// source (or 0 if none is defined), and 4) if the traffic originated from that
// source should be routed through VPN connections by default or not.
constexpr std::array<LocalSourceSpecs, 10> kLocalSourceTypes{{
{TrafficSource::CHROME, kUidChronos, 0, true},
{TrafficSource::USER, kUidDebugd, 0, true},
{TrafficSource::USER, kUidCups, 0, true},
{TrafficSource::USER, kUidLpadmin, 0, true},
{TrafficSource::SYSTEM, kUidKerberosd, 0, true},
{TrafficSource::SYSTEM, kUidKerberosdExec, 0, true},
{TrafficSource::SYSTEM, kUidTlsdate, 0, true},
{TrafficSource::USER, kUidPluginvm, 0, true},
{TrafficSource::SYSTEM, kUidFuseSmbfs, 0, true},
// The classid value for update engine must stay in sync with
// src/aosp/system/update_engine/init/update-engine.conf.
{TrafficSource::UPDATE_ENGINE, "", 0x10001, false},
// All local sources
constexpr std::array<TrafficSource, 5> kLocalSources{
// All forwarded sources
constexpr std::array<TrafficSource, 5> kForwardedSources{
// All sources
constexpr std::array<TrafficSource, 10> kAllSources{
// iptables type keywords for neighbor discovery packets
constexpr std::array<char[32], 4> kNeighborDiscoveryTypes{
{"router-solicitation", "router-advertisement", "neighbour-solicitation",
// Constant fwmark value for tagging traffic with the "route-on-vpn" intent.
constexpr const Fwmark kFwmarkRouteOnVpn = {.policy = 0x80};
// Constant fwmark value for tagging traffic with the "bypass-vpn" intent.
constexpr const Fwmark kFwmarkBypassVpn = {.policy = 0x40};
// constexpr const Fwmark kFwmarkVpnMask = kFwmarkRouteOnVpn | kFwmarkBypassVpn;
constexpr const Fwmark kFwmarkVpnMask = {.policy = 0xc0};
// A mask for matching fwmarks on the routing table id.
constexpr const Fwmark kFwmarkRoutingMask = {.rt_table_id = 0xffff};
// A mask for matching fwmarks on the source.
constexpr const Fwmark kFwmarkAllSourcesMask = {.policy = 0x3f};
// A mast for matching fwmarks of forwarded sources.
constexpr const Fwmark kFwmarkForwardedSourcesMask = {.policy = 0x20};
// A mask for matching fwmarks on the policy byte.
constexpr const Fwmark kFwmarkPolicyMask = {.policy = 0xff};
// Both the mask and fwmark values for legacy SNAT rules used for ARC and other
// containers.
constexpr const Fwmark kFwmarkLegacySNAT = {.legacy = 0x1};
// Service implementing routing features of patchpanel.
// TODO(hugobenichi) Explain how this coordinates with shill's RoutingTable.
class RoutingService {
RoutingService(const RoutingService&) = delete;
RoutingService& operator=(const RoutingService&) = delete;
virtual ~RoutingService() = default;
// Sets the VPN bits of the fwmark for the given socket according to the
// given policy. Preserves any other bits of the fwmark already set.
bool SetVpnFwmark(int sockfd,
patchpanel::SetVpnIntentRequest::VpnRoutingPolicy policy);
// Sets the fwmark on the given socket with the given mask.
// Preserves any other bits of the fwmark already set.
bool SetFwmark(int sockfd, Fwmark mark, Fwmark mask);
// Can be overridden in tests.
virtual int GetSockopt(
int sockfd, int level, int optname, void* optval, socklen_t* optlen);
virtual int SetSockopt(
int sockfd, int level, int optname, const void* optval, socklen_t optlen);
} // namespace patchpanel