blob: d01533aff0e2701e951dacd74ebf2073de9898c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "arc/vm/libvda/libvda_common.h"
#include "arc/vm/libvda/libvda_export.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// VDA implementation types.
typedef enum vda_impl_type {
// A fake implementation for testing.
// A GpuArcVideoDecodeAccelerator-backed implementation.
} vda_impl_type_t;
// Copy of VideoDecodeAccelerator::Result.
typedef enum vda_result {
} vda_result_t;
typedef video_codec_profile_t vda_profile_t;
typedef video_pixel_format_t vda_pixel_format_t;
// Possible VDA event types.
typedef enum vda_event_type {
} vda_event_type_t;
// Event data for event type PROVIDE_PICTURE_BUFFERS.
// Requests the users to provide output buffers.
typedef struct provide_picture_buffers_event_data {
uint32_t min_num_buffers;
int32_t width;
int32_t height;
// Visible rect coordinates.
int32_t visible_rect_left;
int32_t visible_rect_top;
int32_t visible_rect_right;
int32_t visible_rect_bottom;
} provide_picture_buffers_event_data_t;
// Event data for event type PICTURE_READY.
// Notifies the user of a decoded frame ready for display. These events will
// arrive in display order.
typedef struct picture_ready_event_data {
int32_t picture_buffer_id;
int32_t bitstream_id;
int32_t crop_left;
int32_t crop_top;
int32_t crop_right;
int32_t crop_bottom;
} picture_ready_event_data_t;
// Union of possible events.
typedef union vda_event_data {
// Event data for event type PROVIDE_PICTURE_BUFFERS.
provide_picture_buffers_event_data_t provide_picture_buffers;
// Event data for event type PICTURE_READY.
picture_ready_event_data_t picture_ready;
// Event data for event type NOTIFY_END_OF_BITSTREAM_BUFFER
int32_t bitstream_id;
// Event data for event types NOTIFY_ERROR, RESET_RESPONSE, or FLUSH_RESPONSE.
vda_result_t result;
} vda_event_data_t;
// VDA input format with profile and min/max resolution.
typedef struct vda_input_format {
vda_profile_t profile;
uint32_t min_width;
uint32_t min_height;
uint32_t max_width;
uint32_t max_height;
} vda_input_format_t;
// A struct representing a single VDA event.
typedef struct vda_event {
vda_event_type_t event_type;
vda_event_data_t event_data;
} vda_event_t;
// Media capabilities of a VDA implementation.
typedef struct vda_capabilities {
// Supported input formats.
size_t num_input_formats;
const vda_input_format_t* input_formats;
// Supported output formats, valid for any supported input format.
size_t num_output_formats;
const vda_pixel_format_t* output_formats;
} vda_capabilities_t;
// VDA decode session info returned by init_decode_session().
typedef struct vda_session_info {
// A decode session context used for decoding.
void* ctx;
// Event pipe file descriptor. When new decode session events occur,
// vda_event_t objects can be read from the fd.
int event_pipe_fd;
} vda_session_info_t;
* Global implementation object methods
// Initializes libvda and returns an implementation object of type |impl_type|.
// The returned implementation object can be used as a global context
// for creating new decode sessions and querying underlying implementation
// capabilities. If the requested implementation type is not available,
// NULL is returned. Note that for the impl_type GAVDA, it is expected that
// only one implementation object exists at a time.
// This function and deinitialize() should be called from the same thread.
void* LIBVDA_EXPORT initialize(vda_impl_type_t impl_type);
// Deinitializes the implementation object. The provided object will be
// destroyed and no other calls will be possible. This function and initialize()
// should be called from the same thread.
void LIBVDA_EXPORT deinitialize(void* impl);
// Returns the underlying implementation capabilities of the provided
// implementation object. Ownership of the returned vda_capabilities_t object
// is retained by the library. When deinitialize() is called on |impl|, the
// capabilities object is deleted.
const vda_capabilities_t* LIBVDA_EXPORT get_vda_capabilities(void* impl);
// Creates and initializes a new decode session that supports decoding profile
// |profile|, using the provided implementation object. The returned
// vda_session_info_t object contains a decode session context
// which can be passed to vda_decode, vda_use_output_buffer, vda_flush,
// and vda_reset to perform decoding. NULL is returned if an error occurs
// and a decode session could not be initialized.
vda_session_info_t* LIBVDA_EXPORT init_decode_session(void* impl,
vda_profile_t profile);
// Closes a previously created decode session specified by |session_info|.
void LIBVDA_EXPORT close_decode_session(void* impl,
vda_session_info_t* session_info);
* Asychronous decoder session context functions
// Decodes the frame pointed to by |fd| for decode session context |ctx|.
// |offset| and |bytes_used| should point to the buffer offset and the size of
// the frame. Ownership of |fd| is passed to the library. |fd| will be closed
// after decoding has occurred and the fd is no longer needed.
// Returns SUCCESS when the decode request has been processed, else
// the error is indicated.
vda_result_t LIBVDA_EXPORT vda_decode(void* ctx,
int32_t bitstream_id,
int fd,
uint32_t offset,
uint32_t bytes_used);
// Sets the number of expected output buffers to |num_output_buffers|. This call
// should be followed by |num_output_buffers| invocations of
// vda_use_output_buffer.
vda_result_t LIBVDA_EXPORT
vda_set_output_buffer_count(void* ctx, size_t num_output_buffers);
// Provides an output buffer |fd| for decoded frames in decode session context
// |ctx| where |format| is a valid output pixel format listed in
// get_vda_capabilities, and |planes| is a pointer to an array of |num_planes|
// objects. |planes| ownership is retained by the caller. This function takes
// ownership of |fd|.
vda_result_t LIBVDA_EXPORT vda_use_output_buffer(void* ctx,
int32_t picture_buffer_id,
vda_pixel_format_t format,
int fd,
size_t num_planes,
video_frame_plane_t* planes,
uint64_t modifier);
// Returns output buffer with id |picture_buffer_id| for reuse.
vda_result_t LIBVDA_EXPORT vda_reuse_output_buffer(void* ctx,
int32_t picture_buffer_id);
// Flushes the decode session context |ctx|. When this operation has completed,
// an event of type FLUSH_RESPONSE is sent.
vda_result_t LIBVDA_EXPORT vda_flush(void* ctx);
// Resets the decode session context |ctx|. Pending buffers will not be decoded.
// When this operation has completed, an event of type RESET_RESPONSE is sent
// with the result.
// If vda_reset() is called before a vda_flush() is completed, the flush
// request will be cancelled ie. an event of type FLUSH_RESPONSE with result
// CANCELLED will be sent.
vda_result_t LIBVDA_EXPORT vda_reset(void* ctx);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"