blob: 7346bebc7435cec35cbf127a6a392303b5d978d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cryptohome/fuzzers/blob_mutator.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <base/check_op.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <fuzzer/FuzzedDataProvider.h>
using brillo::Blob;
namespace {
// The "commands" that the MutateBlob() function uses for enterpreting the
// fuzzer input and performing the mutations it implements.
enum class BlobMutatorCommand {
// Interprets the byte(s) from the fuzzed data provider as a mutation command.
// |consumed_byte_count| is populated with 1 or 2 - the number of bytes consumed
// from the fuzzed data provider. When returning |kAddNewByte|, |to_add| is
// assigned to the value to be added.
// The algorithm implemented in this function allows the following easy
// transformations:
// * input_blob="foo", fuzzed_data_provider=\ \ \ ==> "foo";
// * input_blob="foo", fuzzed_data_provider=\ 0x1 ==> "foo";
// * input_blob="foo", fuzzed_data_provider=b a r ==> "bar";
// * input_blob="foo", fuzzed_data_provider=\ \ b a r \ ==> "fobaro";
// * input_blob="foo", fuzzed_data_provider=\ 0x2 \ \ ==> "oo";
// etc.
BlobMutatorCommand ReadCommandFromFuzzedData(uint8_t current_byte,
uint8_t next_byte,
int* consumed_byte_count,
uint8_t* to_add) {
if (current_byte != '\\') {
*consumed_byte_count = 1;
*to_add = current_byte;
return BlobMutatorCommand::kAddNewByte;
if (next_byte == 0) {
*consumed_byte_count = 2;
return BlobMutatorCommand::kEnd;
if (next_byte == 1) {
*consumed_byte_count = 2;
return BlobMutatorCommand::kEndWithCopyingRestOfInput;
if (next_byte == 2) {
*consumed_byte_count = 2;
return BlobMutatorCommand::kSkipInputByte;
if (next_byte == 3) {
// This case allows the fuzzer to insert the backslash character. Note that
// this is only needed for the backslash, since it has a special meaning.
*consumed_byte_count = 2;
*to_add = '\\';
return BlobMutatorCommand::kAddNewByte;
if (next_byte == 4) {
// This case is similar to below, but allows the fuzzer to insert a new byte
// with the value from [0; 3] after a segment of bytes copied from the
// input. This is because the backslash followed by such a value has a
// special meaning handled above.
*consumed_byte_count = 2;
return BlobMutatorCommand::kCopyInputByte;
// This case is similar to above, but without consuming the character that
// follows the backslash. This allows the fuzzer to use a compact form
// "...\\\\\\..." in order to represent a segment copied from the input blob.
*consumed_byte_count = 1;
return BlobMutatorCommand::kCopyInputByte;
} // namespace
Blob MutateBlob(const Blob& input_blob,
int max_length,
FuzzedDataProvider* fuzzed_data_provider) {
// Begin with an empty result blob. The code below will fill it with data,
// according to the parsed "commands".
Blob fuzzed_blob;
int input_index = 0;
uint8_t next_byte = fuzzed_data_provider->ConsumeIntegral<uint8_t>();
do {
uint8_t current_byte = next_byte;
next_byte = fuzzed_data_provider->ConsumeIntegral<uint8_t>();
int consumed_byte_count;
uint8_t to_add;
BlobMutatorCommand command = ReadCommandFromFuzzedData(
current_byte, next_byte, &consumed_byte_count, &to_add);
switch (command) {
case BlobMutatorCommand::kCopyInputByte: {
if (input_index < input_blob.size() &&
fuzzed_blob.size() < max_length) {
case BlobMutatorCommand::kSkipInputByte: {
if (input_index < input_blob.size())
case BlobMutatorCommand::kAddNewByte: {
if (fuzzed_blob.size() < max_length)
case BlobMutatorCommand::kEnd: {
return fuzzed_blob;
case BlobMutatorCommand::kEndWithCopyingRestOfInput: {
const int bytes_to_copy = std::min(input_blob.size() - input_index,
max_length - fuzzed_blob.size());
fuzzed_blob.insert(fuzzed_blob.end(), input_blob.begin() + input_index,
input_blob.begin() + input_index + bytes_to_copy);
return fuzzed_blob;
if (consumed_byte_count == 2) {
// If the current command consumed both bytes from the data provider,
// extract one more for the next command.
next_byte = fuzzed_data_provider->ConsumeIntegral<uint8_t>();
} while (fuzzed_data_provider->remaining_bytes());
return fuzzed_blob;