blob: 527ae56da65cfb593f563edfe4f07e60d773e69e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cryptohome/auth_blocks/pin_weaver_auth_block.h"
#include "cryptohome/crypto/scrypt.h"
#include "cryptohome/cryptohome_metrics.h"
#include "cryptohome/tpm.h"
#include "cryptohome/vault_keyset.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <absl/types/variant.h>
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/check_op.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/optional.h>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include "cryptohome/auth_blocks/auth_block_state.h"
#include "cryptohome/crypto/aes.h"
#include "cryptohome/crypto/hmac.h"
#include "cryptohome/crypto/secure_blob_util.h"
#include "cryptohome/crypto/sha.h"
#include "cryptohome/vault_keyset.pb.h"
namespace cryptohome {
namespace {
constexpr int kDefaultSecretSize = 32;
CryptoError ConvertLeError(int le_error) {
switch (le_error) {
return CryptoError::CE_LE_INVALID_SECRET;
return CryptoError::CE_TPM_DEFEND_LOCK;
return CryptoError::CE_OTHER_CRYPTO;
// TODO(b/195473713): This should be CE_OTHER_FATAL, but return
// CE_OTHER_CRYPTO here to prevent unintended user homedir removal.
return CryptoError::CE_OTHER_CRYPTO;
// We might want to return an error here that will make the device
// reboot.
LOG(ERROR) << "PCR in unexpected state.";
return CryptoError::CE_LE_INVALID_SECRET;
return CryptoError::CE_OTHER_CRYPTO;
void LogLERetCode(int le_error) {
switch (le_error) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No free label available in hash tree.";
LOG(ERROR) << "Hash tree error.";
bool GetValidPCRValues(const std::string& obfuscated_username,
ValidPcrCriteria* valid_pcr_criteria) {
brillo::Blob default_pcr_str(std::begin(kDefaultPcrValue),
// The digest used for validation of PCR values by pinweaver is sha256 of
// the current PCR value of index 4.
// Step 1 - calculate expected values of PCR4 initially
// (kDefaultPcrValue = 0) and after user logins
// (sha256(initial_value | user_specific_digest)).
// Step 2 - calculate digest of those values, to support multi-PCR case,
// where all those expected values for all PCRs are sha256'ed togetheri
brillo::Blob default_digest = Sha256(default_pcr_str);
// The second valid digest is the one obtained from the future value of
// PCR4, after it's extended by |obfuscated_username|. Compute the value of
// PCR4 after it will be extended first, which is
// sha256(default_value + sha256(extend_text)).
brillo::Blob obfuscated_username_digest = Sha256(
brillo::Blob(obfuscated_username.begin(), obfuscated_username.end()));
brillo::Blob combined_pcr_and_username(default_pcr_str);
brillo::Blob extended_arc_pcr_value = Sha256(combined_pcr_and_username);
// The second valid digest used by pinweaver for validation will be
// sha256 of the extended value of pcr4.
brillo::Blob extended_digest = Sha256(extended_arc_pcr_value);
ValidPcrValue default_pcr_value;
memset(default_pcr_value.bitmask, 0, 2);
default_pcr_value.bitmask[kTpmSingleUserPCR / 8] = 1u
<< (kTpmSingleUserPCR % 8);
default_pcr_value.digest =
std::string(default_digest.begin(), default_digest.end());
ValidPcrValue extended_pcr_value;
memset(extended_pcr_value.bitmask, 0, 2);
extended_pcr_value.bitmask[kTpmSingleUserPCR / 8] =
1u << (kTpmSingleUserPCR % 8);
extended_pcr_value.digest =
std::string(extended_digest.begin(), extended_digest.end());
return true;
// String used as vector in HMAC operation to derive vkk_seed from High Entropy
// secret.
const char kHESecretHmacData[] = "vkk_seed";
// A default delay schedule to be used for LE Credentials.
// The format for a delay schedule entry is as follows:
// (number_of_incorrect_attempts, delay before_next_attempt)
// The default schedule is for the first 5 incorrect attempts to have no delay,
// and no further attempts allowed.
const struct {
uint32_t attempts;
uint32_t delay;
} kDefaultDelaySchedule[] = {
{5, UINT32_MAX},
} // namespace
LECredentialManager* le_manager,
CryptohomeKeysManager* cryptohome_keys_manager)
: SyncAuthBlock(kLowEntropyCredential),
cryptohome_keys_manager->GetKeyLoader(CryptohomeKeyType::kRSA)) {
CHECK_NE(le_manager, nullptr);
CHECK_NE(cryptohome_key_loader_, nullptr);
CryptoError PinWeaverAuthBlock::Create(const AuthInput& auth_input,
AuthBlockState* auth_block_state,
KeyBlobs* key_blobs) {
brillo::SecureBlob salt =
// TODO(kerrnel): This may not be needed, but is currently retained to
// maintain the original logic.
if (!cryptohome_key_loader_->HasCryptohomeKey())
brillo::SecureBlob le_secret(kDefaultSecretSize);
brillo::SecureBlob kdf_skey(kDefaultSecretSize);
if (!DeriveSecretsScrypt(auth_input.user_input.value(), salt,
{&le_secret, &kdf_skey})) {
return CryptoError::CE_OTHER_CRYPTO;
// Create a randomly generated high entropy secret, derive VKKSeed from it,
// and use that to generate a VKK. The High Entropy secret will be stored in
// the LECredentialManager, along with the LE secret (which is |le_secret|
// here).
brillo::SecureBlob he_secret = CreateSecureRandomBlob(kDefaultSecretSize);
// Derive the VKK_seed by performing an HMAC on he_secret.
brillo::SecureBlob vkk_seed =
HmacSha256(he_secret, brillo::BlobFromString(kHESecretHmacData));
// Generate and store random new IVs for file-encryption keys and
// chaps key encryption.
const auto fek_iv = CreateSecureRandomBlob(kAesBlockSize);
const auto chaps_iv = CreateSecureRandomBlob(kAesBlockSize);
brillo::SecureBlob vkk_key = HmacSha256(kdf_skey, vkk_seed);
key_blobs->vkk_key = vkk_key;
key_blobs->vkk_iv = fek_iv;
key_blobs->chaps_iv = chaps_iv;
// Once we are able to correctly set up the VaultKeyset encryption,
// store the Low Entropy and High Entropy credential in the
// LECredentialManager.
// Use the default delay schedule for now.
std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> delay_sched;
for (const auto& entry : kDefaultDelaySchedule) {
delay_sched[entry.attempts] = entry.delay;
brillo::SecureBlob reset_secret = auth_input.reset_secret.value();
ValidPcrCriteria valid_pcr_criteria;
if (!GetValidPCRValues(auth_input.obfuscated_username.value(),
&valid_pcr_criteria)) {
return CryptoError::CE_OTHER_CRYPTO;
uint64_t label;
int ret =
le_manager_->InsertCredential(le_secret, he_secret, reset_secret,
delay_sched, valid_pcr_criteria, &label);
if (ret != LE_CRED_SUCCESS) {
return ConvertLeError(ret);
PinWeaverAuthBlockState pin_auth_state;
pin_auth_state.le_label = label;
pin_auth_state.salt = std::move(salt);
*auth_block_state = AuthBlockState{.state = std::move(pin_auth_state)};
return CryptoError::CE_NONE;
CryptoError PinWeaverAuthBlock::Derive(const AuthInput& auth_input,
const AuthBlockState& state,
KeyBlobs* key_blobs) {
const PinWeaverAuthBlockState* auth_state;
if (!(auth_state = absl::get_if<PinWeaverAuthBlockState>(&state.state))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid AuthBlockState";
return CryptoError::CE_OTHER_CRYPTO;
brillo::SecureBlob le_secret(kDefaultAesKeySize);
brillo::SecureBlob kdf_skey(kDefaultAesKeySize);
if (!auth_state->le_label.has_value()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid PinWeaverAuthBlockState: missing le_label";
return CryptoError::CE_OTHER_CRYPTO;
if (!auth_state->salt.has_value()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid PinWeaverAuthBlockState: missing salt";
return CryptoError::CE_OTHER_CRYPTO;
brillo::SecureBlob salt = auth_state->salt.value();
if (!DeriveSecretsScrypt(auth_input.user_input.value(), salt,
{&le_secret, &kdf_skey})) {
return CryptoError::CE_OTHER_FATAL;
key_blobs->reset_secret = brillo::SecureBlob();
// Note: Yes it is odd to pass the IV from the auth state into the key blobs
// without performing any operation on the data. However, the fact that the
// IVs are pre-generated in the VaultKeyset for PinWeaver credentials is an
// implementation detail. The AuthBlocks are designed to hide those
// implementation details, so this goes here.
key_blobs->chaps_iv = auth_state->chaps_iv.value();
key_blobs->vkk_iv = auth_state->fek_iv.value();
// Try to obtain the High Entropy Secret from the LECredentialManager.
brillo::SecureBlob he_secret;
int ret = le_manager_->CheckCredential(auth_state->le_label.value(),
le_secret, &he_secret,
if (ret != LE_CRED_SUCCESS) {
return ConvertLeError(ret);
brillo::SecureBlob vkk_seed =
HmacSha256(he_secret, brillo::BlobFromString(kHESecretHmacData));
key_blobs->vkk_key = HmacSha256(kdf_skey, vkk_seed);
return CryptoError::CE_NONE;
} // namespace cryptohome