blob: 105bef03f1a0d95f6ce59ff86a28186bc637bd3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "minios/draw_utils.h"
#include "minios/key_reader.h"
#include "minios/network_manager_interface.h"
#include "minios/recovery_installer.h"
#include "minios/update_engine_proxy.h"
namespace minios {
// Key values.
extern const int kKeyUp;
extern const int kKeyDown;
extern const int kKeyEnter;
extern const int kKeyVolUp;
extern const int kKeyVolDown;
extern const int kKeyPower;
// Screens contains the different MiniOs Screens as well as specific components
// which are built using the pieces of `DrawUtils`.
class Screens : public DrawUtils,
public KeyReader::Delegate,
public UpdateEngineProxy::UpdaterDelegate,
public NetworkManagerInterface::Observer {
explicit Screens(
ProcessManagerInterface* process_manager,
std::unique_ptr<RecoveryInstallerInterface> recovery_installer,
std::shared_ptr<NetworkManagerInterface> network_manager,
std::shared_ptr<UpdateEngineProxy> update_engine_proxy)
: DrawUtils(process_manager),
key_states_(kFdsMax, std::vector<bool>(kKeyMax, false)),
weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
virtual ~Screens() = default;
// Not copyable or movable.
Screens(const Screens&) = delete;
Screens& operator=(const Screens&) = delete;
// Loads token constants for screen placement, checks whether locale is read
// from right to left and whether device is detachable.
bool Init();
// Has the minimum needed to set up tests, to reduce excessive logging. All
// other components are tested separately.
bool InitForTest();
// Shows the MiniOs Screens. Users can navigate between then using up/down
// arrow keys.
void StartMiniOsFlow();
// Waits for key input and repaints the screen with a changed language
// selection, clears the whole screen including the footer and updates the
// language dependent constants. Returns to original screen after selection,
virtual void LanguageMenuOnSelect();
// Shows a list of all available networks.
void ShowNetworkDropdown();
// Queries list of available networks and shows them as a drop down. On
// selection sets the 'chosen_network' and redirects to the password
// screen.
void ExpandNetworkDropdown();
// Get user password using the keyboard layout stored in locale. Users can use
// the tab key to toggle showing the password.
virtual void GetPassword();
// Controls the flow of MiniOs by changing screen based on the current index
// and screen and whether or not a button has been selected(entered). Called
// every time a valid key press is recorded.
void SwitchScreen(bool enter);
// Getter and setter test functions for `index_` and `current_screen`.
void SetIndexForTest(int index) { index_ = index; }
int GetIndexForTest() { return index_; }
void SetScreenForTest(ScreenType current_screen) {
current_screen_ = current_screen;
ScreenType GetScreenForTest() { return current_screen_; }
// Sets network list for test.
void SetNetworkListForTest_(const std::vector<std::string>& networks) {
network_list_ = networks;
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTest, ReadDimension);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTest, GetDimension);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTest, GetLangConsts);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTest, GetLangConstsError);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTest, UpdateButtons);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTest, UpdateButtonsIsDetachable);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTest, CheckRightToLeft);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTest, CheckDetachable);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTest, GetVpdFromFile);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTest, GetVpdFromCommand);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTest, GetVpdFromDefault);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTest, GetHwidFromCommand);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTest, GetHwidFromDefault);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTest, GetFreconConstFile);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTest, GetFreconConstNoInt);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTest, GetFreconConstNoFile);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTest, MapRegionToKeyboardNoFile);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTest, MapRegionToKeyboardNotDict);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTest, MapRegionToKeyboardNoKeyboard);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTest, MapRegionToKeyboardBadKeyboardFormat);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTest, MapRegionToKeyboard);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTestMocks, ShowFooter);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTestMocks, OnKeyPress);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTestMocks, UpdateEngineError);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTestMocks, UpdateEngineProgressComplete);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTestMocks, IdleError);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTestMocks, GetNetworks);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTestMocks, OnConnectError);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTestMocks, OnPasswordError);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTestMocks, NoNetworksGiven);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTestMocks, ScreenFlowForwardWithNetwork);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTestMocks, GetNetworksRefresh);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTestMocks, ChangeErrorScreen);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTestMocks, ErrorScreenFallBack);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTestMocks, RepartitionDisk);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTestMocks, RepartitionDiskFailed);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTestMocks, LogScreenNoScreenRefresh);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTestMocks, LogScreenPageDownAndUps);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreensTestMocks, StartUpdateFailed);
// Changes the index and enter value based on the given key. Unknown keys are
// ignored and index is kept within the range of menu items.
void UpdateButtons(int menu_count, int key, bool* enter);
// This function overloads Delegate. It is only called when the key is valid
// and updates the key state for the given fd and key. Calls `SwitchState` to
// update the flow once key is recorded as being pressed and released.
void OnKeyPress(int fd_index, int key_changed, bool key_released) override;
// `NetworkManagerInterface::Observer` overrides.
// Updates the list of networks stored by the UI to show in the drop down.
void OnGetNetworks(const std::vector<std::string>& networks,
brillo::Error* error) override;
// Attempts to connect, shows error screen on failure.
void OnConnect(const std::string& ssid, brillo::Error* error) override;
// After user confirms they want to continue with recovery, begin
// repartitioning their disk, wiping data, and calling update engine.
void OnUserPermission();
// Calls `GetNetworks` to update the the list of networks.
virtual void UpdateNetworkList();
// Calls the show screen function of `current_screen`.
virtual void ShowNewScreen();
// Shows the buttons of MiniOs screens. Index changes button focus based on
// button order.
void ShowMiniOsWelcomeScreen();
void ShowMiniOsNetworkDropdownScreen();
void ShowMiniOsGetPasswordScreen();
void ShowWaitingForConnectionScreen();
void ShowUserPermissionScreen();
void ShowMiniOsDownloadingScreen();
virtual void ShowMiniOsCompleteScreen();
void ShowMiniOsDebugOptionsScreen();
void ShowMiniOsLogScreen();
// Get XKB keyboard layout based on the VPD region. Return false on error.
bool MapRegionToKeyboard(std::string* xkb_keyboard_layout);
// Calls corresponding MiniOs screen based on update engine status. If UE is
// `DOWNLOADING` then shows a progress bar with percentage.
void OnProgressChanged(const update_engine::StatusResult& status) override;
// Calls error screen components with different messages.
void ShowErrorScreen(std::string error_message);
// Reset and show error screen.
void ChangeToErrorScreen(enum ScreenType error_screen);
// Updates related to the log screen.
void UpdateLogScreenButtons();
void UpdateLogArea();
std::unique_ptr<RecoveryInstallerInterface> recovery_installer_;
KeyReader key_reader_ = KeyReader(/*include_usb=*/true);
std::shared_ptr<NetworkManagerInterface> network_manager_;
std::shared_ptr<UpdateEngineProxy> update_engine_proxy_;
// List of currently available networks.
std::vector<std::string> network_list_;
// The networks the user has picked from the menu.
std::string chosen_network_;
// Records the key press for each fd and key, where the index of the fd is the
// row and the key code the column. Resets to false after key is released.
// Only tracks the valid keys.
std::vector<std::vector<bool>> key_states_;
// The number of menu buttons on each screen corresponding to the enum
// numbers, used to keep the index in bounds. The drop down screen counts are
// updated later based on the locale and network lists.
std::unordered_map<ScreenType, int> menu_count_{
{ScreenType::kWelcomeScreen, 3},
{ScreenType::kNetworkDropDownScreen, 3},
{ScreenType::kExpandedNetworkDropDownScreen, 0},
{ScreenType::kPasswordScreen, 3},
{ScreenType::kLanguageDropDownScreen, 0},
{ScreenType::kWaitForConnection, 0},
{ScreenType::kUserPermissionScreen, 3},
{ScreenType::kStartDownload, 0},
{ScreenType::kDownloadError, 3},
{ScreenType::kNetworkError, 3},
{ScreenType::kPasswordError, 3},
{ScreenType::kConnectionError, 3},
{ScreenType::kGeneralError, 3},
{ScreenType::kDebugOptionsScreen, 3},
{ScreenType::kLogScreen, 4}};
ScreenType current_screen_{ScreenType::kWelcomeScreen};
// Previous screen only used when changing the language so you know what
// screen to return to after selection.
ScreenType previous_screen_{ScreenType::kWelcomeScreen};
// The `index_` shows which button is highlighted in the `current_screen_`,
// uses menu_count of current screen to stay in bounds.
int index_{1};
// Determines whether we want to display the update engine state changes to
// the UI. Only necessary after user has entered their password and connected
// to the network.
bool display_update_engine_state_{false};
// Used to keep track of the last seen Update Engine stage to prevent
// unnecessary screen changes.
update_engine::Operation previous_update_state_{
// Used to keep track of the log to display.
base::FilePath log_path_;
// Used to keep track of the byte offsets in the file.
size_t log_offset_idx_ = 0;
std::vector<int64_t> log_offsets_ = {0};
base::WeakPtrFactory<Screens> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace minios