blob: 1a24a45c9ba2889c229f21c01ed963c5fddd4656 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "shill/cellular/cellular_service.h"
#include <base/check.h>
#include <base/check_op.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/notreached.h>
#include <base/stl_util.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
#include "shill/adaptor_interfaces.h"
#include "shill/cellular/cellular.h"
#include "shill/cellular/cellular_consts.h"
#include "shill/cellular/cellular_service_provider.h"
#include "shill/dbus/dbus_control.h"
#include "shill/manager.h"
#include "shill/property_accessor.h"
#include "shill/store_interface.h"
namespace shill {
namespace Logging {
static auto kModuleLogScope = ScopeLogger::kCellular;
static std::string ObjectID(const CellularService* c) {
return c->log_name();
} // namespace Logging
// statics
const char CellularService::kAutoConnActivating[] = "activating";
const char CellularService::kAutoConnBadPPPCredentials[] =
"bad PPP credentials";
const char CellularService::kAutoConnDeviceDisabled[] = "device disabled";
const char CellularService::kAutoConnNotRegistered[] =
"cellular not registered";
const char CellularService::kAutoConnOutOfCredits[] = "service out of credits";
const char CellularService::kAutoConnSimUnselected[] = "SIM not selected";
const char CellularService::kAutoConnConnectFailed[] =
"previous connect failed";
const char CellularService::kAutoConnInhibited[] = "inhibited";
const char CellularService::kStorageIccid[] = "Cellular.Iccid";
const char CellularService::kStorageImsi[] = "Cellular.Imsi";
const char CellularService::kStoragePPPUsername[] = "Cellular.PPP.Username";
const char CellularService::kStoragePPPPassword[] = "Cellular.PPP.Password";
const char CellularService::kStorageSimCardId[] = "Cellular.SimCardId";
const char CellularService::kStorageAllowRoaming[] = "Cellular.AllowRoaming";
namespace {
const char kGenericServiceNamePrefix[] = "MobileNetwork";
const char kStorageAPN[] = "Cellular.APN";
const char kStorageLastGoodAPN[] = "Cellular.LastGoodAPN";
const int kCurrentApnCacheVersion = 2;
constexpr base::TimeDelta kAutoConnectFailedTime =
bool GetNonEmptyField(const Stringmap& stringmap,
const std::string& fieldname,
std::string* value) {
Stringmap::const_iterator it = stringmap.find(fieldname);
if (it != stringmap.end() && !it->second.empty()) {
*value = it->second;
return true;
return false;
void FetchDetailsFromApnList(const Stringmaps& apn_list, Stringmap* apn_info) {
std::string apn;
for (const Stringmap& list_apn_info : apn_list) {
if (GetNonEmptyField(list_apn_info, kApnProperty, &apn) &&
(*apn_info)[kApnProperty] == apn) {
*apn_info = list_apn_info;
bool LoadApnField(const StoreInterface* storage,
const std::string& storage_group,
const std::string& keytag,
const std::string& apntag,
Stringmap* apn_info) {
std::string value;
if (storage->GetString(storage_group, keytag + "." + apntag, &value) &&
!value.empty()) {
(*apn_info)[apntag] = value;
return true;
return false;
void LoadApn(const StoreInterface* storage,
const std::string& storage_group,
const std::string& keytag,
const Stringmaps& apn_list,
Stringmap* apn_info) {
if (keytag == kStorageLastGoodAPN) {
// Ignore LastGoodAPN that is too old.
int version;
if (!LoadApnField(storage, storage_group, keytag,
cellular::kApnVersionProperty, apn_info) ||
&version) ||
version < kCurrentApnCacheVersion) {
if (!LoadApnField(storage, storage_group, keytag, kApnProperty, apn_info))
if (keytag == kStorageAPN)
FetchDetailsFromApnList(apn_list, apn_info);
LoadApnField(storage, storage_group, keytag, kApnUsernameProperty, apn_info);
LoadApnField(storage, storage_group, keytag, kApnPasswordProperty, apn_info);
LoadApnField(storage, storage_group, keytag, kApnAuthenticationProperty,
LoadApnField(storage, storage_group, keytag, kApnIpTypeProperty, apn_info);
LoadApnField(storage, storage_group, keytag, kApnAttachProperty, apn_info);
void SaveApnField(StoreInterface* storage,
const std::string& storage_group,
const Stringmap* apn_info,
const std::string& keytag,
const std::string& apntag) {
const std::string key = keytag + "." + apntag;
std::string str;
if (apn_info && GetNonEmptyField(*apn_info, apntag, &str))
storage->SetString(storage_group, key, str);
storage->DeleteKey(storage_group, key);
void SaveApn(StoreInterface* storage,
const std::string& storage_group,
const Stringmap* apn_info,
const std::string& keytag) {
SaveApnField(storage, storage_group, apn_info, keytag, kApnProperty);
SaveApnField(storage, storage_group, apn_info, keytag, kApnUsernameProperty);
SaveApnField(storage, storage_group, apn_info, keytag, kApnPasswordProperty);
SaveApnField(storage, storage_group, apn_info, keytag,
SaveApnField(storage, storage_group, apn_info, keytag, kApnIpTypeProperty);
SaveApnField(storage, storage_group, apn_info, keytag, kApnAttachProperty);
SaveApnField(storage, storage_group, apn_info, keytag,
} // namespace
CellularService::CellularService(Manager* manager,
const std::string& imsi,
const std::string& iccid,
const std::string& eid)
: Service(manager, Technology::kCellular),
eid_(eid) {
// Note: This will change once SetNetworkTechnology() is called, but the
// serial number remains unchanged so correlating log lines will be easy.
log_name_ = "cellular_" + base::NumberToString(serial_number());
// This will get overwritten in Load and in Cellular::UpdateServingOperator
// when the service is the primary service for the device.
friendly_name_ =
kGenericServiceNamePrefix + base::NumberToString(serial_number());
PropertyStore* store = mutable_store();
&CellularService::CalculateActivationType, nullptr);
store->RegisterConstString(kActivationStateProperty, &activation_state_);
HelpRegisterDerivedStringmap(kCellularApnProperty, &CellularService::GetApn,
store->RegisterConstString(kIccidProperty, &iccid_);
store->RegisterConstString(kImsiProperty, &imsi_);
store->RegisterConstString(kEidProperty, &eid_);
store->RegisterConstString(kNetworkTechnologyProperty, &network_technology_);
&CellularService::IsOutOfCredits, nullptr);
store->RegisterConstStringmap(kPaymentPortalProperty, &olp_);
store->RegisterConstString(kRoamingStateProperty, &roaming_state_);
store->RegisterConstStringmap(kServingOperatorProperty, &serving_operator_);
store->RegisterConstString(kUsageURLProperty, &usage_url_);
store->RegisterString(kCellularPPPUsernameProperty, &ppp_username_);
store->RegisterWriteOnlyString(kCellularPPPPasswordProperty, &ppp_password_);
BoolAccessor(new CustomAccessor<CellularService, bool>(
this, &CellularService::GetAllowRoaming,
storage_identifier_ = GetDefaultStorageIdentifier();
SLOG(this, 1) << "CellularService Created: " << log_name();
CellularService::~CellularService() {
SLOG(this, 1) << "CellularService Destroyed: " << log_name();
void CellularService::SetDevice(Cellular* device) {
SLOG(this, 1) << __func__ << ": " << log_name()
<< " Device ICCID: " << (device ? device->iccid() : "None");
cellular_ = device;
Error ignored_error;
if (!cellular_) {
// Do not destroy the service here, Modem may be Inhibited or have reset.
// If it comes back, the appropriate services will be updated, created, or
// destroyed from the available SIM properties.
if (cellular_->iccid() != iccid_) {
void CellularService::CompleteCellularActivation(Error* error) {
if (!cellular_ || cellular_->service() != this) {
FROM_HERE, error, Error::kOperationFailed,
base::StringPrintf("CompleteCellularActivation attempted but %s "
"Service %s is not active.",
kTypeCellular, log_name().c_str()));
std::string CellularService::GetStorageIdentifier() const {
return storage_identifier_;
std::string CellularService::GetLoadableStorageIdentifier(
const StoreInterface& storage) const {
std::set<std::string> groups =
if (groups.empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Configuration for service " << log_name()
<< " is not available in the persistent store";
return std::string();
if (groups.size() == 1)
return *groups.begin();
// If there are multiple candidates, find the best matching entry. This may
// happen when loading older profiles.
LOG(WARNING) << "More than one configuration for service " << log_name()
<< " is available, using the best match and removing others.";
// If the storage identifier matches, always use that.
auto iter = std::find(groups.begin(), groups.end(), storage_identifier_);
if (iter != groups.end())
return *iter;
// If an entry with a non-empty IMSI exists, use that.
for (const std::string& group : groups) {
std::string imsi;
storage.GetString(group, kStorageImsi, &imsi);
if (!imsi.empty())
return group;
// Otherwise use the first entry.
return *groups.begin();
bool CellularService::IsLoadableFrom(const StoreInterface& storage) const {
return !GetLoadableStorageIdentifier(storage).empty();
bool CellularService::Load(const StoreInterface* storage) {
std::string id = GetLoadableStorageIdentifier(*storage);
if (id.empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "No service with matching properties found";
return false;
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__
<< ": Service with matching properties found: " << id;
std::string default_storage_identifier = storage_identifier_;
// Set |storage identifier_| to match the storage name in the Profile.
// This needs to be done before calling Service::Load().
// NOTE: Older profiles used other identifiers instead of ICCID. This is fine
// since entries are identified by their properties, not the id.
storage_identifier_ = id;
// Load properties common to all Services.
if (!Service::Load(storage)) {
// Restore the default storage id. The invalid profile entry will become
// ignored.
storage_identifier_ = default_storage_identifier;
return false;
// |iccid_| will always match the storage entry.
// |eid_| is set on construction from the SIM properties.
storage->GetString(id, kStorageImsi, &imsi_);
// kStorageName is saved in Service but not loaded. Load the name here, but
// only set |friendly_name_| if it is not a default name to ensure uniqueness.
std::string friendly_name;
if (storage->GetString(id, kStorageName, &friendly_name) &&
!friendly_name.empty() &&
!base::StartsWith(friendly_name, kGenericServiceNamePrefix)) {
friendly_name_ = friendly_name;
const Stringmaps& apn_list =
cellular() ? cellular()->apn_list() : Stringmaps();
LoadApn(storage, id, kStorageAPN, apn_list, &apn_info_);
LoadApn(storage, id, kStorageLastGoodAPN, apn_list, &last_good_apn_info_);
const std::string old_username = ppp_username_;
const std::string old_password = ppp_password_;
storage->GetString(id, kStoragePPPUsername, &ppp_username_);
storage->GetString(id, kStoragePPPPassword, &ppp_password_);
if (IsFailed() && failure() == kFailurePPPAuth &&
(old_username != ppp_username_ || old_password != ppp_password_)) {
storage->GetBool(id, kStorageAllowRoaming, &allow_roaming_);
return true;
bool CellularService::Unload() {
return manager()->cellular_service_provider()->OnServiceUnloaded(this);
bool CellularService::Save(StoreInterface* storage) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
// Save properties common to all Services.
if (!Service::Save(storage))
return false;
const std::string id = GetStorageIdentifier();
SaveStringOrClear(storage, id, kStorageIccid, iccid_);
SaveStringOrClear(storage, id, kStorageImsi, imsi_);
SaveStringOrClear(storage, id, kStorageSimCardId, GetSimCardId());
SaveApn(storage, id, GetUserSpecifiedApn(), kStorageAPN);
SaveApn(storage, id, GetLastGoodApn(), kStorageLastGoodAPN);
SaveStringOrClear(storage, id, kStoragePPPUsername, ppp_username_);
SaveStringOrClear(storage, id, kStoragePPPPassword, ppp_password_);
storage->SetBool(id, kStorageAllowRoaming, allow_roaming_);
return true;
bool CellularService::IsVisible() const {
return true;
const std::string& CellularService::GetSimCardId() const {
if (!eid_.empty())
return eid_;
return iccid_;
void CellularService::SetActivationType(ActivationType type) {
if (type == activation_type_) {
activation_type_ = type;
std::string CellularService::GetActivationTypeString() const {
switch (activation_type_) {
case kActivationTypeNonCellular:
return shill::kActivationTypeNonCellular;
case kActivationTypeOMADM:
return shill::kActivationTypeOMADM;
case kActivationTypeOTA:
return shill::kActivationTypeOTA;
case kActivationTypeOTASP:
return shill::kActivationTypeOTASP;
case kActivationTypeUnknown:
return "";
return ""; // Make compiler happy.
void CellularService::SetActivationState(const std::string& state) {
if (state == activation_state_)
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << state;
// If AutoConnect has not been explicitly set by the client, set it to true
// when the service becomes activated.
if (!retain_auto_connect() && state == kActivationStateActivated)
activation_state_ = state;
adaptor()->EmitStringChanged(kActivationStateProperty, state);
void CellularService::SetOLP(const std::string& url,
const std::string& method,
const std::string& post_data) {
Stringmap olp;
olp[kPaymentPortalURL] = url;
olp[kPaymentPortalMethod] = method;
olp[kPaymentPortalPostData] = post_data;
if (olp_ == olp) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << url;
olp_ = olp;
adaptor()->EmitStringmapChanged(kPaymentPortalProperty, olp);
void CellularService::SetUsageURL(const std::string& url) {
if (url == usage_url_) {
usage_url_ = url;
adaptor()->EmitStringChanged(kUsageURLProperty, url);
void CellularService::SetServingOperator(const Stringmap& serving_operator) {
if (serving_operator_ == serving_operator)
serving_operator_ = serving_operator;
adaptor()->EmitStringmapChanged(kServingOperatorProperty, serving_operator_);
void CellularService::SetNetworkTechnology(const std::string& technology) {
if (technology == network_technology_) {
network_technology_ = technology;
log_name_ = "cellular_" + network_technology_ + "_" +
adaptor()->EmitStringChanged(kNetworkTechnologyProperty, technology);
void CellularService::SetRoamingState(const std::string& state) {
if (state == roaming_state_) {
roaming_state_ = state;
adaptor()->EmitStringChanged(kRoamingStateProperty, state);
if (IsRoamingRuleViolated()) {
Error error;
OnDisconnect(&error, __func__);
bool CellularService::IsRoamingAllowed() {
if (cellular_ && cellular_->provider_requires_roaming())
return true;
return allow_roaming_ && cellular_ && cellular_->policy_allow_roaming();
bool CellularService::IsRoamingRuleViolated() {
if (roaming_state_ != kRoamingStateRoaming)
return false;
return !IsRoamingAllowed();
Stringmap* CellularService::GetUserSpecifiedApn() {
Stringmap::iterator it = apn_info_.find(kApnProperty);
if (it == apn_info_.end() || it->second.empty())
return nullptr;
return &apn_info_;
Stringmap* CellularService::GetLastGoodApn() {
Stringmap::iterator it = last_good_apn_info_.find(kApnProperty);
if (it == last_good_apn_info_.end() || it->second.empty())
return nullptr;
return &last_good_apn_info_;
void CellularService::SetLastGoodApn(const Stringmap& apn_info) {
last_good_apn_info_ = apn_info;
void CellularService::ClearLastGoodApn() {
Stringmap* CellularService::GetLastAttachApn() {
Stringmap::iterator it = last_attach_apn_info_.find(kApnProperty);
if (it == last_attach_apn_info_.end() || it->second.empty())
return nullptr;
return &last_attach_apn_info_;
void CellularService::SetLastAttachApn(const Stringmap& apn_info) {
last_attach_apn_info_ = apn_info;
void CellularService::ClearLastAttachApn() {
void CellularService::NotifySubscriptionStateChanged(
SubscriptionState subscription_state) {
bool new_out_of_credits =
(subscription_state == SubscriptionState::kOutOfCredits);
if (out_of_credits_ == new_out_of_credits)
out_of_credits_ = new_out_of_credits;
SLOG(this, 2) << (out_of_credits_ ? "Marking service out-of-credits"
: "Marking service as not out-of-credits");
adaptor()->EmitBoolChanged(kOutOfCreditsProperty, out_of_credits_);
void CellularService::OnConnect(Error* error) {
if (!cellular_) {
FROM_HERE, error, Error::kOperationFailed,
base::StringPrintf("Connect attempted but %s Service %s has no device.",
kTypeCellular, log_name().c_str()));
cellular_->Connect(this, error);
void CellularService::OnDisconnect(Error* error, const char* reason) {
if (!cellular_) {
FROM_HERE, error, Error::kOperationFailed,
"Disconnect attempted but %s Service %s has no device.",
kTypeCellular, log_name().c_str()));
if (cellular_->connect_pending_iccid() == iccid_) {
cellular_->Disconnect(error, reason);
bool CellularService::IsAutoConnectable(const char** reason) const {
if (!cellular_ || !cellular_->enabled()) {
*reason = kAutoConnDeviceDisabled;
return false;
if (cellular_->service()) {
if (cellular_->service()->IsConnected()) {
*reason = kAutoConnConnected;
return false;
if (cellular_->service()->IsConnecting()) {
*reason = kAutoConnBusy;
return false;
if (cellular_->IsActivating()) {
*reason = kAutoConnActivating;
return false;
if (!Service::IsAutoConnectable(reason)) {
return false;
if (cellular_->iccid() != iccid()) {
*reason = kAutoConnSimUnselected;
return false;
if (!cellular_->StateIsRegistered()) {
*reason = kAutoConnNotRegistered;
return false;
if (cellular_->inhibited()) {
*reason = kAutoConnInhibited;
return false;
if (!cellular_->connect_pending_iccid().empty()) {
*reason = kAutoConnConnecting;
return false;
if (failure() == kFailurePPPAuth) {
*reason = kAutoConnBadPPPCredentials;
return false;
if (failure() == kFailureConnect) {
base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> failed_time = GetTimeSinceFailed();
if (failed_time && *failed_time < kAutoConnectFailedTime) {
// For Cellular, do not immediately auto connect after a failure.
*reason = kAutoConnConnectFailed;
return false;
if (out_of_credits_) {
*reason = kAutoConnOutOfCredits;
return false;
return true;
base::TimeDelta CellularService::GetMaxAutoConnectCooldownTime() const {
return base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(30);
bool CellularService::IsDisconnectable(Error* error) const {
if (!cellular_) {
FROM_HERE, error, Error::kNotConnected,
base::StringPrintf("Disconnect attempted with no Cellular Device: %s",
return false;
if (cellular_->connect_pending_iccid() == iccid_) {
// Allow disconnecting when a connect is pending.
return true;
return Service::IsDisconnectable(error);
bool CellularService::IsMeteredByServiceProperties() const {
// TODO( see if we can detect unmetered cellular
// connections automatically.
return true;
RpcIdentifier CellularService::GetDeviceRpcId(Error* error) const {
// Only provide cellular_->GetRpcIdentifier() if this is the active service.
if (!cellular_ || iccid() != cellular_->iccid())
return DBusControl::NullRpcIdentifier();
return cellular_->GetRpcIdentifier();
void CellularService::HelpRegisterDerivedString(
const std::string& name,
std::string (CellularService::*get)(Error* error),
bool (CellularService::*set)(const std::string& value, Error* error)) {
name, StringAccessor(new CustomAccessor<CellularService, std::string>(
this, get, set)));
void CellularService::HelpRegisterDerivedStringmap(
const std::string& name,
Stringmap (CellularService::*get)(Error* error),
bool (CellularService::*set)(const Stringmap& value, Error* error)) {
name, StringmapAccessor(new CustomAccessor<CellularService, Stringmap>(
this, get, set)));
void CellularService::HelpRegisterDerivedBool(
const std::string& name,
bool (CellularService::*get)(Error* error),
bool (CellularService::*set)(const bool&, Error*)) {
BoolAccessor(new CustomAccessor<CellularService, bool>(this, get, set)));
std::set<std::string> CellularService::GetStorageGroupsWithProperty(
const StoreInterface& storage,
const std::string& key,
const std::string& value) const {
KeyValueStore properties;
properties.Set<std::string>(kStorageType, kTypeCellular);
properties.Set<std::string>(key, value);
return storage.GetGroupsWithProperties(properties);
std::string CellularService::CalculateActivationType(Error* error) {
return GetActivationTypeString();
Stringmap CellularService::GetApn(Error* /*error*/) {
return apn_info_;
bool CellularService::SetApn(const Stringmap& value, Error* error) {
// Only copy in the fields we care about, and validate the contents.
// If the "apn" field is missing or empty, the APN is cleared.
std::string new_apn;
Stringmap new_apn_info;
if (GetNonEmptyField(value, kApnProperty, &new_apn)) {
new_apn_info[kApnProperty] = new_apn;
// Fetch details from the APN database first.
FetchDetailsFromApnList(cellular()->apn_list(), &new_apn_info);
// If this is a user-entered APN, the one or more of the following
// details should exist, even if they are empty.
std::string str;
if (GetNonEmptyField(value, kApnUsernameProperty, &str))
new_apn_info[kApnUsernameProperty] = str;
if (GetNonEmptyField(value, kApnPasswordProperty, &str))
new_apn_info[kApnPasswordProperty] = str;
if (GetNonEmptyField(value, kApnAuthenticationProperty, &str))
new_apn_info[kApnAuthenticationProperty] = str;
if (GetNonEmptyField(value, kApnAttachProperty, &str))
new_apn_info[kApnAttachProperty] = str;
new_apn_info[cellular::kApnVersionProperty] =
if (apn_info_ == new_apn_info) {
return true;
apn_info_ = new_apn_info;
adaptor()->EmitStringmapChanged(kCellularApnProperty, apn_info_);
if (apn_info_.count(kApnAttachProperty) ||
last_attach_apn_info_.count(kApnAttachProperty)) {
// If the new APN is an 'attach APN',we need to detach and re-attach
// to the LTE network in order to use it.
// If we were using an attach APN, and we are no longer using it, we should
// also re-attach to clear the attach APN in the modem.
return true;
if (!IsConnected()) {
return true;
Disconnect(error, __func__);
if (!error->IsSuccess()) {
return false;
Connect(error, __func__);
return error->IsSuccess();
KeyValueStore CellularService::GetStorageProperties() const {
KeyValueStore properties;
properties.Set<std::string>(kStorageType, kTypeCellular);
properties.Set<std::string>(kStorageIccid, iccid_);
return properties;
std::string CellularService::GetDefaultStorageIdentifier() const {
if (iccid_.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "CellularService created with empty ICCID.";
return std::string();
return SanitizeStorageIdentifier(
base::StringPrintf("%s_%s", kTypeCellular, iccid_.c_str()));
bool CellularService::IsOutOfCredits(Error* /*error*/) {
return out_of_credits_;
bool CellularService::SetAllowRoaming(const bool& value, Error* error) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << value;
if (allow_roaming_ == value)
return false;
allow_roaming_ = value;
adaptor()->EmitBoolChanged(kCellularAllowRoamingProperty, value);
if (IsRoamingRuleViolated()) {
Error disconnect_error;
OnDisconnect(&disconnect_error, __func__);
return true;
bool CellularService::GetAllowRoaming(Error* /*error*/) {
return allow_roaming_;
} // namespace shill