blob: f0a3f4e2a3bb143a4d0c09cdfd663adc602b2024 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cryptohome/fake_platform/fake_mount_mapper.h"
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/notreached.h>
#include "cryptohome/fake_platform/real_fake_mount_mapping_redirect_factory.h"
#include "cryptohome/fake_platform/test_file_path.h"
namespace cryptohome {
FakeMountMapping::FakeMountMapping(const base::FilePath& source,
const base::FilePath& target,
const base::FilePath& redirect)
: source_(source), target_(target), redirect_(redirect) {}
const base::FilePath& FakeMountMapping::GetSource() const {
return source_;
const base::FilePath& FakeMountMapping::GetTarget() const {
return target_;
const base::FilePath& FakeMountMapping::GetRedirect() const {
return redirect_;
base::FilePath FakeMountMapping::TranslateTargetToSource(
const base::FilePath& path) const {
// AppendRelativePath works only when target is a strict parent, so handle the
// case when the path is the target separately.
if (path == target_) {
return source_;
base::FilePath result = source_;
if (!target_.AppendRelativePath(path, &result)) {
return path;
return result;
base::FilePath FakeMountMapping::TranslateSourceToTarget(
const base::FilePath& path) const {
// AppendRelativePath works only when source is a strict parent, so handle the
// case when the path is the source separately.
if (path == source_) {
return target_;
base::FilePath result = target_;
if (!source_.AppendRelativePath(path, &result)) {
return path;
return result;
base::FilePath FakeMountMapping::TranslateTargetToRedirect(
const base::FilePath& path) const {
// AppendRelativePath works only when target is a strict parent, so handle the
// case when the path is the target separately.
if (path == target_) {
return redirect_;
base::FilePath result = redirect_;
if (!target_.AppendRelativePath(path, &result)) {
return path;
return result;
base::FilePath FakeMountMapping::TranslateRedirectToTarget(
const base::FilePath& path) const {
// AppendRelativePath works only when redirect is a strict parent, so handle
// the case when the path is the redirect separately.
if (path == redirect_) {
return target_;
base::FilePath result = target_;
if (!redirect_.AppendRelativePath(path, &result)) {
return path;
return result;
const base::FilePath& tmpfs_rootfs,
std::unique_ptr<FakeMountMappingRedirectFactory> redirect_factory)
: tmpfs_rootfs_(tmpfs_rootfs),
redirect_factory_(std::move(redirect_factory)) {}
FakeMountMapper::~FakeMountMapper() {
for (const auto& [unused, redirect] : source_to_redirect_) {
bool FakeMountMapper::MountImpl(const base::FilePath& source,
const base::FilePath& target,
const base::FilePath& redirect) {
// Fail if target is already mounted upon.
if (target_to_mount_.count(target) != 0) {
return false;
// Create new mapping.
target_to_mount_.emplace(target, FakeMountMapping(source, target, redirect));
return true;
bool FakeMountMapper::Mount(const base::FilePath& source,
const base::FilePath& target) {
base::FilePath redirect;
// For mounts, we want to have a consistent mapping between the source and
// redirect, so we have a consistent view across multiple consequent
// mount-unmount sequences. Thus, if we mount the source for the first time,
// create a new redirect, otherwise re-use the one already cached.
if (source_to_redirect_.count(source) != 0) {
redirect = source_to_redirect_[source];
} else {
redirect = redirect_factory_->Create();
source_to_redirect_.emplace(source, redirect);
return MountImpl(source, target, redirect);
bool FakeMountMapper::Bind(const base::FilePath& source,
const base::FilePath& target) {
// The redirect for Bind is the actual location of the source directory within
// fake filesystem. That way we can ensure the modifications happen to the
// same underlying elements, regardless of whether we access it through the
// source or target path.
return MountImpl(source, target, ResolvePath(source));
bool FakeMountMapper::Unmount(const base::FilePath& target) {
// Not mounted, return false.
if (target_to_mount_.count(target) == 0) {
return false;
// If the target has sources to other mounts under it, consider it busy.
for (const auto& [unused, mapping] : target_to_mount_) {
const base::FilePath& source = mapping.GetSource();
if (target == source && source == mapping.GetTarget()) {
// This is a hack to handle self-binding as shared.
if (target == source || target.IsParent(source)) {
return false;
// All good, remove the mount.
return true;
void FakeMountMapper::ListMountsBySourcePrefix(
const std::string& source_prefix,
std::multimap<const base::FilePath, const base::FilePath>* mounts) const {
for (const auto& [unused, mapping] : target_to_mount_) {
if (mapping.GetSource().value().rfind(source_prefix, 0) == 0) {
mounts->emplace(mapping.GetSource(), mapping.GetTarget());
void FakeMountMapper::ListMountsBySourcePrefix(
const base::FilePath& source_prefix,
std::multimap<const base::FilePath, const base::FilePath>* mounts) const {
for (const auto& [unused, mapping] : target_to_mount_) {
const base::FilePath& source = mapping.GetSource();
if (source == source_prefix || source_prefix.IsParent(source)) {
mounts->emplace(mapping.GetSource(), mapping.GetTarget());
bool FakeMountMapper::IsMounted(const base::FilePath& path) const {
return target_to_mount_.count(path) != 0;
bool FakeMountMapper::IsOnMount(const base::FilePath& path) const {
for (const auto& [target, mapping] : target_to_mount_) {
if (mapping.GetTarget() == mapping.GetSource()) {
// ignore self-binds for resolutions.
if (target == path || target.IsParent(path)) {
return true;
return false;
std::optional<FakeMountMapping> FakeMountMapper::FindMapping(
const base::FilePath& path) const {
std::optional<FakeMountMapping> result;
for (const auto& [target, mapping] : target_to_mount_) {
// Find the longest prefix match
if (mapping.GetTarget() == mapping.GetSource()) {
// ignore self-binds for resolutions.
if (target == path || target.IsParent(path)) {
if (!result.has_value() || result->GetTarget().IsParent(target)) {
return result;
base::FilePath FakeMountMapper::ReverseResolvePath(
const base::FilePath& path, const base::FilePath& expected_parent) const {
std::unordered_set<base::FilePath> candidates;
// Get "represented" paths candidates - find all redirects which could be
// the potential mappings for the `path`, and use those to remap tmpfs path
// to "represented" path.
for (const auto& [target, mapping] : target_to_mount_) {
const base::FilePath redirect = mapping.GetRedirect();
if (redirect == path || redirect.IsParent(path)) {
// If we have not found any candidates, see if the path is on the primary
// tmpfs path. If it is, make it a candidate by stripping the prefix.
if (candidates.empty() && tmpfs_rootfs_.IsParent(path)) {
candidates.insert(fake_platform::StripTestFilePath(tmpfs_rootfs_, path));
// Walk the mapping chain for each candidate until we stumble upon one which
// makes the "represented" path to be under `expected_parent`.
while (!candidates.empty()) {
std::unordered_set<base::FilePath> next_candidates;
for (const auto& candidate : candidates) {
if (expected_parent == candidate || expected_parent.IsParent(candidate)) {
// Found the candidate which is under the `expected_parent`.
return candidate;
// If we can't map it to the next element of chain - drop the candidate.
std::optional<FakeMountMapping> maybe_mapping = FindMapping(candidate);
if (maybe_mapping.has_value()) {
candidates = next_candidates;
return base::FilePath();
base::FilePath FakeMountMapper::ResolvePath(const base::FilePath& path) const {
// If the path is not on a mount, just return its location within tmpfs.
if (!IsOnMount(path)) {
return fake_platform::SpliceTestFilePath(tmpfs_rootfs_, path);
base::FilePath result = path;
for (;;) {
// We are guaranteed to exit the loop, for we return if the source is not
// itself mapped. The returned path is guaranteed to be on tmpfs for the
// redirects are always generated on it.
// This is also not the most efficient way to do the resolution, for the
// call to IsOnMount within the inner loop effectively makes it O(n^2)
// complexity for a single resolution step, but it is not performance
// critical part (test-only code), the expected number of elements is very
// small, and readability in this case is much more important than a tiny
// test runtime improvement.
// TODO(dlunev): add circular mapping prevention.
// Find the mapping for the result. It must be present because we checked
// for it before the loop, and we return from the loop if it is not the
// case.
std::optional<FakeMountMapping> mapping = FindMapping(result);
// If the source of the target is not on a mount itself, translate current
// result onto the mapping's redirect and return.
if (!IsOnMount(mapping->GetSource())) {
return mapping->TranslateTargetToRedirect(result);
// If we are here, then it means we are within a mount chain, and we need
// to translate relatively to the source, rather than redirect.
result = mapping->TranslateTargetToSource(result);
} // namespace cryptohome