blob: c9c0091aa8be5712d361e45c9e5e044d67bffdd7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "crash-reporter/arc_util.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sysexits.h>
#include <brillo/process/process.h>
#include "crash-reporter/util.h"
namespace arc_util {
namespace {
constexpr char kUnknownValue[] = "unknown";
const char kChromePath[] = "/opt/google/chrome/chrome";
bool HasExceptionInfo(const std::string& type) {
static const std::unordered_set<std::string> kTypes = {
"data_app_crash", "system_app_crash", "system_app_wtf",
"system_server_crash", "system_server_wtf"};
return kTypes.count(type);
base::TimeTicks ToSeconds(const base::TimeTicks& time) {
return base::TimeTicks::FromInternalValue(
} // namespace
using CrashLogHeaderMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>;
const char kArcProduct[] = "ChromeOS_ARC";
const char kAbiMigrationField[] = "abi_migration_status";
const char kAndroidVersionField[] = "android_version";
const char kArcVersionField[] = "arc_version";
const char kBoardField[] = "board";
const char kChromeOsVersionField[] = "chrome_os_version";
const char kCpuAbiField[] = "cpu_abi";
const char kCrashTypeField[] = "crash_type";
const char kDeviceField[] = "device";
const char kProcessField[] = "process";
const char kProductField[] = "prod";
const char kUptimeField[] = "uptime";
const char kExceptionInfoField[] = "exception_info";
const char kSignatureField[] = "sig";
const char kSilentKey[] = "silent";
const char kProcessKey[] = "Process";
const char kSubjectKey[] = "Subject";
const std::vector<std::pair<const char*, const char*>> kHeaderToFieldMapping = {
{"Crash-Tag", "crash_tag"},
{"NDK-Execution", "ndk_execution"},
{"Package", "package"},
{"Target-SDK", "target_sdk"},
{"Abi-Migration-Status", "abi_migration_status"},
base::Optional<std::string> GetVersionFromFingerprint(
const std::string& fingerprint) {
// fingerprint has the following format:
// eg:
// google/caroline/caroline_cheets:7.1.1/R65-10317.0.9999/
// ..4548207:user/release-keys
// we want to get the $(PLATFORM_VERSION). eg: 7.1.1
std::string android_version;
// Assuming the fingerprint format won't change. Everything between ':' and
// '/R' is the version.
auto begin = fingerprint.find(':');
if (begin == std::string::npos)
return base::nullopt;
// Make begin point to the start of the "version".
// Version must have at least one digit.
const auto end = fingerprint.find("/R", begin + 1);
if (end == std::string::npos)
return base::nullopt;
return fingerprint.substr(begin, end - begin);
bool ParseCrashLog(const std::string& type,
std::stringstream* stream,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>* map,
std::string* exception_info,
std::string* log) {
std::string line;
// The last header is followed by an empty line.
while (std::getline(*stream, line) && !line.empty()) {
const auto end = line.find(':');
if (end != std::string::npos) {
const auto begin = line.find_first_not_of(' ', end + 1);
if (begin != std::string::npos) {
// TODO(domlaskowski): Use multimap to allow multiple "Package" headers.
if (!map->emplace(line.substr(0, end), line.substr(begin)).second)
LOG(WARNING) << "Duplicate header: " << line;
// Ignore malformed headers. The report is still created, but the associated
// metadata fields are set to "unknown".
LOG(WARNING) << "Header has unexpected format: " << line;
if (stream->fail())
return false;
if (HasExceptionInfo(type)) {
std::ostringstream out;
out << stream->rdbuf();
*exception_info = out.str();
*log = stream->str();
return true;
const char* GetSubjectTag(const std::string& type) {
static const CrashLogHeaderMap kTags = {
{"data_app_native_crash", "native app crash"},
{"system_app_anr", "ANR"},
{"data_app_anr", "app ANR"},
{"system_server_watchdog", "system server watchdog"}};
const auto it = kTags.find(type);
return it == kTags.cend() ? nullptr : it->second.c_str();
bool IsSilentReport(const std::string& type) {
return type == "system_app_wtf" || type == "system_server_wtf";
std::string GetCrashLogHeader(const CrashLogHeaderMap& map, const char* key) {
const auto it = map.find(key);
return it == map.end() ? "unknown" : it->second;
pid_t CreateRandomPID() {
const auto now = base::TimeTicks::Now();
return (now - ToSeconds(now)).InMicroseconds();
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> ListMetadataForBuildProperty(
const BuildProperty& build_property) {
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> metadata;
metadata.emplace_back(kArcVersionField, build_property.fingerprint);
metadata.emplace_back(kDeviceField, build_property.device);
metadata.emplace_back(kBoardField, build_property.board);
metadata.emplace_back(kCpuAbiField, build_property.cpu_abi);
return metadata;
bool GetChromeVersion(std::string* version) {
brillo::ProcessImpl chrome;
int exit_code = util::RunAndCaptureOutput(&chrome, STDOUT_FILENO, version);
if (exit_code != EX_OK || version->empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get Chrome version";
return false;
version->pop_back(); // Discard EOL.
return true;
std::string FormatDuration(base::TimeDelta delta) {
constexpr int64_t kSecondsPerMinute = 60;
constexpr int64_t kSecondsPerHour = 60 * kSecondsPerMinute;
constexpr int64_t kSecondsPerDay = 24 * kSecondsPerHour;
std::ostringstream out;
int64_t seconds = delta.InSeconds();
if (seconds < 0) {
out << "negative ";
seconds = -seconds;
const auto days = seconds / kSecondsPerDay;
seconds %= kSecondsPerDay;
const auto hours = seconds / kSecondsPerHour;
seconds %= kSecondsPerHour;
const auto minutes = seconds / kSecondsPerMinute;
seconds %= kSecondsPerMinute;
if (days > 0)
out << days << "d ";
if (days > 0 || hours > 0)
out << hours << "h ";
if (days > 0 || hours > 0 || minutes > 0)
out << minutes << "min ";
out << seconds << 's';
return out.str();
bool GetArcContainerUptime(
org::chromium::SessionManagerInterfaceProxyInterface* session_manager_proxy,
base::TimeDelta* uptime,
base::TickClock* test_clock) {
int64_t start_time = 0;
brillo::ErrorPtr error;
if (!session_manager_proxy->GetArcStartTimeTicks(&start_time, &error)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get ARC uptime: "
<< (error ? error->GetMessage() : "unknown error");
return false;
auto end_time = test_clock ? test_clock->NowTicks() : base::TimeTicks::Now();
*uptime = end_time - base::TimeTicks::FromInternalValue(start_time);
return true;
} // namespace arc_util