blob: 645a04da55a98c87101926cace8563374c12d3c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_refptr.h>
#include <base/optional.h>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include <hardware/keymaster_defs.h>
#include <keymaster/authorization_set.h>
#include <keymaster/contexts/pure_soft_keymaster_context.h>
#include <keymaster/key.h>
#include <keymaster/key_factory.h>
#include <keymaster/UniquePtr.h>
#include <mojo/cert_store.mojom.h>
#include "arc/keymaster/context/context_adaptor.h"
#include "arc/keymaster/context/cros_key.h"
#include "arc/keymaster/key_data.pb.h"
namespace arc {
namespace keymaster {
namespace context {
// Defines specific behavior for ARC Keymaster in Chrome OS.
class ArcKeymasterContext : public ::keymaster::PureSoftKeymasterContext {
~ArcKeymasterContext() override;
// Not copyable nor assignable.
ArcKeymasterContext(const ArcKeymasterContext&) = delete;
ArcKeymasterContext& operator=(const ArcKeymasterContext&) = delete;
// Replaces the list of placeholders for Chrome OS keys.
void set_placeholder_keys(std::vector<mojom::ChromeOsKeyPtr> keys) {
placeholder_keys_ = std::move(keys);
// Returns the Chrome OS key correspponding to the given key blob, if any.
base::Optional<mojom::ChromeOsKeyPtr> FindPlaceholderKey(
const ::keymaster::KeymasterKeyBlob& key_material) const;
// PureSoftKeymasterContext overrides.
keymaster_error_t CreateKeyBlob(
const ::keymaster::AuthorizationSet& key_description,
keymaster_key_origin_t origin,
const ::keymaster::KeymasterKeyBlob& key_material,
::keymaster::KeymasterKeyBlob* key_blob,
::keymaster::AuthorizationSet* hw_enforced,
::keymaster::AuthorizationSet* sw_enforced) const override;
keymaster_error_t ParseKeyBlob(
const ::keymaster::KeymasterKeyBlob& key_blob,
const ::keymaster::AuthorizationSet& additional_params,
::keymaster::UniquePtr<::keymaster::Key>* key) const override;
keymaster_error_t UpgradeKeyBlob(
const ::keymaster::KeymasterKeyBlob& key_to_upgrade,
const ::keymaster::AuthorizationSet& upgrade_params,
::keymaster::KeymasterKeyBlob* upgraded_key) const override;
// If |key_blob| contains an ARC owned key, deserialize it into |key_material|
// and auth sets. Otherwise it is a CrOS owned key, deserialized into |key|.
// Can also deserialize insecure blobs.
keymaster_error_t DeserializeBlob(
const ::keymaster::KeymasterKeyBlob& key_blob,
const ::keymaster::AuthorizationSet& hidden,
::keymaster::KeymasterKeyBlob* key_material,
::keymaster::AuthorizationSet* hw_enforced,
::keymaster::AuthorizationSet* sw_enforced,
::keymaster::UniquePtr<::keymaster::Key>* key) const;
// Serialize the given key data info the output |key_blob|.
keymaster_error_t SerializeKeyDataBlob(
const ::keymaster::KeymasterKeyBlob& key_material,
const ::keymaster::AuthorizationSet& hidden,
const ::keymaster::AuthorizationSet& hw_enforced,
const ::keymaster::AuthorizationSet& sw_enforced,
::keymaster::KeymasterKeyBlob* key_blob) const;
// If |key_blob| contains an ARC owned key, deserialize it into |key_material|
// and auth sets. Otherwise it is a CrOS owned key, deserialized into |key|.
// Only handles key blobs serialized by |SerializeKeyDataBlob|.
keymaster_error_t DeserializeKeyDataBlob(
const ::keymaster::KeymasterKeyBlob& key_blob,
const ::keymaster::AuthorizationSet& hidden,
::keymaster::KeymasterKeyBlob* key_material,
::keymaster::AuthorizationSet* hw_enforced,
::keymaster::AuthorizationSet* sw_enforced,
::keymaster::UniquePtr<::keymaster::Key>* key) const;
// Constructs a new Chrome OS |key|.
keymaster_error_t LoadKey(
KeyData&& key_data,
::keymaster::AuthorizationSet&& hw_enforced,
::keymaster::AuthorizationSet&& sw_enforced,
::keymaster::UniquePtr<::keymaster::Key>* key) const;
// Serializes |key_data| into |key_blob|.
bool SerializeKeyData(const KeyData& key_data,
const ::keymaster::AuthorizationSet& hidden,
::keymaster::KeymasterKeyBlob* key_blob) const;
// Deserializes the contents of |key_blob| into |key_data|.
base::Optional<KeyData> DeserializeKeyData(
const ::keymaster::KeymasterKeyBlob& key_blob,
const ::keymaster::AuthorizationSet& hidden) const;
// Parses the given parameter into an instance of KeyData.
// May return |base::nullopt| when the placeholder key correspponding to this
// |key_material| is invalid.
base::Optional<KeyData> PackToKeyData(
const ::keymaster::KeymasterKeyBlob& key_material,
const ::keymaster::AuthorizationSet& hw_enforced,
const ::keymaster::AuthorizationSet& sw_enforced) const;
// Removes the given |key| from the list of |placeholder_keys_|.
void DeletePlaceholderKey(const mojom::ChromeOsKeyPtr& key) const;
mutable ContextAdaptor context_adaptor_;
mutable CrosKeyFactory rsa_key_factory_;
// Holds placeholder keys that will be installed by ARC.
// Placeholders maintain information about keys owned by Chrome OS. When ARC
// tries to install a new key, arc-keymasterd checks if it is a placeholder,
// and if so, replaces it with a handle to the original Chrome OS key instead.
// From that point on, operation on that key will be executed on the original
// Chrome OS key.
mutable std::vector<mojom::ChromeOsKeyPtr> placeholder_keys_;
// Friend class for testing.
friend class ContextTestPeer;
namespace internal {
// Expose SerializeAuthorizationSetToBlob for tests.
brillo::Blob TestSerializeAuthorizationSetToBlob(
const ::keymaster::AuthorizationSet& authorization_set);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace context
} // namespace keymaster
} // namespace arc