blob: ffb5f6abe2423ca260c7c104d3d9e27bbe6e271f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "diagnostics/cros_healthd/utils/cpu_file_helpers.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
namespace diagnostics {
namespace {
// Relative path to the CPU directory.
constexpr char kRelativeCpuDir[] = "sys/devices/system/cpu";
// The cpu subdirectory of kRelativeCpuDir.
constexpr char kCpuSubdir[] = "cpu";
// The cpuidle subdirectory of kCpuSubdir.
constexpr char kCpuIdleSubdir[] = "cpuidle";
// The cpufreq subdirectory of a logical CPU kCpuSubdir or kRelativeCpuDir.
constexpr char kCpufreqSubdir[] = "cpufreq";
// The policy subdirectory of kCpufreqSubdir.
constexpr char kCpuPolicySubdir[] = "policy";
// Relative path to crypto file.
constexpr char kRelativeCryptoDir[] = "proc";
} // namespace
const char kCpuPresentFile[] = "present";
const char kCStateNameFile[] = "name";
const char kCStateTimeFile[] = "time";
const char kCpuScalingMaxFreqFile[] = "scaling_max_freq";
const char kCpuScalingCurFreqFile[] = "scaling_cur_freq";
const char kCpuinfoMaxFreqFile[] = "cpuinfo_max_freq";
const char kCryptoFile[] = "crypto";
base::FilePath GetCpuDirectoryPath(const base::FilePath& root_dir) {
return root_dir.Append(kRelativeCpuDir);
base::FilePath GetCStateDirectoryPath(const base::FilePath& root_dir,
const std::string& logical_id) {
return GetCpuDirectoryPath(root_dir)
.Append(kCpuSubdir + logical_id)
base::FilePath GetCpuFreqDirectoryPath(const base::FilePath& root_dir,
const std::string& logical_id) {
auto policy_path = GetCpuDirectoryPath(root_dir)
.Append(kCpuPolicySubdir + logical_id);
// If the CPU has a governing policy, return that path, otherwise return the
// cpufreq directory for the given logical CPU.
if (base::PathExists(policy_path)) {
return policy_path;
} else {
return GetCpuDirectoryPath(root_dir)
.Append(kCpuSubdir + logical_id)
base::FilePath GetCryptoDirectoryPath(const base::FilePath& root_dir) {
return root_dir.Append(kRelativeCryptoDir);
} // namespace diagnostics