blob: 4abee4ca3ebde3f65efb6c1b2254e41225e5245a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <bits/stdint-intn.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/optional.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <sqlite3.h>
namespace federated {
// Example objects stored in corresponding `client_name` tables.
// An example represents a training example of federated computation.
struct ExampleRecord {
int64_t id;
std::string client_name;
std::string serialized_example;
base::Time timestamp;
// Provides access to example database.
// Example usage:
// Construct and initialize:
// ExampleDatabase db(db_path, kTestClients);
// if(!db.Init() || !db.IsOpen() || !db.CheckIntegrity()) {
// // Error handling
// }
// Insert an example:
// ExampleRecord example_record;
// example_record.client_name = client_name;
// example_record.serialized_example = serialized_example;
// example_record.timestamp = base::Time::Now();
// db.InsertExample(example_record);
// Query examples:
// int limit = 100;
// if (db.PrepareStreamingForClient(client_name, limit)) {
// // Error handling
// } else {
// // Call GetNextStreamedRecord() repeatedly until it returns
// // a base::nullopt, then CloseStreaming();
// while (true) {
// auto maybe_example_record = db.GetNextStreamedRecord();
// if (maybe_example_record == base::nullopt) {
// // end of iterator
// break;
// } else {
// ExampleRecord record = maybe_example_record.value();
// }
// }
// db.CloseStreaming();
// }
// Delete examples with id smaller than the given id from table `client_name`:
// // Keeps track of last_seen_id when querying examples.
// if (!db.DeleteExamplesWithSmallerIdForClient(client_name, id)) {
// // Error handling
// }
// See and for more details.
class ExampleDatabase {
struct StmtGroup {
sqlite3_stmt* stmt_for_streaming = nullptr;
sqlite3_stmt* stmt_for_insert = nullptr;
sqlite3_stmt* stmt_for_delete = nullptr;
sqlite3_stmt* stmt_for_check = nullptr;
// Finalizes the stmts, required before disconnecting the db.
void Finalize();
// Creates an instance to talk to the database file at `db_path`. Init() must
// be called to establish connection.
explicit ExampleDatabase(const base::FilePath& db_path,
const std::unordered_set<std::string>& clients);
ExampleDatabase(const ExampleDatabase&) = delete;
ExampleDatabase& operator=(const ExampleDatabase&) = delete;
virtual ~ExampleDatabase();
// Initializes database connection. Must be called before any other queries.
// Returns true if no error occurred.
virtual bool Init();
// Returns true if the database connection is open.
virtual bool IsOpen() const;
// Closes database connection. Returns true if no error occurred.
virtual bool Close();
// Runs sqlite built-in integrity check. Returns true if no error is found.
virtual bool CheckIntegrity() const;
// Inserts example into database. Returns true if no error occurred.
virtual bool InsertExample(const ExampleRecord& example_record);
// Streaming examples with sqlite3_step, return true if table of client_name
// has more than a minimum number of examples and the stmt binds values
// successfully. The minimum number now is kMinExampleCount = 1 defined in
// utils.h/cc.
virtual bool PrepareStreamingForClient(const std::string& client_name,
const int32_t limit);
virtual base::Optional<ExampleRecord> GetNextStreamedRecord();
virtual void CloseStreaming();
// Deletes examples with id <= given id from client table. Returns true if no
// error occurred.
virtual bool DeleteExamplesWithSmallerIdForClient(
const std::string& client_name, const int64_t id);
// Typedef of sqlite3_exec callback, see sqlite doc:
using SqliteCallback = int (*)(void* /*data*/,
int /*count*/,
char** /*row*/,
char** /*names*/);
// Sqlite error code and error message.
struct ExecResult {
int code;
std::string error_msg;
// Returns true if the client's table exists.
bool ClientTableExists(const std::string& client_name) const;
// Returns true if the client's table is created without error.
bool CreateClientTable(const std::string& client_name) const;
// Returns the count of examples in the client's table.
int32_t ExampleCountOfClientTable(const std::string& client_name);
// Executes sql.
ExecResult ExecSql(const std::string& sql) const;
ExecResult ExecSql(const std::string& sql,
SqliteCallback callback,
void* data) const;
const base::FilePath db_path_;
std::unique_ptr<sqlite3, decltype(&sqlite3_close)> db_;
// The set of registered client names.
std::unordered_set<std::string> clients_;
// Mapping client_name to sqlite prepared statement objects for streaming,
// inserting and deleting examples.
std::unordered_map<std::string, StmtGroup> stmts_;
// The client with open example stream.
std::string current_streaming_client_;
// Whether there is an open streaming.
bool streaming_open_ = false;
// Whether current streaming hits SQLITE_DONE, to early return in
// GetNextStreamedRecord if current streaming already ends but is not closed.
// Relationship between streaming_open_ and end_of_streaming_:
// streaming_open_ && !end_of_streaming_: safe to call GetNextStreamedRecord
// streaming_open_ && end_of_streaming_: should call CloseStreaming
// !streaming_open_ && !end_of_streaming_: ready to PrepareStreamingForClient
// !streaming_open_ && end_of_streaming_: invalid, should never happen
bool end_of_streaming_ = false;
} // namespace federated