blob: 18d3dad415c43f0b32de68db574c69186ae79f18 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <base/optional.h>
#include "secanomalyd/mount_entry.h"
#include "secanomalyd/mounts.h"
#include "secanomalyd/processes.h"
namespace secanomalyd {
using MaybeReport = base::Optional<std::string>;
bool ShouldReport(bool report_in_dev_mode);
// Exposed mostly for testing.
std::string GenerateSignature(const MountEntryMap& wx_mounts);
// Exposed mostly for testing.
MaybeReport GenerateAnomalousSystemReport(const MountEntryMap& wx_mounts,
const MaybeMountEntries& all_mounts,
const MaybeProcEntries& all_procs);
bool SendReport(base::StringPiece report,
brillo::Process* crash_reporter,
int weight,
bool report_in_dev_mode);
bool ReportAnomalousSystem(const MountEntryMap& wx_mounts,
int weight,
bool report_in_dev_mode);
} // namespace secanomalyd