blob: 56f36755800c575a10b37434833c473d4a4071db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "federated/storage_manager.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/sequence_checker.h>
#include "federated/example_database.h"
#include "federated/session_manager_observer_interface.h"
#include "federated/session_manager_proxy.h"
namespace federated {
class SessionManagerProxy;
class StorageManagerImpl : public StorageManager,
public SessionManagerObserverInterface {
StorageManagerImpl() = default;
StorageManagerImpl(const StorageManagerImpl&) = delete;
StorageManagerImpl& operator=(const StorageManagerImpl&) = delete;
~StorageManagerImpl() override = default;
// StorageManager:
void InitializeSessionManagerProxy(dbus::Bus* bus) override;
bool OnExampleReceived(const std::string& client_name,
const std::string& serialized_example) override;
bool PrepareStreamingForClient(const std::string& client_name) override;
bool GetNextExample(std::string* example, bool* end_of_iterator) override;
bool CloseStreaming(bool clean_examples) override;
// SessionManagerObserverInterface:
void OnSessionStarted() override;
void OnSessionStopped() override;
friend class StorageManagerImplTest;
void set_example_database_for_testing(ExampleDatabase* example_database) {
void ConnectToDatabaseIfNecessary();
// Session manager that notifies session state changes.
std::unique_ptr<SessionManagerProxy> session_manager_proxy_;
// The database connection.
std::unique_ptr<ExampleDatabase> example_database_;
// Current login user hash. The database is connected to
// /run/daemon-store/federated/<sanitized_username_>/examples.db.
std::string sanitized_username_;
// Which client it is streaming examples for.
std::string streaming_client_name_;
// The last seen (i.e. largest) example id for the streaming_client_name_,
// after training job succeeds, examples of this client with id <=
// last_seen_example_id_ should be removed from the database.
int64_t last_seen_example_id_;
} // namespace federated