blob: bcb9d959fd6c09990662a69fe60e888bca66e662 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST
#include "shill/cellular/dbus_objectmanager_proxy_interface.h"
#include "shill/cellular/mobile_operator_info.h"
#include "shill/device.h"
#include "shill/device_id.h"
#include "shill/event_dispatcher.h"
#include "shill/metrics.h"
#include "shill/mockable.h"
#include "shill/refptr_types.h"
#include "shill/rpc_task.h"
namespace shill {
class CellularCapability;
class Error;
class ExternalTask;
class NetlinkSockDiag;
class PPPDeviceFactory;
class ProcessManager;
class Cellular : public Device,
public RpcTaskDelegate,
public MobileOperatorInfo::Observer {
enum Type {
kType3gpp, // ModemManager1
enum class State {
// Initial state. No Capability exists.
// A Modem object and a corresponding Capability have been created but the
// Modem has not started.
// A Start request has been sent to the Modem.
// The Modem Start has completed.
// A Stop request has been sent to the Modem.
// The modem has registered with a network. A Cellular Service will be
// created if necessary and associated with this Device.
// The modem has connected to a network.
// The network interface is up.
// This enum must be kept in sync with ModemManager's MMModemState enum.
enum ModemState {
kModemStateFailed = -1,
kModemStateUnknown = 0,
kModemStateInitializing = 1,
kModemStateLocked = 2,
kModemStateDisabled = 3,
kModemStateDisabling = 4,
kModemStateEnabling = 5,
kModemStateEnabled = 6,
kModemStateSearching = 7,
kModemStateRegistered = 8,
kModemStateDisconnecting = 9,
kModemStateConnecting = 10,
kModemStateConnected = 11,
// Used in Cellular and CellularCapability3gpp to store and pass properties
// associated with a SIM Profile.
struct SimProperties {
size_t slot;
std::string iccid;
std::string eid;
std::string operator_id;
std::string spn;
std::string imsi;
bool operator==(const SimProperties& other) const {
return slot == other.slot && iccid == other.iccid && eid == other.eid &&
operator_id == other.operator_id && spn == other.spn &&
imsi == other.imsi;
// Static helper for logging.
static std::string GetStateString(State state);
static std::string GetModemStateString(ModemState modem_state);
// |path| is the ModemManager.Modem DBus object path (e.g.,
// "/org/freedesktop/ModemManager1/Modem/0"). |service| is the modem
// mananager service name (e.g., /org/freedesktop/ModemManager1).
Cellular(Manager* manager,
const std::string& link_name,
const std::string& address,
int interface_index,
Type type,
const std::string& service,
const RpcIdentifier& path);
Cellular(const Cellular&) = delete;
Cellular& operator=(const Cellular&) = delete;
~Cellular() override;
// Returns the legacy identifier used by GetStorageIdentifier for loading
// entries from older profiles. TODO(b/181843251): Remove after M94.
std::string GetLegacyEquipmentIdentifier() const;
// Returns the Capability type if |capability_| has been created.
std::string GetTechnologyFamily(Error* error);
// Returns the device id as a string if it has been set.
std::string GetDeviceId(Error* error);
// Inherited from Device.
std::string GetStorageIdentifier() const override;
bool Load(const StoreInterface* storage) override;
bool Save(StoreInterface* storage) override;
void Start(Error* error,
const EnabledStateChangedCallback& callback) override;
void Stop(Error* error, const EnabledStateChangedCallback& callback) override;
bool IsUnderlyingDeviceEnabled() const override;
void LinkEvent(unsigned int flags, unsigned int change) override;
void Scan(Error* error, const std::string& /*reason*/) override;
void RegisterOnNetwork(const std::string& network_id,
Error* error,
const ResultCallback& callback) override;
void RequirePin(const std::string& pin,
bool require,
Error* error,
const ResultCallback& callback) override;
void EnterPin(const std::string& pin,
Error* error,
const ResultCallback& callback) override;
void UnblockPin(const std::string& unblock_code,
const std::string& pin,
Error* error,
const ResultCallback& callback) override;
void ChangePin(const std::string& old_pin,
const std::string& new_pin,
Error* error,
const ResultCallback& callback) override;
void Reset(Error* error, const ResultCallback& callback) override;
void DropConnection() override;
void SetServiceState(Service::ConnectState state) override;
void SetServiceFailure(Service::ConnectFailure failure_state) override;
void SetServiceFailureSilent(Service::ConnectFailure failure_state) override;
void OnConnected() override;
void OnBeforeSuspend(const ResultCallback& callback) override;
void OnAfterResume() override;
std::vector<GeolocationInfo> GetGeolocationObjects() const override;
// Performs the necessary steps to bring the service to the activated state,
// once an online payment has been done.
void CompleteActivation(Error* error);
// Asynchronously detach then re-attach the network.
virtual void ReAttach();
// Cancel any pending connect request.
void CancelPendingConnect();
void OnScanReply(const Stringmaps& found_networks, const Error& error);
// Asynchronously queries capability for cellular location.
void PollLocation();
void HandleNewSignalQuality(uint32_t strength);
// Processes a change in the modem registration state, possibly creating,
// destroying or updating the CellularService.
void HandleNewRegistrationState();
// Called when the associated Modem object is destroyed.
void OnModemDestroyed();
// Returns true if |service| is connectable.
bool GetConnectable(CellularService* service) const;
// Asynchronously connects the modem to |service|. Changes the primary slot if
// required. Populates |error| on failure, leaves it unchanged otherwise.
virtual void Connect(CellularService* service, Error* error);
// Asynchronously disconnects the modem from the current network and populates
// |error| on failure, leaves it unchanged otherwise.
virtual void Disconnect(Error* error, const char* reason);
// Called when the Modem object is created to set the initial properties.
void SetInitialProperties(const InterfaceToProperties& properties);
void OnModemStateChanged(ModemState new_state);
// Is the underlying device in the process of activating?
bool IsActivating() const;
// Starts and stops scheduled location polls
void StartLocationPolling();
void StopLocationPolling();
// Initiate PPP link. Called from capabilities.
virtual void StartPPP(const std::string& serial_device);
// Callback for |ppp_task_|.
virtual void OnPPPDied(pid_t pid, int exit);
// Implements RpcTaskDelegate, for |ppp_task_|.
void GetLogin(std::string* user, std::string* password) override;
void Notify(const std::string& reason,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& dict) override;
// Register DBus Properties exposed by the Device interface of shill.
void RegisterProperties();
// |dbus_path| and |mac_address| may change if the associated Modem restarts.
void UpdateModemProperties(const RpcIdentifier& dbus_path,
const std::string& mac_address);
// Returns a unique identifier for a SIM Card. For physical cards this will be
// the ICCID and there should only be one matching service. For eSIM cards,
// this will be the eUICCID (eID) and there may be multiple services
// associated with the card.
const std::string& GetSimCardId() const;
// Returns true if |sim_card_id| matches any available SIM cards.
bool HasSimCardId(const std::string& sim_card_id) const;
// Sets the SIM properties and the primary SIM, and updates services and
// state accordingly.
void SetSimProperties(const std::vector<SimProperties>& slot_properties,
size_t primary_slot);
// Returns a list of APNs to try, in the following order:
// - the last APN that resulted in a successful connection attempt on the
// current network (if any)
// - the APN, if any, that was set by the user
// - APNs that the modem reports as provisioned profiles
// - the list of APNs found in the mobile broadband provider DB for the
// home provider associated with the current SIM
std::deque<Stringmap> BuildApnTryList() const;
// Update the home provider from the information in |operator_info|. This
// information may be from the SIM / received OTA.
void UpdateHomeProvider(const MobileOperatorInfo* operator_info);
// Update the serving operator using information in |operator_info|.
// Additionally, if |home_provider_info| is not nullptr, use it to come up
// with a better name.
void UpdateServingOperator(const MobileOperatorInfo* operator_info,
const MobileOperatorInfo* home_provider_info);
// Implements MobileOperatorInfo::Observer:
void OnOperatorChanged() override;
const CellularServiceRefPtr& service() const { return service_; }
MobileOperatorInfo* home_provider_info() const {
return home_provider_info_.get();
MobileOperatorInfo* serving_operator_info() const {
return serving_operator_info_.get();
State state() const { return state_; }
ModemState modem_state() const { return modem_state_; }
bool allow_roaming_property() const { return allow_roaming_; }
bool StateIsConnected();
bool StateIsRegistered();
bool StateIsStarted();
// DBus property getters
const std::string& dbus_service() const { return dbus_service_; }
const RpcIdentifier& dbus_path() const { return dbus_path_; }
const Stringmap& home_provider() const { return home_provider_; }
bool scanning_supported() const { return scanning_supported_; }
const std::string& eid() const { return eid_; }
const std::string& esn() const { return esn_; }
const std::string& firmware_revision() const { return firmware_revision_; }
const std::string& hardware_revision() const { return hardware_revision_; }
const DeviceId* device_id() const { return device_id_.get(); }
const std::string& imei() const { return imei_; }
const std::string& imsi() const { return imsi_; }
const std::string& mdn() const { return mdn_; }
const std::string& meid() const { return meid_; }
const std::string& min() const { return min_; }
const std::string& manufacturer() const { return manufacturer_; }
const std::string& model_id() const { return model_id_; }
const std::string& mm_plugin() const { return mm_plugin_; }
bool scanning() const { return scanning_; }
const std::string& selected_network() const { return selected_network_; }
const Stringmaps& found_networks() const { return found_networks_; }
bool sim_present() const { return sim_present_; }
const Stringmaps& apn_list() const { return apn_list_; }
const std::string& iccid() const { return iccid_; }
bool allow_roaming() const { return allow_roaming_; }
bool policy_allow_roaming() const { return policy_allow_roaming_; }
bool provider_requires_roaming() const { return provider_requires_roaming_; }
bool use_attach_apn() const { return use_attach_apn_; }
Type type() const { return type_; }
bool inhibited() const { return inhibited_; }
const std::string& connect_pending_iccid() const {
return connect_pending_iccid_;
// Property setters. TODO(b/176904580): Rename SetFoo and alphabetize.
void SetScanningSupported(bool scanning_supported);
void SetEquipmentId(const std::string& equipment_id);
void SetEsn(const std::string& esn);
void SetFirmwareRevision(const std::string& firmware_revision);
void SetHardwareRevision(const std::string& hardware_revision);
void SetDeviceId(std::unique_ptr<DeviceId> device_id);
void SetImei(const std::string& imei);
void SetMdn(const std::string& mdn);
void SetMeid(const std::string& meid);
void SetMin(const std::string& min);
void SetManufacturer(const std::string& manufacturer);
void SetModelId(const std::string& model_id);
void SetMMPlugin(const std::string& mm_plugin);
void SetSelectedNetwork(const std::string& selected_network);
void SetFoundNetworks(const Stringmaps& found_networks);
void SetProviderRequiresRoaming(bool provider_requires_roaming);
bool IsRoamingAllowed();
void SetApnList(const Stringmaps& apn_list);
// Sets a Service for testing. When set, Cellular does not create or destroy
// the associated Service.
void SetServiceForTesting(CellularServiceRefPtr service);
void set_home_provider_for_testing(const Stringmap& home_provider) {
home_provider_ = home_provider;
void set_home_provider_info_for_testing(
MobileOperatorInfo* home_provider_info) {
void set_serving_operator_info_for_testing(
MobileOperatorInfo* serving_operator_info) {
void clear_found_networks_for_testing() { found_networks_.clear(); }
CellularCapability* capability_for_testing() { return capability_.get(); }
const KeyValueStores& sim_slot_info_for_testing() { return sim_slot_info_; }
void set_modem_state_for_testing(ModemState state) { modem_state_ = state; }
void set_use_attach_apn_for_testing(bool on) { use_attach_apn_ = on; }
void set_eid_for_testing(const std::string& eid) { eid_ = eid; }
void set_iccid_for_testing(const std::string& iccid) { iccid_ = iccid; }
void set_state_for_testing(const State& state) { state_ = state; }
// Delay before connecting to pending connect requests. This helps prevent
// connect failures while the Modem is still starting up.
static constexpr base::TimeDelta kPendingConnectDelay =
friend class CellularTest;
friend class CellularCapabilityCdmaTest;
friend class CellularServiceTest;
friend class CellularServiceProviderTest;
friend class ModemTest;
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, ChangeServiceState);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, ChangeServiceStatePPP);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, Connect);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, ConnectFailure);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, ConnectFailureNoService);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, ConnectSuccessNoService);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, CustomSetterNoopChange);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, Disconnect);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, DisconnectFailure);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, DropConnection);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, DropConnectionPPP);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, EstablishLinkDHCP);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, EstablishLinkPPP);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, EstablishLinkStatic);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, FriendlyServiceName);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, HomeProviderServingOperator);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, LinkEventUpWithPPP);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, LinkEventUpWithoutPPP);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, LinkEventWontDestroyService);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, ModemStateChangeDisable);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, ModemStateChangeEnable);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, ModemStateChangeStaleConnected);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, ModemStateChangeValidConnected);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, Notify);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, OnAfterResumeDisableInProgressWantDisabled);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, OnAfterResumeDisableQueuedWantEnabled);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, OnAfterResumeDisabledWantDisabled);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, OnAfterResumeDisabledWantEnabled);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, OnAfterResumePowerDownInProgressWantEnabled);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, OnPPPDied);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, PPPConnectionFailedAfterAuth);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, PPPConnectionFailedBeforeAuth);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, PPPConnectionFailedDuringAuth);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, PPPConnectionFailedAfterConnect);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, ScanAsynchronousFailure);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, ScanImmediateFailure);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, ScanSuccess);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, SetAllowRoaming);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, SetPolicyAllowRoaming);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, SetUseAttachApn);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, StopPPPOnDisconnect);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, StorageIdentifier);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, StartConnected);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, StartCdmaRegister);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, StartGsmRegister);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, StartLinked);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, StartPPP);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, StartPPPAfterEthernetUp);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, StartPPPAlreadyStarted);
FRIEND_TEST(CellularTest, GetGeolocationObjects);
// Names of properties in storage
static const char kAllowRoaming[];
static const char kPolicyAllowRoaming[];
static const char kUseAttachApn[];
// Modem reset sysfs path
static const char kModemResetSysfsName[];
// Modem Manufacturer Name
static const char kQ6V5ModemManufacturerName[];
// Modem driver sysfs path
static const char kModemDriverSysfsName[];
// Modem driver name
static const char kQ6V5DriverName[];
// Time between stop and start of modem device
static const int64_t kModemResetTimeoutMilliseconds;
// Time between asynchronous calls to ModemManager1's GetLocation()
static const int64_t kPollLocationIntervalMilliseconds;
void CreateCapability();
void DestroyCapability();
// TODO(b/173635024): Fix order of cellular.h and .cc methods.
void StartModem(Error* error, const EnabledStateChangedCallback& callback);
void StartModemCallback(const EnabledStateChangedCallback& callback,
const Error& error);
void StopModem(Error* error, const EnabledStateChangedCallback& callback);
void StopModemCallback(const EnabledStateChangedCallback& callback,
const Error& error);
void DestroySockets();
bool ShouldBringNetworkInterfaceDownAfterDisabled() const override;
void SetDbusPath(const shill::RpcIdentifier& dbus_path);
void SetState(State state);
void SetModemState(ModemState modem_state_state);
void SetScanning(bool scanning);
void SetScanningProperty(bool scanning);
void OnEnabled();
void OnConnecting();
void OnDisconnected();
void OnDisconnectFailed();
void NotifyCellularConnectionResult(const Error& error,
const std::string& iccid,
bool is_user_triggered);
// Invoked when the modem is connected to the cellular network to transition
// to the network-connected state and bring the network interface up.
void EstablishLink();
void HandleLinkEvent(unsigned int flags, unsigned int change);
void InitCapability(Type type);
void SetPrimarySimProperties(const SimProperties& properties);
void SetSimSlotProperties(const std::vector<SimProperties>& slot_properties,
int primary_slot);
void SetRegistered();
// Creates or destroys services as required.
void UpdateServices();
// Creates and registers services for the available SIMs and sets
// |service_| to the primary (active) service.
void CreateServices();
// Destroys all services and the connection, if any. This also eliminates any
// circular references between this device and the associated service,
// allowing eventual device destruction.
void DestroyAllServices();
// Creates or updates services for secondary SIMs.
void UpdateSecondaryServices();
// HelpRegisterDerived*: Expose a property over RPC, with the name |name|.
// Reads of the property will be handled by invoking |get|.
// Writes to the property will be handled by invoking |set|.
// Clearing the property will be handled by PropertyStore.
void HelpRegisterDerivedBool(const std::string& name,
bool (Cellular::*get)(Error* error),
bool (Cellular::*set)(const bool& value,
Error* error));
void HelpRegisterConstDerivedString(
const std::string& name, std::string (Cellular::*get)(Error* error));
void OnConnectReply(std::string iccid,
bool is_user_triggered,
const Error& error);
void OnDisconnectReply(const Error& error);
void ReAttachOnDetachComplete(const Error& error);
// DBus accessors
bool GetAllowRoaming(Error* /*error*/);
bool SetAllowRoaming(const bool& value, Error* error);
bool GetPolicyAllowRoaming(Error* /*error*/);
bool SetPolicyAllowRoaming(const bool& value, Error* error);
bool GetInhibited(Error* /*error*/);
bool SetInhibited(const bool& inhibited, Error* error);
KeyValueStore GetSimLockStatus(Error* error);
void SetSimPresent(bool sim_present);
// DBUS accessors to read/modify the use of an Attach APN
bool GetUseAttachApn(Error* /*error*/) { return use_attach_apn_; }
bool SetUseAttachApn(const bool& value, Error* error);
// When shill terminates or ChromeOS suspends, this function is called to
// disconnect from the cellular network.
void StartTermination();
// This method is invoked upon the completion of StartTermination().
void OnTerminationCompleted(const Error& error);
// This function does the final cleanup once a disconnect request terminates.
// Returns true, if the device state is successfully changed.
bool DisconnectCleanup();
// Executed after the asynchronous CellularCapability::StartModem
// call from OnAfterResume completes.
static void LogRestartModemResult(const Error& error);
// Handler to reset qcom-q6v5-mss based modems
bool ResetQ6V5Modem();
// Handler to check if modem is based on qcom-q6v5-mss
bool IsQ6V5Modem();
// Terminate the pppd process associated with this Device, and remove the
// association between the PPPDevice and our CellularService. If this
// Device is not using PPP, the method has no effect.
void StopPPP();
// Handlers for PPP events. Dispatched from Notify().
void OnPPPAuthenticated();
void OnPPPAuthenticating();
void OnPPPConnected(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& params);
void SetPendingConnect(const std::string& iccid);
void ConnectToPending();
void ConnectToPendingAfterDelay();
void ConnectToPendingFailed(Service::ConnectFailure failure);
void ConnectToPendingCancel();
void UpdateScanning();
void GetLocationCallback(const std::string& gpp_lac_ci_string,
const Error& error);
void PollLocationTask();
State state_ = State::kDisabled;
ModemState modem_state_ = kModemStateUnknown;
struct LocationInfo {
std::string mcc;
std::string mnc;
std::string lac;
std::string ci;
LocationInfo location_info_;
// Operator info objects. These objects receive updates as we receive
// information about the network operators from the SIM or OTA. In turn, they
// send out updates through their observer interfaces whenever the identity of
// the network operator changes, or any other property of the operator
// changes.
std::unique_ptr<MobileOperatorInfo> home_provider_info_;
std::unique_ptr<MobileOperatorInfo> serving_operator_info_;
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// All DBus Properties exposed by the Cellular device.
// Properties common to GSM and CDMA modems.
const std::string dbus_service_; // org.*.ModemManager*
RpcIdentifier dbus_path_; // ModemManager.Modem
// Used because we currently expose |dbus_path| as a string property.
std::string dbus_path_str_;
Stringmap home_provider_;
bool scanning_supported_ = false;
std::string equipment_id_;
std::string esn_;
std::string firmware_revision_;
std::string hardware_revision_;
std::unique_ptr<DeviceId> device_id_;
std::string imei_;
std::string manufacturer_;
std::string mdn_;
std::string meid_;
std::string min_;
std::string model_id_;
std::string mm_plugin_;
bool scanning_ = false;
bool polling_location_ = false;
base::CancelableClosure poll_location_task_;
// GSM only properties.
// They are always exposed but are non empty only for GSM technology modems.
std::string selected_network_;
Stringmaps found_networks_;
uint16_t scan_interval_ = 0;
Stringmaps apn_list_;
// Primary SIM properties.
std::string eid_; // SIM eID, aka eUICCID
std::string iccid_;
std::string imsi_;
bool sim_present_ = false;
// vector of SimProperties, ordered by slot.
std::vector<SimProperties> sim_slot_properties_;
int primary_sim_slot_ = -1;
// vector of KeyValueStore dictionaries, emitted as Device.SIMSlotInfo.
KeyValueStores sim_slot_info_;
bool sim_slot_switch_allowed_ = true;
// End of DBus properties.
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Type type_;
std::unique_ptr<CellularCapability> capability_;
PPPDeviceFactory* ppp_device_factory_;
ProcessManager* process_manager_;
// The active CellularService instance for this Device. This will always be
// set to a valid service instance.
CellularServiceRefPtr service_;
// When set in tests, |service_| is not created or destroyed by Cellular.
CellularServiceRefPtr service_for_testing_;
// User preference to allow or disallow roaming before M92. Used as a default
// until Chrome ties its roaming toggle to Service.AllowRoaming (b/184375691)
bool allow_roaming_ = false;
// If an operator has no home network, then set this flag. This overrides
// all other roaming preferences, and allows roaming unconditionally.
bool policy_allow_roaming_ = true;
bool provider_requires_roaming_ = false;
// Chrome flags to enable setting the attach APN from the host
bool use_attach_apn_ = false;
// Reflects the Device property indicating that the modem is inhibted. The
// property is not persisted and is reset to false when the modem starts.
bool inhibited_ = false;
// Track whether a user initiated scan is in prgoress (initiated via ::Scan)
bool proposed_scan_in_progress_ = false;
// Flag indicating that a disconnect has been explicitly requested.
bool explicit_disconnect_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<ExternalTask> ppp_task_;
PPPDeviceRefPtr ppp_device_;
bool is_ppp_authenticating_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<NetlinkSockDiag> socket_destroyer_;
// Used to keep scanning=true while the Modem is restarting.
// TODO(b/177588333): Make Modem and/or the MM dbus API more robust.
base::CancelableClosure scanning_clear_callback_;
// If a Connect request occurs while the Modem is busy, do not connect
// immediately, instead set |connect_pending_iccid_|. The connect will occur
// after a delay once Scanning is set to false.
std::string connect_pending_iccid_;
base::CancelableClosure connect_pending_callback_;
// Used to cancel a pending connect while waiting for Modem registration.
base::CancelableClosure connect_cancel_callback_;
// Legacy device storage identifier, used for removing legacy entry.
std::string legacy_storage_id_;
// A Map containing the last connection results. ICCID is used as the key.
std::unordered_map<std::string, Error::Type>
base::WeakPtrFactory<Cellular> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace shill