blob: fe2cc6ee6fb6536ceed6cec45691547d0f80c0ec [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
namespace shill {
class IOHandler;
class IOHandlerFactory;
class ScopedSocketCloser;
class Sockets;
// Listens for EAP packets on |interface_index| and invokes a
// callback when a request frame arrives.
class EapListener {
using EapRequestReceivedCallback = base::Callback<void()>;
explicit EapListener(int interface_index);
EapListener(const EapListener&) = delete;
EapListener& operator=(const EapListener&) = delete;
virtual ~EapListener();
// Create a socket for tranmission and reception. Returns true
// if successful, false otherwise.
virtual bool Start();
// Destroy the client socket.
virtual void Stop();
// Setter for |request_received_callback_|.
virtual void set_request_received_callback(
const EapRequestReceivedCallback& callback) {
request_received_callback_ = callback;
friend class EapListenerTest;
// The largest EAP packet we expect to receive.
static const size_t kMaxEapPacketLength;
// Creates |socket_|. Returns true on succes, false on failure.
bool CreateSocket();
// Retrieves an EAP packet from |socket_|. This is the callback method
// configured on |receive_request_handler_|.
void ReceiveRequest(int fd);
// Factory to use for creating an input handler.
IOHandlerFactory* io_handler_factory_;
// The interface index fo the device to monitor.
const int interface_index_;
// Callback handle to invoke when an EAP request is received.
EapRequestReceivedCallback request_received_callback_;
// Sockets instance to perform socket calls on.
std::unique_ptr<Sockets> sockets_;
// Receive socket configured to receive PAE (Port Access Entity) packets.
int socket_;
// Scoped socket closer for the receive |socket_|.
std::unique_ptr<ScopedSocketCloser> socket_closer_;
// Input handler for |socket_|. Calls ReceiveRequest().
std::unique_ptr<IOHandler> receive_request_handler_;
} // namespace shill