blob: e4b856dd5a09554bf2c68e607db4e44172c80ca3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace hermes {
// Hermes D-Bus service identifiers.
const char kHermesServiceName[] = "org.chromium.Hermes";
const char kHermesManagerInterface[] = "org.chromium.Hermes.Manager";
const char kHermesManagerPath[] = "/org/chromium/Hermes/Manager";
const char kHermesEuiccInterface[] = "org.chromium.Hermes.Euicc";
const char kHermesProfileInterface[] = "org.chromium.Hermes.Profile";
namespace manager {
// Manager methods.
const char kSetTestMode[] = "SetTestMode";
// Manager properties.
const char kAvailableEuiccsProperty[] = "AvailableEuiccs";
} // namespace manager
namespace euicc {
// Euicc methods.
const char kInstallProfileFromActivationCode[] =
const char kInstallPendingProfile[] = "InstallPendingProfile";
const char kRequestPendingProfiles[] = "RequestPendingProfiles";
const char kRequestInstalledProfiles[] = "RequestInstalledProfiles";
const char kUninstallProfile[] = "UninstallProfile";
// Euicc properties.
const char kEidProperty[] = "Eid";
const char kInstalledProfilesProperty[] = "InstalledProfiles";
const char kIsActiveProperty[] = "IsActive";
const char kPendingProfilesProperty[] = "PendingProfiles";
const char kPhysicalSlotProperty[] = "PhysicalSlot";
} // namespace euicc
namespace profile {
// Profile methods.
const char kEnable[] = "Enable";
const char kDisable[] = "Disable";
// Profile properties.
const char kActivationCodeProperty[] = "ActivationCode";
const char kIccidProperty[] = "Iccid";
const char kMccMncProperty[] = "MccMnc";
const char kNameProperty[] = "Name";
const char kNicknameProperty[] = "Nickname";
const char kProfileClassProperty[] = "ProfileClass";
const char kServiceProviderProperty[] = "ServiceProvider";
const char kStateProperty[] = "State";
// Values for kProfileClassProperty.
enum ProfileClass {
kTesting = 0,
// Profile for provisioning a non-kProvisioning Profile. Should NOT be shown
// to users normally. From the spec:
// Provisioning Profiles and their associated Profile Metadata SHALL not be
// visible to the End User in the LUI. As a result, Provisioning Profiles
// SHALL not be selectable by the End User nor deletable through any End User
// action, including eUICC Memory Reset.
kProvisioning = 1,
// Profile available for normal servicing of user connectivity needs.
kOperational = 2,
// Values for kStateProperty.
enum State {
// Notified about from SM-DS but not installed.
kPending = 0,
// Installed on eUICC but not active.
kInactive = 1,
// Installed and active. Only one Profile may be active on a single eUICC.
kActive = 2,
} // namespace profile
// Error codes.
const char kErrorAlreadyDisabled[] =
const char kErrorAlreadyEnabled[] = "org.chromium.Hermes.Error.AlreadyEnabled";
const char kErrorBadNotification[] =
const char kErrorBadRequest[] = "org.chromium.Hermes.Error.BadRequest";
const char kErrorInternalLpaFailure[] =
const char kErrorInvalidActivationCode[] =
const char kErrorInvalidIccid[] = "org.chromium.Hermes.Error.InvalidIccid";
const char kErrorInvalidParameter[] =
const char kErrorMalformedResponse[] =
const char kErrorNeedConfirmationCode[] =
const char kErrorNoResponse[] = "org.chromium.Hermes.Error.NoResponse";
const char kErrorPendingProfile[] = "org.chromium.Hermes.Error.PendingProfile";
const char kErrorSendApduFailure[] =
const char kErrorSendHttpsFailure[] =
const char kErrorSendNotificationFailure[] =
const char kErrorTestProfileInProd[] =
const char kErrorUnknown[] = "org.chromium.Hermes.Error.Unknown";
const char kErrorUnsupported[] = "org.chromium.Hermes.Error.Unsupported";
const char kErrorWrongState[] = "org.chromium.Hermes.Error.WrongState";
} // namespace hermes