blob: a90593038ae8128b16704f2aebbbe2703fd66ea1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include <absl/types/variant.h>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
namespace cryptohome {
namespace structure {
// Cryptographic signature algorithm type for challenge requests. Used with
// challenge-response cryptohome keys.
enum class ChallengeSignatureAlgorithm {
kRsassaPkcs1V15Sha1 = 1,
kRsassaPkcs1V15Sha256 = 2,
kRsassaPkcs1V15Sha384 = 3,
kRsassaPkcs1V15Sha512 = 4,
// Data for the TPM 2.0 method based on the "TPM2_PolicySigned" feature.
struct Tpm2PolicySignedData {
// DER-encoded blob of the X.509 Subject Public Key Info of the key that
// should be used for unsealing.
brillo::Blob public_key_spki_der;
// The secret blob, wrapped by the TPM's Storage Root Key.
brillo::Blob srk_wrapped_secret;
// The signature scheme (TPM_ALG_ID) that should be used for unsealing.
int32_t scheme = 0;
// The signature hash algorithm (TPM_ALG_ID) that should be used for
// unsealing.
int32_t hash_alg = 0;
// TPM policy digest for the TPM2_PolicyPCR command executed with default PCR
// map.
brillo::Blob default_pcr_policy_digest;
// TPM policy digest for the TPM2_PolicyPCR command executed with extended PCR
// map.
brillo::Blob extended_pcr_policy_digest;
// Data for the TPM 1.2 method based on the "Certified Migratable Key"
// functionality.
struct Tpm12CertifiedMigratableKeyData {
// DER-encoded blob of the X.509 Subject Public Key Info of the key that
// should be used for unsealing.
brillo::Blob public_key_spki_der;
// The blob of the Certified Migratable Key wrapped by the TPM's Storage
// Root Key.
brillo::Blob srk_wrapped_cmk;
// The TPM_PUBKEY blob of the Certified Migratable Key.
brillo::Blob cmk_pubkey;
// The AuthData blob encrypted by the CMK using the RSAES-OAEP MGF1
// algorithm.
brillo::Blob cmk_wrapped_auth_data;
// The secret blob, which is bound to the default PCR map.
brillo::Blob default_pcr_bound_secret;
// The secret blob, which is bound to the extended PCR map.
brillo::Blob extended_pcr_bound_secret;
using SignatureSealedData =
absl::variant<Tpm2PolicySignedData, Tpm12CertifiedMigratableKeyData>;
// Fields specific to the challenge-response protection.
// The Scrypt KDF passphrase, used for the protection of the keyset, is
// defined as a concatenation of two values:
// * The first is the blob which is sealed in |sealed_secret|.
// * The second is the deterministic signature of |salt| using the
// |salt_signature_algorithm| algorithm.
// The cryptographic key specified in |public_key_spki_der| is used for both.
struct SignatureChallengeInfo {
// DER-encoded blob of the X.509 Subject Public Key Info of the key to be
// challenged in order to obtain the KDF passphrase for decrypting the vault
// keyset.
brillo::Blob public_key_spki_der;
// Container with the secret data which is sealed using the TPM in a way
// that the process of its unsealing involves signature challenges against
// the specified key. This secret data is one of the sources for building
// the KDF passphrase.
SignatureSealedData sealed_secret;
// Salt whose signature is another source for building the KDF passphrase.
brillo::Blob salt;
// Signature algorithm to be used for signing |salt|.
// NOTE: the signature algorithm has to be deterministic (that is, always
// produce the same output for the same input).
ChallengeSignatureAlgorithm salt_signature_algorithm;
// Description of a public key of an asymmetric cryptographic key. Used with
// challenge-response cryptohome keys.
struct ChallengePublicKeyInfo {
// DER-encoded blob of the X.509 Subject Public Key Info.
brillo::Blob public_key_spki_der;
// Supported signature algorithms, in the order of preference (starting from
// the most preferred). Absence of this field denotes that the key cannot be
// used for signing.
std::vector<ChallengeSignatureAlgorithm> signature_algorithm;
} // namespace structure
} // namespace cryptohome