blob: 6868c2b88c78d2f1153ffed901dcc1a171a0e456 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_split.h>
#include <re2/re2.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
#include "diagnostics/cros_healthd/fetchers/boot_performance_fetcher.h"
#include "diagnostics/cros_healthd/utils/error_utils.h"
#include "diagnostics/cros_healthd/utils/file_utils.h"
#include "diagnostics/cros_healthd/utils/procfs_utils.h"
#include <utility>
namespace diagnostics {
constexpr char kRelativeBiosTimesPath[] = "var/log/bios_times.txt";
constexpr char kRelativeUptimeLoginPath[] = "tmp/uptime-login-prompt-visible";
constexpr char kRelativeShutdownMetricsPath[] = "var/log/metrics";
constexpr char kRelativePreviousPowerdLogPath[] =
namespace {
namespace mojo_ipc = ::chromeos::cros_healthd::mojom;
} // namespace
BootPerformanceFetcher::FetchBootPerformanceInfo() {
mojo_ipc::BootPerformanceInfo info;
auto error = PopulateBootUpInfo(&info);
if (error.has_value()) {
return mojo_ipc::BootPerformanceResult::NewError(std::move(error.value()));
// There might be no shutdown info, so we don't check if there is any error.
return mojo_ipc::BootPerformanceResult::NewBootPerformanceInfo(info.Clone());
mojo_ipc::BootPerformanceInfo* info) {
// Boot up stages
// |<- proc_uptime ->
// |<- firmware_time ->|<- kernel_time ->|
// |-------|-------------------|-------------------|------------> Now
// off power on jump to kernel login screen
// There is some deviation when calculating, but it should be minor.
// See go/chromeos-boottime for more details.
info->boot_up_seconds = 0.0;
info->boot_up_timestamp = 0;
double firmware_time;
auto error = ParseBootFirmwareTime(&firmware_time);
if (error.has_value()) {
return error;
info->boot_up_seconds += firmware_time;
double kernel_time;
error = ParseBootKernelTime(&kernel_time);
if (error.has_value()) {
return error;
info->boot_up_seconds += kernel_time;
double proc_uptime;
error = ParseProcUptime(&proc_uptime);
if (error.has_value()) {
return error;
// Calculate the timestamp when power on.
info->boot_up_timestamp =
context_->time().ToDoubleT() - proc_uptime - firmware_time;
return base::nullopt;
BootPerformanceFetcher::ParseBootFirmwareTime(double* firmware_time) {
const auto& data_path = context_->root_dir().Append(kRelativeBiosTimesPath);
std::string content;
if (!ReadAndTrimString(data_path, &content)) {
return CreateAndLogProbeError(mojo_ipc::ErrorType::kFileReadError,
"Failed to read file: " + data_path.value());
std::vector<std::string> lines = base::SplitString(
content, "\n", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_NONEMPTY);
std::string value;
const char regex[] = R"(Total Time: (.*))";
// The target line is super close to the end of the log.
// Example of target line:
// Total Time: 14,630,633
for (auto it = lines.rbegin(); it != lines.rend(); ++it) {
if (RE2::FullMatch(*it, regex, &value)) {
if (value.empty()) {
return CreateAndLogProbeError(mojo_ipc::ErrorType::kParseError,
"Failed to parse file: " + data_path.value());
// value is "14,630,633", we need to remove the comma.
value.erase(remove(value.begin(), value.end(), ','), value.end());
if (!base::StringToDouble(value, firmware_time)) {
return CreateAndLogProbeError(mojo_ipc::ErrorType::kParseError,
"Failed to parse total time value: " + value);
*firmware_time = *firmware_time / base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond;
return base::nullopt;
BootPerformanceFetcher::ParseBootKernelTime(double* kernel_time) {
const auto& data_path = context_->root_dir().Append(kRelativeUptimeLoginPath);
std::string content;
if (!ReadAndTrimString(data_path, &content)) {
return CreateAndLogProbeError(mojo_ipc::ErrorType::kFileReadError,
"Failed to read file: " + data_path.value());
// There might by multiple lines in the content, here is an example:
// 6.535802230\n37.258371903\n129.271920462
// We only care about the first occurrence.
auto value = content.substr(0, content.find_first_of("\n"));
if (!base::StringToDouble(value, kernel_time)) {
return CreateAndLogProbeError(mojo_ipc::ErrorType::kParseError,
"Failed to parse uptime log value: " + value);
return base::nullopt;
base::Optional<mojo_ipc::ProbeErrorPtr> BootPerformanceFetcher::ParseProcUptime(
double* proc_uptime) {
const auto& data_path = GetProcUptimePath(context_->root_dir());
std::string content;
if (!ReadAndTrimString(data_path, &content)) {
return CreateAndLogProbeError(mojo_ipc::ErrorType::kFileReadError,
"Failed to read file: " + data_path.value());
// There is only one line in the content, here is an example:
// 68061.02 520871.89
// The first record is the total seconds after kernel is up.
auto value = content.substr(0, content.find_first_of(" "));
if (!base::StringToDouble(value, proc_uptime)) {
return CreateAndLogProbeError(
"Failed to parse /proc/uptime value: " + value);
return base::nullopt;
void BootPerformanceFetcher::PopulateShutdownInfo(
mojo_ipc::BootPerformanceInfo* info) {
// Shutdown stages
// |<- shutdown seconds ->|
// running --|-------------------------------|-------------------|------> off
// powerd receives request create metrics log unmount partition
double shutdown_start_timestamp;
double shutdown_end_timestamp;
std::string shutdown_reason;
if (!ParsePreviousPowerdLog(&shutdown_start_timestamp, &shutdown_reason) ||
!GetShutdownEndTimestamp(&shutdown_end_timestamp) ||
shutdown_end_timestamp < shutdown_start_timestamp) {
info->shutdown_reason = "N/A";
info->shutdown_timestamp = 0.0;
info->shutdown_seconds = 0.0;
info->shutdown_reason = shutdown_reason;
info->shutdown_timestamp = shutdown_end_timestamp;
info->shutdown_seconds = shutdown_end_timestamp - shutdown_start_timestamp;
bool BootPerformanceFetcher::ParsePreviousPowerdLog(
double* shutdown_start_timestamp, std::string* shutdown_reason) {
const auto& data_path =
std::string content;
if (!ReadAndTrimString(data_path, &content)) {
return false;
std::vector<std::string> lines = base::SplitString(
content, "\n", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_NONEMPTY);
const char shutdown_regex[] =
R"((.*)Z INFO powerd:.*Shutting down, reason: (.*))";
const char restart_regex[] =
R"((.*)Z INFO powerd:.*Restarting, reason: (.*))";
const int max_parsed_line = 300;
std::string time_raw;
int parsed_line_cnt = 0;
// The target line is super close to the end of the log.
for (auto it = lines.rbegin();
it != lines.rend() && parsed_line_cnt < max_parsed_line;
++it, ++parsed_line_cnt) {
if (RE2::FullMatch(*it, shutdown_regex, &time_raw, shutdown_reason) ||
RE2::FullMatch(*it, restart_regex, &time_raw, shutdown_reason)) {
base::Time time;
if (base::Time::FromUTCString(time_raw.c_str(), &time)) {
*shutdown_start_timestamp = time.ToDoubleT();
return !shutdown_reason->empty();
bool BootPerformanceFetcher::GetShutdownEndTimestamp(
double* shutdown_end_timestamp) {
const auto& data_path =
base::File::Info file_info;
if (!GetFileInfo(data_path, &file_info)) {
return false;
*shutdown_end_timestamp = file_info.last_modified.ToDoubleT();
return true;
} // namespace diagnostics