blob: 1b918e38db5fae26bf1ae02936e8721a6d82ba93 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto2";
package cryptohome.cryptorecovery;
// !!! DO NOT MODIFY !!!
// The message structs below are exchanged with the server and must be synced
// with the server/HSM implementation.
// Request for the current epoch
message CryptoRecoveryEpochRequest {
optional int32 protocol_version = 1; // protocol version
// Epoch public key response
message CryptoRecoveryEpochResponse {
optional int32 protocol_version = 1; // protocol version
optional bytes epoch_pub_key = 2; // public key of the current epoch
optional bytes epoch_meta_data =
3; // cbor encoded metadata of current epoch. clients can also treat this
// as an opaque blob.
// Request for a cryptohome recovery
message CryptoRecoveryRpcRequest {
optional int32 protocol_version = 1; // protocol version
optional bytes cbor_cryptorecoveryrequest = 2; // cbor encoded request