blob: 2bd7fda1faa4c43f945884cf62956d7fbaf170e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "trunks/tpm_utility.h"
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "trunks/scoped_key_handle.h"
#include "trunks/trunks_export.h"
namespace trunks {
const char kWellKnownPassword[] = "cros-password";
class AuthorizationDelegate;
class TrunksFactory;
// A default implementation of TpmUtility.
class TRUNKS_EXPORT TpmUtilityImpl : public TpmUtility {
explicit TpmUtilityImpl(const TrunksFactory& factory);
TpmUtilityImpl(const TpmUtilityImpl&) = delete;
TpmUtilityImpl& operator=(const TpmUtilityImpl&) = delete;
~TpmUtilityImpl() override;
// TpmUtility methods.
TPM_RC Startup() override;
TPM_RC Clear() override;
void Shutdown() override;
TPM_RC CheckState() override;
TPM_RC InitializeTpm() override;
TPM_RC AllocatePCR(const std::string& platform_password) override;
TPM_RC PrepareForPinWeaver() override;
TPM_RC PrepareForOwnership() override;
TPM_RC TakeOwnership(const std::string& owner_password,
const std::string& endorsement_password,
const std::string& lockout_password) override;
TPM_RC StirRandom(const std::string& entropy_data,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate) override;
TPM_RC GenerateRandom(size_t num_bytes,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate,
std::string* random_data) override;
TPM_RC ExtendPCR(int pcr_index,
const std::string& extend_data,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate) override;
TPM_RC ExtendPCRForCSME(int pcr_index,
const std::string& extend_data) override;
TPM_RC ReadPCR(int pcr_index, std::string* pcr_value) override;
TPM_RC ReadPCRFromCSME(int pcr_index, std::string* pcr_value) override;
TPM_RC AsymmetricEncrypt(TPM_HANDLE key_handle,
TPM_ALG_ID scheme,
TPM_ALG_ID hash_alg,
const std::string& plaintext,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate,
std::string* ciphertext) override;
TPM_RC AsymmetricDecrypt(TPM_HANDLE key_handle,
TPM_ALG_ID scheme,
TPM_ALG_ID hash_alg,
const std::string& ciphertext,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate,
std::string* plaintext) override;
const TPM2B_ECC_POINT& in_point,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate,
TPM2B_ECC_POINT* out_point) override;
TPM_RC RawSign(TPM_HANDLE key_handle,
TPM_ALG_ID scheme,
TPM_ALG_ID hash_alg,
const std::string& plaintext,
bool generate_hash,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate,
TPMT_SIGNATURE* auth) override;
TPM_RC Sign(TPM_HANDLE key_handle,
TPM_ALG_ID scheme,
TPM_ALG_ID hash_alg,
const std::string& plaintext,
bool generate_hash,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate,
std::string* signature) override;
TPM_RC CertifyCreation(TPM_HANDLE key_handle,
const std::string& creation_blob) override;
TPM_RC ChangeKeyAuthorizationData(TPM_HANDLE key_handle,
const std::string& new_password,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate,
std::string* key_blob) override;
TPM_RC ImportRSAKey(AsymmetricKeyUsage key_type,
const std::string& modulus,
uint32_t public_exponent,
const std::string& prime_factor,
const std::string& password,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate,
std::string* key_blob) override;
TPM_RC ImportECCKey(AsymmetricKeyUsage key_type,
TPMI_ECC_CURVE curve_id,
const std::string& public_point_x,
const std::string& public_point_y,
const std::string& private_value,
const std::string& password,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate,
std::string* key_blob) override;
TPM_RC CreateRSAKeyPair(AsymmetricKeyUsage key_type,
int modulus_bits,
uint32_t public_exponent,
const std::string& password,
const std::string& policy_digest,
bool use_only_policy_authorization,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& creation_pcr_indexes,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate,
std::string* key_blob,
std::string* creation_blob) override;
TPM_RC CreateECCKeyPair(AsymmetricKeyUsage key_type,
TPMI_ECC_CURVE curve_id,
const std::string& password,
const std::string& policy_digest,
bool use_only_policy_authorization,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& creation_pcr_indexes,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate,
std::string* key_blob,
std::string* creation_blob) override;
TPM_RC LoadKey(const std::string& key_blob,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate,
TPM_HANDLE* key_handle) override;
TPM_RC LoadRSAPublicKey(AsymmetricKeyUsage key_type,
TPM_ALG_ID scheme,
TPM_ALG_ID hash_alg,
const std::string& modulus,
uint32_t public_exponent,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate,
TPM_HANDLE* key_handle) override;
TPM_RC LoadECPublicKey(AsymmetricKeyUsage key_type,
TPM_ECC_CURVE curve_id,
TPM_ALG_ID scheme,
TPM_ALG_ID hash_alg,
const std::string& x,
const std::string& y,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate,
TPM_HANDLE* key_handle) override;
TPM_RC GetKeyName(TPM_HANDLE handle, std::string* name) override;
TPM_RC GetKeyPublicArea(TPM_HANDLE handle, TPMT_PUBLIC* public_data) override;
TPM_RC SealData(const std::string& data_to_seal,
const std::string& policy_digest,
const std::string& auth_value,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate,
std::string* sealed_data) override;
TPM_RC UnsealData(const std::string& sealed_data,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate,
std::string* unsealed_data) override;
TPM_RC UnsealDataWithHandle(TPM_HANDLE object_handle,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate,
std::string* unsealed_data) override;
TPM_RC StartSession(HmacSession* session) override;
TPM_RC GetPolicyDigestForPcrValues(
const std::map<uint32_t, std::string>& pcr_map,
bool use_auth_value,
std::string* policy_digest) override;
TPM_RC DefineNVSpace(uint32_t index,
size_t num_bytes,
TPMA_NV attributes,
const std::string& authorization_value,
const std::string& policy_digest,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate) override;
TPM_RC DestroyNVSpace(uint32_t index,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate) override;
TPM_RC LockNVSpace(uint32_t index,
bool lock_read,
bool lock_write,
bool using_owner_authorization,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate) override;
TPM_RC WriteNVSpace(uint32_t index,
uint32_t offset,
const std::string& nvram_data,
bool using_owner_authorization,
bool extend,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate) override;
TPM_RC ReadNVSpace(uint32_t index,
uint32_t offset,
size_t num_bytes,
bool using_owner_authorization,
std::string* nvram_data,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate) override;
TPM_RC GetNVSpaceName(uint32_t index, std::string* name) override;
TPM_RC GetNVSpacePublicArea(uint32_t index,
TPMS_NV_PUBLIC* public_data) override;
TPM_RC ListNVSpaces(std::vector<uint32_t>* index_list) override;
TPM_RC SetDictionaryAttackParameters(
uint32_t max_tries,
uint32_t recovery_time,
uint32_t lockout_recovery,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate) override;
TPM_RC ResetDictionaryAttackLock(AuthorizationDelegate* delegate) override;
TPM_RC GetEndorsementKey(TPM_ALG_ID key_type,
AuthorizationDelegate* endorsement_delegate,
AuthorizationDelegate* owner_delegate,
TPM_HANDLE* key_handle) override;
TPM_RC CreateIdentityKey(TPM_ALG_ID key_type,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate,
std::string* key_blob) override;
TPM_RC DeclareTpmFirmwareStable() override;
TPM_RC GetPublicRSAEndorsementKeyModulus(std::string* ekm) override;
TPM_RC ManageCCDPwd(bool allow_pwd) override;
TPM_RC GetAlertsData(TpmAlertsData* alerts) override;
TPM_RC PinWeaverIsSupported(uint8_t request_version,
uint8_t* protocol_version) override;
TPM_RC PinWeaverResetTree(uint8_t protocol_version,
uint8_t bits_per_level,
uint8_t height,
uint32_t* result_code,
std::string* root_hash) override;
TPM_RC PinWeaverInsertLeaf(uint8_t protocol_version,
uint64_t label,
const std::string& h_aux,
const brillo::SecureBlob& le_secret,
const brillo::SecureBlob& he_secret,
const brillo::SecureBlob& reset_secret,
const std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t>& delay_schedule,
const ValidPcrCriteria& valid_pcr_criteria,
uint32_t* result_code,
std::string* root_hash,
std::string* cred_metadata,
std::string* mac) override;
TPM_RC PinWeaverRemoveLeaf(uint8_t protocol_version,
uint64_t label,
const std::string& h_aux,
const std::string& mac,
uint32_t* result_code,
std::string* root_hash) override;
TPM_RC PinWeaverTryAuth(uint8_t protocol_version,
const brillo::SecureBlob& le_secret,
const std::string& h_aux,
const std::string& cred_metadata,
uint32_t* result_code,
std::string* root_hash,
uint32_t* seconds_to_wait,
brillo::SecureBlob* he_secret,
brillo::SecureBlob* reset_secret,
std::string* cred_metadata_out,
std::string* mac_out) override;
TPM_RC PinWeaverResetAuth(uint8_t protocol_version,
const brillo::SecureBlob& reset_secret,
const std::string& h_aux,
const std::string& cred_metadata,
uint32_t* result_code,
std::string* root_hash,
brillo::SecureBlob* he_secret,
std::string* cred_metadata_out,
std::string* mac_out) override;
TPM_RC PinWeaverGetLog(uint8_t protocol_version,
const std::string& root,
uint32_t* result_code,
std::string* root_hash,
std::vector<trunks::PinWeaverLogEntry>* log) override;
TPM_RC PinWeaverLogReplay(uint8_t protocol_version,
const std::string& log_root,
const std::string& h_aux,
const std::string& cred_metadata,
uint32_t* result_code,
std::string* root_hash,
std::string* cred_metadata_out,
std::string* mac_out) override;
TPM_RC GetRsuDeviceId(std::string* device_id) override;
TPM_RC GetRoVerificationStatus(ApRoStatus* status) override;
bool IsCr50() override;
friend class TpmUtilityTest;
friend class NVTpmUtilityTest;
const TrunksFactory& factory_;
std::map<uint32_t, TPMS_NV_PUBLIC> nvram_public_area_map_;
std::optional<uint32_t> vendor_id_;
std::string cached_rsu_device_id_;
size_t max_nv_chunk_size_ = 0;
enum class PinWeaverBackendType {
PinWeaverBackendType pinweaver_backend_type_ = PinWeaverBackendType::kUnknown;
// Creates the CSME salting key and calls `InitOwner()` API of CSME to
// initialize the necessary TPM resources for pinweaver-csme. Returns
// `TPM_RC_SUCCESS` if the operations succeed; otherwise, return
// `TPM_RC_FAILURE`. If the pinweaver is supported natively by GCS (e.g.,
// cr50), performs no-ops and return `TPM_RC_SUCCESS`.
TPM_RC InitializeOwnerForCsme();
// This methods sets the well-known owner authorization and creates SRK and
// the salting key with it. Only succeeds if owner authorization was not set
// yet. These are the common operations done (1) by pre-initialization when
// the owner authorization is not set yet, and (2) when taking ownership,
// which repeats them in case (pre-)initialization was interrupted earlier.
TPM_RC CreateStorageAndSaltingKeys();
// This method sets a known owner password in the TPM_RH_OWNER hierarchy.
TPM_RC SetKnownOwnerPassword(const std::string& known_owner_password);
// Synchronously derives storage root keys for RSA and ECC and persists the
// keys in the TPM. This operation must be authorized by the |owner_password|
// and, on success, KRSAStorageRootKey and kECCStorageRootKey can be used
// with an empty authorization value until the TPM is cleared.
TPM_RC CreateStorageRootKeys(const std::string& owner_password);
// This method creates an RSA decryption key to be used for salting sessions.
// This method also makes the salting key permanent under the storage
// hierarchy.
TPM_RC CreateSaltingKey(const std::string& owner_password);
// Creates and persists the salting key for CSME. If the key is already
// persisted, performs no-ops.
TPM_RC CreateCsmeSaltingKey();
// This method returns a partially filled TPMT_PUBLIC structure,
// which can then be modified by other methods to create the public
// template for a key. It takes a valid |key_type| tp construct the
// parameters.
TPMT_PUBLIC CreateDefaultPublicArea(TPM_ALG_ID key_alg);
// Shared inner logic regardless of the key algorithm.
// |key_type| is type of key usage. Eg. signing key, decrption key, etc
// |public_area| contains algorithm-specific public-area metadata.
// It will be copy and filled the rest information according the other
// parameters. Then, it will be used by the TPM_Create command.
// |password| is the authorization value to use to authorize the generating
// key.
// |policy_digest| specifies an optional policy to use to authorize the
// generating key.
// |use_only_policy_authorization| specifies if we can use
// HmacSession in addition to PolicySession to authorize use of this key.
// |creation_pcr_indexes| allows the caller to specify a list of pcr indexes
// in the creation data.
// |delegate| is an AuthorizationDelegate used to authorize the SRK which is
// the parent of created key.
// |key_blob| contains the key blob of created key that can be loaded into the
// TPM.
// If the |creation_blob| out param is defined, it will contain the serialized
// creation structures generated by the TPM. This can be used to verify the
// state of the TPM during key creation.
// NOTE: if |use_only_policy_authorization| is set to true,
// parameter_encryption must be disabled when the key is used.
TPM_RC CreateKeyPairInner(AsymmetricKeyUsage key_type,
TPMT_PUBLIC public_area,
const std::string& password,
const std::string& policy_digest,
bool use_only_policy_authorization,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& creation_pcr_indexes,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate,
std::string* key_blob,
std::string* creation_blob);
// Shared inner logic of key importing regardless of key algorithm.
// |key_type| is type of key usage. Eg. signing key, decrption key, etc
// |public_area| contains algorithm-specific public-area metadata.
// |in_sensitive| contains algorithm-specific private-area metadata.
// |password| is the authorization value for the imported key.
// |delegate| is an AuthorizationDelegate used to authorize the SRK which is
// the parent of created key.
// If the out argument |key_blob| is not null, it is populated with
// the imported key, which can then be loaded into the TPM.
TPM_RC ImportKeyInner(AsymmetricKeyUsage key_type,
TPMT_PUBLIC public_area,
TPMT_SENSITIVE in_sensitive,
const std::string& password,
AuthorizationDelegate* delegate,
std::string* key_blob);
// Sets TPM |hierarchy| authorization to |password| using |authorization|.
TPM_RC SetHierarchyAuthorization(TPMI_RH_HIERARCHY_AUTH hierarchy,
const std::string& password,
AuthorizationDelegate* authorization);
// Disables the TPM platform hierarchy until the next startup. This requires
// platform |authorization|.
TPM_RC DisablePlatformHierarchy(AuthorizationDelegate* authorization);
// Given a public area, this method computes the object name. Following
// TPM2.0 Specification Part 1 section 16,
// object_name = HashAlg || Hash(public_area);
TPM_RC ComputeKeyName(const TPMT_PUBLIC& public_area,
std::string* object_name);
// Given a public area, this method computers the NVSpace's name.
// It follows TPM2.0 Specification Part 1 section 16,
// nv_name = HashAlg || Hash(nv_public_area);
TPM_RC ComputeNVSpaceName(const TPMS_NV_PUBLIC& nv_public_area,
std::string* nv_name);
// This encrypts the |sensitive_data| struct according to the specification
// defined in TPM2.0 spec Part 1: Figure 19.
TPM_RC EncryptPrivateData(const TPMT_SENSITIVE& sensitive_area,
const TPMT_PUBLIC& public_area,
TPM2B_PRIVATE* encrypted_private_data,
TPM2B_DATA* encryption_key);
// Looks for a given persistent |key_handle| and outputs whether or not it
// |exists|. Returns TPM_RC_SUCCESS on success.
TPM_RC DoesPersistentKeyExist(TPMI_DH_PERSISTENT key_handle, bool* exists);
// Connects to the TPM driver and runs a few basic operations/checks.
// Returns an error in case it failed to conect to the tpm, genereates log
// warnings for other conditions.
// Also returns tpm_state to the caller for further use.
TPM_RC TpmBasicInit(std::unique_ptr<TpmState>* tpm_state);
// Return true if the TPM supports padding-only scheme for Sign.
bool SupportsPaddingOnlySigningScheme() { return IsCr50() || IsSimulator(); }
// Queries Vendor ID as reported in TPM_PT_MANUFACTURER property and caches it
// in `vendor_id_`.
void CacheVendorId();
// Returns true for TPMs running on simulator.
bool IsSimulator();
// Send an arbitrary command to the TPM and wait for the response.
// Returns the response packet.
std::string SendCommandAndWait(const std::string& command);
// Sends vendor command in cr50 format, built from subcommand and already
// serialized |command_payload|.
// Returns the result of the command. Fills the |response_payload|,
// if successful.
TPM_RC Cr50VendorCommand(uint16_t subcommand,
const std::string& command_payload,
std::string* response_payload);
// Helper function for serializing cr50 vendor command called from
// Cr50VendorCommand(). Builds the ready-to-send |serialized_command|
// including the standard header, the |subcommand| code, and the
// subcommand-specific |command_payload|.
// Returns the result of serializing the command.
TPM_RC SerializeCommand_Cr50Vendor(uint16_t subcommand,
const std::string& command_payload,
std::string* serialized_command);
// Helper function for parsing the response to cr50 vendor command,
// called from Cr50VendorCommand(). Takes the |response| received from
// the TPM, parses and ensures the correctness of the header, and
// extracts the subcommand-specific |response_payload| (kept serialized
// as received from the TPM).
// If deserialization failed, returns an error. If the header is correctly
// parsed, returns the error code received from the TPM.
TPM_RC ParseResponse_Cr50Vendor(const std::string& response,
std::string* response_payload);
// Helper function for PinWeaver vendor specific commands.
template <typename S, typename P>
TPM_RC PinWeaverCommand(const std::string& tag, S serialize, P parse);
// Obrains RSU device id from Cr50.
TPM_RC GetRsuDeviceIdInternal(std::string* device_id);
// Sends pinweaver command to CSME instead of GSC.
TPM_RC PinWeaverCsmeCommand(const std::string& in, std::string* out);
PinWeaverBackendType GetPinwWeaverBackendType();
// Obtains max supported size of NV_Read/Write buffer.
TPM_RC GetMaxNVChunkSize(size_t* size);
} // namespace trunks