blob: 6539e6e45c2b63c052987fece9e6b2c1cfdc4fc5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script collects power-management-related UMA metrics when the device is
# coming out of suspend or, if the machine shut down while in suspend, at boot
# time. It is run as root by Upstart and by powerd_suspend.
# Usage:
# -b -- indicates that this script is invoked at boot time.
# Directory where temporary state files are written by the root user.
# Directory where persistent state files are written by the root user.
# Send a message to /var/log/messages.
# Arguments:
# $@ - String(s) that you want in the message. If you are having issues with
# this function, you should read up on how $@ works, since it might be your
# problem.
log_msg() {
logger -t "send_metrics_on_resume[${PPID}]" "$@"
# Save a message which can be parsed by autotests to determine resume timings.
# Messages are being saved here so that we only parse the log file in one
# location.
# Arguments:
# $1 - metric name
# $2 - metric value (typically time in ms)
log_metric() {
echo "${1}=${2}" >> "${LAST_RESUME_TIMINGS_FILE}"
# Creates a file based on /var/log/messages containing messages from the most
# recent resume onwards. This speeds up greps and also makes it possible
# to extract counts (like bitfix) from the most recent suspend.
# To protect against race conditions, loop and make sure a line
# indicating resume has completed is present.
# Prints the name of the temp file created.
split_recent_messages() {
local suspend_start="Going to suspend-to-"
local tempdir
tempdir=$(mktemp --tmpdir -d send_metrics_on_resume.XXXXXXXXXX)
local retries=25
while true; do
# count can change if the log gets rotated mid run
local count
count=$(grep -c "${suspend_start}" /var/log/messages)
csplit -s -f "${tempdir}/recent_messages" /var/log/messages \
"%${suspend_start}%" "{$((count-1))}"
# Resume finished is logged by powerd_suspend when it is done
if grep -q "Resume finished" "${tempdir}/recent_messages00"; then
if [ $retries -eq 0 ]; then
log_msg "Could not find end of resume indicator splitting messages"
break # Skip cleanup and sleep steps and exit loop
rm "${tempdir}/recent_messages00"
sleep 0.2
echo "${tempdir}/recent_messages00"
# Cleanup files created by split_recent_messages
# Arguments:
# $1 - Result returned by split_recent_messages()
cleanup_recent_messages() {
[ -n "$1" ] || return
local recent_messages="$1"
/bin/rm "$recent_messages"
/bin/rmdir "$(dirname "$recent_messages")"
# Sends to UMA the total time since going in suspend:
# Power.TimeInSuspendAtBoot
# Power.TimeInSuspendAtResume
# Arguments:
# $1 - wake-up event: Boot or Resume
send_time_in_suspend() {
[ -n "$1" ] || return
local time_in_suspend_name=Power.TimeInSuspendAt$1
# On suspend, powerd_suspend stores the current RTC value to a file.
local f_suspend_at=${root_spool_dir}/suspend-to-ram-time
[ -r $f_suspend_at ] || return
local resume_at
resume_at=$(/bin/cat /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/since_epoch)
local suspend_at
suspend_at=$(/bin/cat $f_suspend_at)
/bin/rm -f $f_suspend_at &
[ "$resume_at" -gt "$suspend_at" ] || return
# Converts seconds to minutes rounding to the nearest whole minute.
local time_in_suspend=$(((resume_at - suspend_at + 30) / 60))
/usr/bin/metrics_client "$time_in_suspend_name" $time_in_suspend 1 10000 50 &
# Prints the firmware (just BIOS, not including EC) resume time in
# milliseconds.
calculate_firmware_resume_time() {
# Max CPU frequency, in KHz
local cpu_freq
cpu_freq=$(cat "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq")
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
/TSC at resume: / {
sub(".*TSC at resume: ", "")
tsc_at_resume = $0
if (tsc_at_resume != 0) {
printf "%d", int(tsc_at_resume / '$cpu_freq')
dmesg | awk "$AWK_PROG"
# Prints the timestamp of the last occurrence of a specified string in
# the recent messages, or nothing otherwise.
# Arguments:
# $1 - string to look for
# $2 - Path to messages for most recent suspend onward.
get_last_message_timestamp() {
[ -z "$1" ] && return
[ -z "$2" ] && return
/bin/grep -E "$1" "$2" \
| /usr/bin/tail -n1 \
| /bin/sed 's/.*\[\s*\([0-9.]*\)].*/\1/'
# Find a message timestamp based on passed in patterns. Return the latest
# timestamp found or nothing. If an earlier pattern matches, later patterns
# are not checked.
# Arguments:
# $1 - Path to messages for most recent suspend onward
# $@ - Collection of patterns to search for
get_timestamp() {
local filename="${1}"
shift 1
[ -z "${filename}" ] && return
[ -z "${1}" ] && return
for pattern in "${@}"; do
local timestamp
timestamp=$(get_last_message_timestamp "${pattern}" "${filename}")
if [ -n "${timestamp}" ]; then
echo "${timestamp}"
# Find a message related to the start of suspend and parse out its timestamp. It
# returns the time stamp of the message it found or nothing.
# Arguments:
# $1 - Path to messages for most recent suspend onward.
get_start_suspend_time() {
[ -n "${1}" ] || return
get_timestamp "${1}" "Freezing user space"
# Find the message related to the end of the suspend and parse out timestamp.
# Arguments:
# $1 - Path to messages for most recent suspend onward.
get_end_suspend_time() {
[ -n "${1}" ] || return
get_timestamp "${1}" \
"s3c_pm_enter" \
"CPU . is now offline" \
"CPU.: shutdown" \
"CPU. killed" \
"Entering suspend state" \
"sleep: irq wakeup masks:" \
"PM: suspend-to-idle" \
"PM: noirq suspend of devices complete after"
# Find the message related to the start of resume and parse its timestamp.
# Arguments:
# $1 - Path to messages for most recent suspend onward.
get_start_resume_time() {
[ -n "${1}" ] || return
get_timestamp "${1}" \
"PMC wake status" \
"Disabling VMX on cpu 0" \
"Back to C!" \
"Low-level resume complete" \
"Suspended for" \
"PM: resume from suspend-to-idle" \
"Resume caused by" \
"TSC at resume" \
"post sleep, preparing to return" \
"Enabling non-boot CPUs ..."
# Find a message related to the end of resume and parse out its timestamp. It
# returns the time stamp of the message it found or nothing.
# Arguments:
# $1 - Path to messages for most recent suspend onward.
get_end_resume_time() {
[ -n "${1}" ] || return
get_timestamp "${1}" "Restarting tasks"
# Find a message related to when all CPUs are ready and parse out its timestamp.
# It returns the time stamp of the message it found or nothing.
# Arguments:
# $1 - Path to messages for most recent suspend onward.
get_cpu_ready_time() {
[ -n "${1}" ] || return
get_timestamp "${1}" \
'CPU[0-9]+ is up' \
"Booted secondary processor" \
"PM: resume from suspend-to-idle"
# Sends to UMA the time it took to suspend and resume:
# Power.KernelResumeTimeOnAC
# Power.KernelResumeTimeOnBattery
# Power.KernelSuspendTimeOnAC
# Power.KernelSuspendTimeOnBattery
# Power.FirmwareResumeTimeOnAC
# Power.FirmwareResumeTimeOnBattery
# Arguments:
# $1 - Path to messages for most recent suspend onward.
send_suspend_resume_time() {
[ -n "$1" ] || return
local recent_messages="$1"
# On suspend, powerd_suspend stores the power status to a file.
local power_status_on_suspend=${root_run_dir}/power-status-on-suspend
[ -r $power_status_on_suspend ] || return
# Greps the timestamps.
local start_suspend_time
local end_suspend_time
local start_resume_time
local end_resume_time
local cpu_ready_time
start_suspend_time=$(get_start_suspend_time "$recent_messages")
end_suspend_time=$(get_end_suspend_time "$recent_messages")
start_resume_time=$(get_start_resume_time "$recent_messages")
end_resume_time=$(get_end_resume_time "$recent_messages")
cpu_ready_time=$(get_cpu_ready_time "$recent_messages")
log_metric start_suspend_time "$start_suspend_time"
log_metric end_suspend_time "$end_suspend_time"
log_metric start_resume_time "$start_resume_time"
log_metric end_resume_time "$end_resume_time"
log_metric cpu_ready_time "$cpu_ready_time"
[ -z "$start_suspend_time" ] && log_msg "Unable to get start_suspend_time"
[ -z "$start_resume_time" ] && log_msg "Unable to get start_resume_time"
[ -z "$end_resume_time" ] && log_msg "Unable to get end_resume_time"
# Calculates the time intervals in milliseconds.
[ -n "$start_suspend_time" ] && [ -n "$start_resume_time" ] &&
local kernel_suspend_time
kernel_suspend_time=$(echo "$start_suspend_time" "$start_resume_time" |
/usr/bin/awk '{ if (NF == 2 && $1 < $2) print int(($2 - $1) * 1000) }')
[ -n "$start_resume_time" ] && [ -n "$end_resume_time" ] &&
local kernel_resume_time
kernel_resume_time=$(echo "$start_resume_time" "$end_resume_time" |
/usr/bin/awk '{ if (NF == 2 && $1 < $2) print int(($2 - $1) * 1000) }')
local firmware_resume_time
[ -z "$firmware_resume_time" ] && log_msg "Unable to get firmware_resume_time"
# Sends the metrics. Uses the pre-suspend AC status for both suspend
# and resume since this is the mode that most software is configured
# at at resume time.
local ac_status
ac_status=$(/bin/cat $power_status_on_suspend)
[ -n "$kernel_suspend_time" ] && /usr/bin/metrics_client \
Power.KernelSuspendTime"$ac_status" "$kernel_suspend_time" 1 10000 50 &
[ -n "$kernel_resume_time" ] && /usr/bin/metrics_client \
Power.KernelResumeTime"$ac_status" "$kernel_resume_time" 1 10000 50 &
[ -n "$firmware_resume_time" ] && /usr/bin/metrics_client \
Power.FirmwareResumeTime"$ac_status" "$firmware_resume_time" 1 10000 50 &
# Cleanup.
/bin/rm -f $power_status_on_suspend
# Find the number of bitfixed chunks
# Arguments:
# $1 - Path to messages for most recent suspend onward.
get_bitfix_chunks() {
[ -n "$1" ] || return
grep -c 'bitfix_recover_chunk: Attempting recovery' "$1"
# Find the total number of actual fixes
# Arguments:
# $1 - Path to messages for most recent suspend onward.
get_bitfix_fixes() {
[ -n "$1" ] || return
grep -c '\.\.\.fixed 0x[0-9a-f]* from 0x[0-9a-f]* to 0x[0-9a-f]*' "$1"
# Sends to UMA stats about bitfixes on the most recent suspend/resume:
# Power.BitfixChunks - Number of 8K chunks fixed
# Power.BitfixFixes - Number of words fixed
# Arguments:
# $1 - Path to messages for most recent suspend onward.
send_bitfix_metrics() {
[ -n "$1" ] || return
local recent_messages="$1"
local enable_file="/sys/module/bitfix_snow/parameters/bitfix_enabled"
# Get information about bitfix and send it on.
if [ "$(cat $enable_file 2>/dev/null)" = "Y" ]; then
local bitfix_chunks
bitfix_chunks=$(get_bitfix_chunks "$recent_messages")
local bitfix_fixes
bitfix_fixes=$(get_bitfix_fixes "$recent_messages")
/usr/bin/metrics_client -e Power.BitfixChunks "$bitfix_chunks" 100 &
/usr/bin/metrics_client -e Power.BitfixFixes "$bitfix_fixes" 500 &
# Sends to UMA stats about tps65090 retries
# Platform.Tps65090Retries.FetN - Number of retries for Fet N. N may be
# between 1 and 7.
# As current code is structured you'll see between 1 and 5 tries, but we'll
# claim 6 as the max just in case.
# We want to run this at bootup and after suspend/resume. On bootup we'll run
# against dmesg and after suspend/resume we'll work on the recent messages.
# Messages in the log look like this (register is in hex):
# regulator regulator.46: reg 0xf enable ok after 2 tries
# Arguments:
# $1 - Path to messages for most recent suspend onward; if "" we'll use dmesg
send_tpschrome_retries() {
local recent_messages="$1"
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
local retries_script='
/regulator\.[0-9]+: reg 0x[0-9a-f]+ enable ok after [0-9]+ tries/ {
sub(".*regulator\.[0-9]+: reg ", "");
if ($1 == "0xf")
fet_num = 1; # 0xf is FET1
fet_num = substr($1, 3) - 10 + 2; # 0x10 - 0x15 are FET2 - FET7
printf("Platform.Tps65090Retries.Fet%d_%d\n", fet_num, $5);
local result results
if [ -n "${recent_messages}" ]; then
results=$(awk -- "${retries_script}" "${recent_messages}")
results=$(dmesg | awk -- "${retries_script}")
for result in $results; do
metric=$(echo "${result}" | cut -d'_' -f1)
value=$(echo "${result}" | cut -d'_' -f2)
/usr/bin/metrics_client "${metric}" "${value}" 1 6 7 &
main() {
local event="Resume"
[ "$1" = "-b" ] && event="Boot"
send_time_in_suspend $event
if [ $event = "Resume" ]; then
local recent_messages
send_suspend_resume_time "$recent_messages"
send_bitfix_metrics "$recent_messages"
send_tpschrome_retries "$recent_messages"
cleanup_recent_messages "$recent_messages"
main "$@"