blob: daec66c5675327a3ca42d372b6a74539570ba194 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <wayland-server.h>
#include <wayland-util.h>
#include <xcb/xcb.h>
#include <xkbcommon/xkbcommon.h>
#include "sommelier-ctx.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "sommelier-global.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "sommelier-mmap.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "sommelier-util.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "sommelier-window.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#define SOMMELIER_VERSION "0.20"
#define MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
#define CONTROL_MASK (1 << 0)
#define ALT_MASK (1 << 1)
#define SHIFT_MASK (1 << 2)
struct sl_global;
struct sl_compositor;
struct sl_shm;
struct sl_shell;
struct sl_data_device_manager;
struct sl_data_offer;
struct sl_data_source;
struct sl_xdg_shell;
struct sl_subcompositor;
struct sl_aura_shell;
struct sl_viewporter;
struct sl_linux_dmabuf;
struct sl_keyboard_extension;
struct sl_text_input_manager;
struct sl_relative_pointer_manager;
struct sl_pointer_constraints;
struct sl_window;
struct zaura_shell;
struct zcr_keyboard_extension_v1;
struct sl_gamepad;
struct sl_gaming_input_manager;
struct zcr_gaming_input_v2;
class WaylandChannel;
extern const struct wl_registry_listener sl_registry_listener;
// Exported for testing.
void sl_registry_handler(void* data,
struct wl_registry* registry,
uint32_t id,
const char* interface,
uint32_t version);
// We require a host compositor supporting at least this wl_compositor version.
constexpr uint32_t kMinHostWlCompositorVersion =
struct sl_compositor {
struct sl_context* ctx;
uint32_t id;
struct sl_global* host_global;
struct wl_compositor* internal;
struct sl_shm {
struct sl_context* ctx;
uint32_t id;
struct sl_global* host_global;
struct wl_shm* internal;
struct sl_seat {
struct sl_context* ctx;
uint32_t id;
uint32_t version;
struct sl_global* host_global;
uint32_t last_serial;
struct wl_list link;
struct sl_host_pointer {
struct sl_seat* seat;
struct wl_resource* resource;
struct wl_pointer* proxy;
struct wl_resource* focus_resource;
struct wl_listener focus_resource_listener;
uint32_t focus_serial;
uint32_t time;
wl_fixed_t axis_delta[2];
int32_t axis_discrete[2];
struct sl_relative_pointer_manager {
struct sl_context* ctx;
uint32_t id;
struct sl_global* host_global;
struct zwp_relative_pointer_manager_v1* internal;
struct sl_viewport {
struct wl_list link;
wl_fixed_t src_x;
wl_fixed_t src_y;
wl_fixed_t src_width;
wl_fixed_t src_height;
int32_t dst_width;
int32_t dst_height;
struct sl_host_callback {
struct wl_resource* resource;
struct wl_callback* proxy;
struct sl_host_surface {
struct sl_context* ctx;
struct wl_resource* resource;
struct wl_surface* proxy;
struct wp_viewport* viewport;
uint32_t contents_width;
uint32_t contents_height;
int32_t contents_scale;
struct wl_list contents_viewport;
struct sl_mmap* contents_shm_mmap;
int has_role;
int has_output;
uint32_t last_event_serial;
struct sl_output_buffer* current_buffer;
struct zwp_linux_surface_synchronization_v1* surface_sync;
struct wl_list released_buffers;
struct wl_list busy_buffers;
struct sl_host_region {
struct sl_context* ctx;
struct wl_resource* resource;
struct wl_region* proxy;
struct sl_host_buffer {
struct sl_context* ctx;
struct wl_resource* resource;
struct wl_buffer* proxy;
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
struct sl_mmap* shm_mmap;
uint32_t shm_format;
struct sl_sync_point* sync_point;
struct sl_data_source_send_request {
int fd;
xcb_intern_atom_cookie_t cookie;
struct sl_data_source* data_source;
struct wl_list link;
struct sl_subcompositor {
struct sl_context* ctx;
uint32_t id;
struct sl_global* host_global;
struct sl_shell {
struct sl_context* ctx;
uint32_t id;
struct sl_global* host_global;
struct sl_output {
struct sl_context* ctx;
uint32_t id;
uint32_t version;
struct sl_global* host_global;
struct wl_list link;
struct sl_host_output {
struct sl_context* ctx;
struct wl_resource* resource;
struct wl_output* proxy;
struct zaura_output* aura_output;
int internal;
int x;
int y;
int physical_width;
int physical_height;
int subpixel;
char* make;
char* model;
int transform;
uint32_t flags;
int width;
int height;
int refresh;
int scale_factor;
int current_scale;
int preferred_scale;
int device_scale_factor;
int expecting_scale;
struct wl_list link;
struct sl_host_seat {
struct sl_seat* seat;
struct wl_resource* resource;
struct wl_seat* proxy;
struct sl_accelerator {
struct wl_list link;
uint32_t modifiers;
xkb_keysym_t symbol;
struct sl_keyboard_extension {
struct sl_context* ctx;
uint32_t id;
struct zcr_keyboard_extension_v1* internal;
struct sl_data_device_manager {
struct sl_context* ctx;
uint32_t id;
uint32_t version;
struct sl_global* host_global;
struct wl_data_device_manager* internal;
struct sl_data_offer {
struct sl_context* ctx;
struct wl_data_offer* internal;
struct wl_array atoms; // Contains xcb_atom_t
struct wl_array cookies; // Contains xcb_intern_atom_cookie_t
struct sl_text_input_manager {
struct sl_context* ctx;
uint32_t id;
struct sl_global* host_global;
struct zwp_text_input_manager_v1* internal;
struct sl_gaming_input_manager {
struct sl_context* ctx;
uint32_t id;
struct zcr_gaming_input_v2* internal;
struct sl_pointer_constraints {
struct sl_context* ctx;
uint32_t id;
struct sl_global* host_global;
struct zwp_pointer_constraints_v1* internal;
struct sl_viewporter {
struct sl_context* ctx;
uint32_t id;
struct sl_global* host_viewporter_global;
struct wp_viewporter* internal;
struct sl_xdg_shell {
struct sl_context* ctx;
uint32_t id;
struct sl_global* host_global;
struct xdg_wm_base* internal;
struct sl_aura_shell {
struct sl_context* ctx;
uint32_t id;
uint32_t version;
struct sl_global* host_gtk_shell_global;
struct zaura_shell* internal;
struct sl_linux_dmabuf {
struct sl_context* ctx;
uint32_t id;
uint32_t version;
struct sl_global* host_drm_global;
struct zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1* internal;
struct sl_linux_explicit_synchronization {
struct sl_context* ctx;
uint32_t id;
struct zwp_linux_explicit_synchronization_v1* internal;
struct sl_global {
struct sl_context* ctx;
const struct wl_interface* interface;
uint32_t name;
uint32_t version;
void* data;
wl_global_bind_func_t bind;
struct wl_list link;
struct sl_host_registry {
struct sl_context* ctx;
struct wl_resource* resource;
struct wl_list link;
typedef void (*sl_sync_func_t)(struct sl_context* ctx,
struct sl_sync_point* sync_point);
struct sl_sync_point {
int fd;
sl_sync_func_t sync;
struct sl_host_gamepad {
struct sl_context* ctx;
int state;
struct libevdev* ev_dev;
struct libevdev_uinput* uinput_dev;
bool stadia;
struct wl_list link;
struct sl_host_buffer* sl_create_host_buffer(struct sl_context* ctx,
struct wl_client* client,
uint32_t id,
struct wl_buffer* proxy,
int32_t width,
int32_t height);
struct sl_global* sl_compositor_global_create(struct sl_context* ctx);
void sl_compositor_init_context(struct sl_context* ctx,
struct wl_registry* registry,
uint32_t id,
uint32_t version);
size_t sl_shm_bpp_for_shm_format(uint32_t format);
size_t sl_shm_num_planes_for_shm_format(uint32_t format);
struct sl_global* sl_shm_global_create(struct sl_context* ctx);
struct sl_global* sl_subcompositor_global_create(struct sl_context* ctx);
struct sl_global* sl_shell_global_create(struct sl_context* ctx);
double sl_output_aura_scale_factor_to_double(int scale_factor);
void sl_output_send_host_output_state(struct sl_host_output* host);
struct sl_global* sl_output_global_create(struct sl_output* output);
struct sl_global* sl_seat_global_create(struct sl_seat* seat);
struct sl_global* sl_relative_pointer_manager_global_create(
struct sl_context* ctx);
struct sl_global* sl_data_device_manager_global_create(struct sl_context* ctx);
struct sl_global* sl_viewporter_global_create(struct sl_context* ctx);
struct sl_global* sl_xdg_shell_global_create(struct sl_context* ctx);
struct sl_global* sl_gtk_shell_global_create(struct sl_context* ctx);
struct sl_global* sl_drm_global_create(struct sl_context* ctx);
struct sl_global* sl_text_input_manager_global_create(struct sl_context* ctx);
struct sl_global* sl_pointer_constraints_global_create(struct sl_context* ctx);
void sl_set_display_implementation(struct sl_context* ctx);
struct sl_sync_point* sl_sync_point_create(int fd);
void sl_sync_point_destroy(struct sl_sync_point* sync_point);
void sl_host_seat_added(struct sl_host_seat* host);
void sl_host_seat_removed(struct sl_host_seat* host);
void sl_restack_windows(struct sl_context* ctx, uint32_t focus_resource_id);
void sl_roundtrip(struct sl_context* ctx);
struct sl_window* sl_lookup_window(struct sl_context* ctx, xcb_window_t id);
int sl_is_our_window(struct sl_context* ctx, xcb_window_t id);
// Exported for testing.
void sl_create_window(struct sl_context* ctx,
xcb_window_t id,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height,
int border_width);
void sl_handle_client_message(struct sl_context* ctx,
xcb_client_message_event_t* event);
void sl_gaming_seat_add_listener(struct sl_context* ctx);
#define sl_array_for_each(pos, array) \
for (pos = static_cast<typeof(pos)>((array)->data); \
(const char*)pos < ((const char*)(array)->data + (array)->size); \