blob: 4fca82f6b4f20b4470d4a7d68fe8bb7e6ebf36d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <rmad/proto_bindings/rmad.pb.h>
namespace rmad {
class RmadInterface {
RmadInterface() = default;
virtual ~RmadInterface() = default;
// Fully set up the interface. To minimize unnecessary initialization when RMA
// is not required, the D-Bus APIs might be called when the class is
// initialized by the constructor but not fully set up.
virtual bool SetUp() = 0;
// Register a signal sender for specific states. Virtual functions cannot be
// declared as template so we need to declare them one by one.
virtual void RegisterSignalSender(
RmadState::StateCase state_case,
std::unique_ptr<base::RepeatingCallback<bool(bool)>> callback) = 0;
using HardwareVerificationResultSignalCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const HardwareVerificationResult&)>;
virtual void RegisterSignalSender(
RmadState::StateCase state_case,
std::unique_ptr<HardwareVerificationResultSignalCallback> callback) = 0;
using UpdateRoFirmwareStatusSignalCallback =
virtual void RegisterSignalSender(
RmadState::StateCase state_case,
std::unique_ptr<UpdateRoFirmwareStatusSignalCallback> callback) = 0;
using CalibrationOverallSignalCallback =
virtual void RegisterSignalSender(
RmadState::StateCase state_case,
std::unique_ptr<CalibrationOverallSignalCallback> callback) = 0;
using CalibrationComponentSignalCallback =
virtual void RegisterSignalSender(
RmadState::StateCase state_case,
std::unique_ptr<CalibrationComponentSignalCallback> callback) = 0;
using ProvisionSignalCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const ProvisionStatus&)>;
virtual void RegisterSignalSender(
RmadState::StateCase state_case,
std::unique_ptr<ProvisionSignalCallback> callback) = 0;
using FinalizeSignalCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const FinalizeStatus&)>;
virtual void RegisterSignalSender(
RmadState::StateCase state_case,
std::unique_ptr<FinalizeSignalCallback> callback) = 0;
// Get the current state_case.
virtual RmadState::StateCase GetCurrentStateCase() = 0;
// Try to transition to the next state using the current state without
// additional user input.
virtual void TryTransitionNextStateFromCurrentState() = 0;
// Callback used by all state functions to return the current state to the
// dbus service.
using GetStateCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void(const GetStateReply&)>;
// Get the initialized current RmadState proto.
virtual void GetCurrentState(const GetStateCallback& callback) = 0;
// Update the state using the RmadState proto in the request and return the
// resulting state after all work is done.
virtual void TransitionNextState(const TransitionNextStateRequest& request,
const GetStateCallback& callback) = 0;
// Go back to the previous state if possible and return the RmadState proto.
virtual void TransitionPreviousState(const GetStateCallback& callback) = 0;
using AbortRmaCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void(const AbortRmaReply&)>;
// Cancel the RMA process if possible and reboot.
virtual void AbortRma(const AbortRmaCallback& callback) = 0;
// Returns whether it's allowed to abort RMA now.
virtual bool CanAbort() const = 0;
} // namespace rmad