blob: a47d880ab67b4699f43e86693171ff7814ba6a7d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <libhwsec-foundation/error/error.h>
#include "libhwsec/error/tpm_retry_action.h"
/* The most important function of TPM error is representing a TPM retry action.
* Using CreateError<> could simply convert a TPM error code to an TPM error.
* For example:
* auto err = CreateError<TPM1Error>(
* Tspi_TPM_CreateEndorsementKey(tpm_handle, local_key_handle, NULL));
* And it could also creating software based TPM error.
* For example:
* auto err = CreateError<TPMError>("Failed to get trunks context",
* TPMRetryAction::kNoRetry);
* Using WrapError<> could wrap a TPM error into a new TPM error, and it
* would transfer the retry action to the new TPM error.
* For example:
* if (auto err = GetPublicKeyBlob(...))) {
* return WrapError<TPMError>(std::move(err),
* "Failed to get TPM public key hash");
* }
* And it could also overwrite the original retry action.
* For example:
* if (auto err = CreateError<TPM2Error>(...)) {
* return WrapError<TPMError>(std::move(err), "Error ...",
* TPMRetryAction::kNoRetry);
* }
namespace hwsec {
namespace error {
// A base class of all kinds of TPM ErrorBase.
class TPMErrorBaseObj : public hwsec_foundation::error::ErrorBaseObj {
TPMErrorBaseObj() = default;
virtual ~TPMErrorBaseObj() = default;
// Returns what the action should do after this error happen.
virtual TPMRetryAction ToTPMRetryAction() const = 0;
TPMErrorBaseObj(TPMErrorBaseObj&&) = default;
using TPMErrorBase = std::unique_ptr<TPMErrorBaseObj>;
// A TPM error which contains an error message and retry action instead of an
// error code.
class TPMErrorObj : public TPMErrorBaseObj {
TPMErrorObj(const std::string& error_message, TPMRetryAction action)
: error_message_(error_message), retry_action_(action) {}
TPMErrorObj(std::string&& error_message, TPMRetryAction action)
: error_message_(std::move(error_message)), retry_action_(action) {}
virtual ~TPMErrorObj() = default;
hwsec_foundation::error::ErrorBase SelfCopy() const {
return std::make_unique<TPMErrorObj>(error_message_, retry_action_);
TPMRetryAction ToTPMRetryAction() const { return retry_action_; }
std::string ToReadableString() const { return error_message_; }
TPMErrorObj(TPMErrorObj&&) = default;
const std::string error_message_;
const TPMRetryAction retry_action_;
using TPMError = std::unique_ptr<TPMErrorObj>;
} // namespace error
} // namespace hwsec
namespace hwsec_foundation {
namespace error {
// Overloads the helper to wrap a TPMErrorBase into a TPMError without
// specifying the retry action.
template <typename ErrorType,
typename InnerErrorType,
typename StringType,
typename std::enable_if<
std::is_same<ErrorType, hwsec::error::TPMError>::value>::type* =
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<
typename UnwarpErrorType<InnerErrorType>::type>::value>::type* =
std::declval<hwsec::error::TPMRetryAction>()))* = nullptr>
hwsec::error::TPMError WrapError(InnerErrorType err,
StringType&& error_message) {
hwsec::error::TPMRetryAction action = err->ToTPMRetryAction();
return WrapError<hwsec::error::TPMError>(
std::move(err), std::forward<StringType>(error_message), action);
} // namespace error
} // namespace hwsec_foundation