blob: b210d16ced7627bf176f171cd52e32b2491e5ac4 [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- Structured metrics is under development and isn't available for use yet. -->
<project name="Bluetooth">
Project for recording bluetooth metrics.
<event name="BluetoothAdapterStateChanged">
Records the toggle of the adapter.
<metric name="SystemTime" type="int">
The system time in nanoseconds.
<metric name="AdapterState" type="int">
The state of the bluetooth adapter, 0 for disabled and 1 for enabled.
<event name="BluetoothPairingStateChanged">
Records the device pairing state change.
<metric name="SystemTime" type="int">
The system time in nanoseconds.
<metric name="DeviceId" type="hmac-string">
The bluetooth device id.
<metric name="DeviceType" type="int">
The bluetooth device type such as LE, BREDR.
<metric name="PairingState" type="int">
The state of the pairing.
<event name="BluetoothAclConnectionStateChanged">
Records the ACL connection state change.
<metric name="SystemTime" type="int">
The system time in nanoseconds.
<metric name="DeviceId" type="hmac-string">
The bluetooth device id.
<metric name="DeviceType" type="int">
The bluetooth device type such as LE, BREDR.
<metric name="ConnectionDirection" type="int">
Whether it is an incoming or outgoing connection.
<metric name="StateChangeType" type="int">
Whether it is a connection or disconnection state change.
<metric name="AclConnectionState" type="int">
The state of the connection.
<event name="BluetoothProfileConnectionStateChanged">
Records the profile connection state change.
<metric name="SystemTime" type="int">
The system time in nanoseconds.
<metric name="DeviceId" type="hmac-string">
The bluetooth device id.
<metric name="StateChangeType" type="int">
Whether it is a connection or disconnection state change.
<metric name="Profile" type="int">
The bluetooth profile.
<metric name="ProfileConnectionState" type="int">
The state of the profile connection.
<event name="BluetoothDeviceInfoReport">
Records the bluetooth device info.
<metric name="SystemTime" type="int">
The system time in nanoseconds.
<metric name="DeviceId" type="hmac-string">
The bluetooth device id.
<metric name="DeviceType" type="int">
The bluetooth device type such as LE, BREDR.
<metric name="DeviceClass" type="int">
The major class of the BR/EDR device.
<metric name="DeviceCategory" type="int">
The category of the BLE device.
<metric name="VendorId" type="int">
The vendor id of the bluetooth device.
<metric name="VendorIdSource" type="int">
The vendor id source such as SIG and USB.
<metric name="ProductId" type="int">
The product id of the bluetooth device.
<metric name="ProductVersion" type="int">
The product version of the bluetooth device.
<project name="HardwareVerifier">
Project for hardware_verifier to record HardwareVerifier metrics.
hardware_verifier is run once per boot.
<event name="HwVerificationReport">
Record a verification report once hardware_verifier runs. The event will
be sent once per run.
<metric name="IsCompliant" type="int">
The qualification status of components that are probed by
<metric name="QualificationStatusDisplayPanel" type="int">
<summary>The qualification status of display_panel components.</summary>
<metric name="QualificationStatusStorage" type="int">
<summary>The qualification status of storage components.</summary>
<event name="ComponentInfo">
Record a hardware component on devices probed by hardware_verifier.
The event will be sent several times per run, depending on how many
hardware components are probed. Since we only record display currently,
there are usually 1~2 events. If we extend structured metrics to more
hardware categories, e.g. battery, memory, storage, network, it would be
about 10 events per run.
<metric name="ComponentCategory" type="int">
<summary>The category of the recorded component.</summary>
<metric name="DisplayPanelVendor" type="int">
<summary>The vendor of the display panel.</summary>
<metric name="DisplayPanelProductId" type="int">
<summary>The product ID of the display panel.</summary>
<metric name="DisplayPanelHeight" type="int">
<summary>The height of the display panel.</summary>
<metric name="DisplayPanelWidth" type="int">
<summary>The width of the display panel.</summary>
<metric name="StorageMmcManfid" type="int">
<summary>The manfid of the MMC storage.</summary>
<metric name="StorageMmcHwrev" type="int">
<summary>The hwrev of the MMC storage.</summary>
<metric name="StorageMmcOemid" type="int">
<summary>The oemid of the MMC storage.</summary>
<metric name="StorageMmcPrv" type="int">
<summary>The prv of the MMC storage.</summary>
<metric name="StoragePciVendor" type="int">
<summary>The vendor of the PCI (NVMe) storage.</summary>
<metric name="StoragePciDevice" type="int">
<summary>The device ID of the PCI (NVMe) storage.</summary>
<metric name="StoragePciClass" type="int">
<summary>The device class of the PCI (NVMe) storage.</summary>
<project name="Cellular">
Project for recording Cellular metrics.
<event name="CellularConnectionAttempt">
Records information of the last cellular connection attempt. An entry is
logged inmediately after the cellular connection fails or succeeds.
<metric name="apn_id" type="int">
The ID of the APN used to establish the connection. This ID is a hash
of the string uuid+apn_name+username+password.
<metric name="ipv4_config_method" type="int">
The IPv4 config method(see IPConfig::Method) provided by the carrier.
<metric name="ipv6_config_method" type="int">
The IPv6 config method(see IPConfig::Method) provided by the carrier.
<metric name="connect_result" type="int">
The result of the connection. This uses the same values as the metric
<metric name="home_mccmnc" type="int">
The MCCMNC of the home provider.
<metric name="serving_mccmnc" type="int">
The MCCMNC of the serving provider.
<metric name="roaming_state" type="int">
Indicates if the device is roaming.
<metric name="use_attach_apn" type="int">
Indicates if the use_attach flag is enabled.
<metric name="apn_source" type="int">
Indicates the source of the APN. Options are: MODB == 0 , UI == 1,
MODEM == 2.
<project name="rmad">
Project for rmad to record Shimless RMA metrics. The metrics of the whole
RMA procedure are only recorded once after it is completed or aborted.
<event name="ShimlessRmaReport">
Record a shimless rma report once it is completed or aborted.
<metric name="OverallTime" type="int">
<summary>Overall time spent to complete the whole process.</summary>
<metric name="RunningTime" type="int">
<summary>Time spent with RMA daemon running.</summary>
<metric name="IsComplete" type="int">
Invocation of Shimless RMA:
1: RMA is complete, 0: RMA is aborted.
<metric name="RoVerification" type="int">
RO verification of Shimless RMA:
0: Shimless RMA run with unknown RO verification status
1: Shimless RMA run with RO verification successful
2: Shimless RMA run with RO verification unsupported
<metric name="ReturningOwner" type="int">
Destination of Shimless RMA:
0: Shimless RMA haven't known the returning owner yet
1: Shimless RMA run with the device returning to the same owner
2: Shimless RMA run with the device returning to a different owner
<metric name="MainboardReplacement" type="int">
Replacement MLB of Shimless RMA:
0: Shimless RMA haven't known the mainboard replacement status
1: Shimless RMA run with a replaced MLB
2: Shimless RMA run with the original MLB
<metric name="WriteProtectDisableMethod" type="int">
Write protection disable status of Shimless RMA:
0: Shimless RMA haven't known the write-protect status
1: Shimless RMA skip disabling write-protect
2: Shimless RMA run with write-protect being disabled via RSU
3: Shimless RMA run with write-protect being manually disabled with
immediate re-enablement
4: Shimless RMA run with write-protect being manually disabled and
keep the device open
<event name="ReplacedComponent">
Record a component replaced in Shimless RMA. The event will be sent
several times per run, depending on how many components are replaced.
<metric name="ComponentCategory" type="int">
The category of the recorded component.
Enum for components defined in rmad.proto.
<event name="OccurredError">
<summary>Shimless RMA run with triggering of Error XYZ.</summary>
<metric name="ErrorType" type="int">
The type of the recorded error.
Enum for errors defined in rmad.proto.
<event name="AdditionalActivity">
Shimless RMA completed and an additional activity undertaken.
<metric name="ActivityType" type="int">
1: shutdown
2: reboot
3: battery cutoff
4: diagnostics
<project name="TestProjectOne">
Project for unit testing, do not use.
<event name="TestEventOne">
Event for unit testing, do not use.
<metric name="TestMetricOne" type="hmac-string">
A per-user keyed hashed value.
<metric name="TestMetricTwo" type="int">
An unhashed value, recorded as-is.
<event name="TestEventTwo">
Event for unit testing, do not use.
<metric name="TestMetricThree" type="int">
A per-user keyed hashed value.
<project name="TestProjectTwo">
Project for unit testing, do not use.
<event name="TestEventThree">
Event for unit testing, do not use.
<metric name="TestMetricFour" type="hmac-string">
A per-user keyed hashed value.