blob: 44191ea78566b2f9ca7b0ef6fe937dea5a221483 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/files/file_descriptor_watcher_posix.h"
#include "base/task/single_thread_task_executor.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "feedback/feedback_service.h"
#include <string>
namespace feedback {
class FeedbackUploader;
class Daemon final {
// |url| specifies which url the reports will be sent to. Note that product
// IDs may be unique to that server, so the clients also need to be
// configured properly for the chosen server.
explicit Daemon(const std::string& url);
Daemon(const Daemon&) = delete;
Daemon& operator=(const Daemon&) = delete;
// Does all the work. Blocks until the daemon is finished.
void Run();
base::SingleThreadTaskExecutor loop_{base::MessagePumpType::IO};
base::Thread worker_thread_;
base::FileDescriptorWatcher watcher_;
std::unique_ptr<feedback::FeedbackUploader> uploader_;
} // namespace feedback