blob: 9ac5f5023d1a42c012e829d260f2b1f6a35b3d60 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "patchpanel/shill_client.h"
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <brillo/variant_dictionary.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
namespace patchpanel {
namespace {
ShillClient::Device::Type ParseDeviceType(const std::string& type_str) {
static const std::map<std::string, ShillClient::Device::Type> str2enum{
{shill::kTypeCellular, ShillClient::Device::Type::kCellular},
{shill::kTypeEthernet, ShillClient::Device::Type::kEthernet},
{shill::kTypeEthernetEap, ShillClient::Device::Type::kEthernetEap},
{shill::kTypeGuestInterface, ShillClient::Device::Type::kGuestInterface},
{shill::kTypeLoopback, ShillClient::Device::Type::kLoopback},
{shill::kTypePPP, ShillClient::Device::Type::kPPP},
{shill::kTypePPPoE, ShillClient::Device::Type::kPPPoE},
{shill::kTypeTunnel, ShillClient::Device::Type::kTunnel},
{shill::kTypeWifi, ShillClient::Device::Type::kWifi},
{shill::kTypeVPN, ShillClient::Device::Type::kVPN},
const auto it = str2enum.find(type_str);
return it != str2enum.end() ? it->second
: ShillClient::Device::Type::kUnknown;
const std::string DeviceTypeName(ShillClient::Device::Type type) {
static const std::map<ShillClient::Device::Type, std::string> enum2str{
{ShillClient::Device::Type::kUnknown, "Unknown"},
{ShillClient::Device::Type::kCellular, "Cellular"},
{ShillClient::Device::Type::kEthernet, "Ethernet"},
{ShillClient::Device::Type::kEthernetEap, "EthernetEap"},
{ShillClient::Device::Type::kGuestInterface, "GuestInterface"},
{ShillClient::Device::Type::kLoopback, "Loopback"},
{ShillClient::Device::Type::kPPP, "PPP"},
{ShillClient::Device::Type::kPPPoE, "PPPoE"},
{ShillClient::Device::Type::kTunnel, "Tunnel"},
{ShillClient::Device::Type::kVPN, "VPN"},
{ShillClient::Device::Type::kWifi, "Wifi"},
const auto it = enum2str.find(type);
return it != enum2str.end() ? it->second : "Unknown";
} // namespace
ShillClient::ShillClient(const scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus>& bus) : bus_(bus) {
manager_proxy_.reset(new org::chromium::flimflam::ManagerProxy(bus_));
const std::string& ShillClient::default_interface() const {
return default_device_.ifname;
const ShillClient::Device& ShillClient::default_device() const {
return default_device_;
const std::set<std::string> ShillClient::get_devices() const {
return devices_;
bool ShillClient::has_device(const std::string& ifname) const {
return devices_.find(ifname) != devices_.end();
void ShillClient::ScanDevices() {
brillo::VariantDictionary props;
if (!manager_proxy_->GetProperties(&props, nullptr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to get manager properties";
const auto it = props.find(shill::kDevicesProperty);
if (it == props.end()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Manager properties is missing devices";
ShillClient::Device ShillClient::GetDefaultDevice() {
brillo::VariantDictionary manager_props;
if (!manager_proxy_->GetProperties(&manager_props, nullptr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to get manager properties";
return {};
auto it = manager_props.find(shill::kDefaultServiceProperty);
if (it == manager_props.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Manager properties is missing default service";
return {};
dbus::ObjectPath service_path = it->second.TryGet<dbus::ObjectPath>();
if (!service_path.IsValid() || service_path.value() == "/") {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid DBus path for the default service";
return {};
org::chromium::flimflam::ServiceProxy service_proxy(bus_, service_path);
brillo::VariantDictionary service_props;
if (!service_proxy.GetProperties(&service_props, nullptr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Can't retrieve properties for default service"
<< service_path.value();
return {};
it = service_props.find(shill::kIsConnectedProperty);
if (it == service_props.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Service " << service_path.value() << " missing property "
<< shill::kIsConnectedProperty;
return {};
if (!it->second.TryGet<bool>()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Ignoring non-connected service " << service_path.value();
return {};
std::string service_type = brillo::GetVariantValueOrDefault<std::string>(
service_props, shill::kTypeProperty);
if (service_type.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Service " << service_path.value() << " missing property "
<< shill::kTypeProperty;
return {};
Device device = {};
device.type = ParseDeviceType(service_type);
dbus::ObjectPath device_path =
service_props, shill::kDeviceProperty);
if (!device_path.IsValid()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Service " << service_path.value()
<< " is missing device path";
return {};
org::chromium::flimflam::DeviceProxy device_proxy(bus_, device_path);
brillo::VariantDictionary device_props;
if (!device_proxy.GetProperties(&device_props, nullptr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Can't retrieve properties for device";
return {};
device.ifname = brillo::GetVariantValueOrDefault<std::string>(
device_props, shill::kInterfaceProperty);
if (device.ifname.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Device interface name is empty";
return {};
device.service_path = service_path.value();
return device;
void ShillClient::OnManagerPropertyChangeRegistration(
const std::string& interface,
const std::string& signal_name,
bool success) {
if (!success)
LOG(FATAL) << "Unable to register for interface change events";
void ShillClient::OnManagerPropertyChange(const std::string& property_name,
const brillo::Any& property_value) {
if (property_name == shill::kDevicesProperty) {
} else if (property_name != shill::kDefaultServiceProperty &&
property_name != shill::kConnectionStateProperty) {
// All registered DefaultDeviceChangeHandler objects should be called if
// the default network has changed or if shill::kDevicesProperty has changed.
void ShillClient::SetDefaultDevice(const Device& new_default) {
if (default_device_.ifname == new_default.ifname)
LOG(INFO) << "Default device changed from " << default_device_ << " to "
<< new_default;
for (const auto& h : default_device_handlers_) {
if (!h.is_null())
h.Run(new_default, default_device_);
default_device_ = new_default;
void ShillClient::RegisterDefaultDeviceChangedHandler(
const DefaultDeviceChangeHandler& handler) {
// Explicitly trigger the callback once to let it know of the the current
// default interface. The previous interface is left empty.
handler.Run(default_device_, {});
void ShillClient::RegisterDevicesChangedHandler(
const DevicesChangeHandler& handler) {
void ShillClient::RegisterIPConfigsChangedHandler(
const IPConfigsChangeHandler& handler) {
void ShillClient::UpdateDevices(const brillo::Any& property_value) {
std::set<std::string> new_devices, added, removed;
for (const auto& path :
property_value.TryGet<std::vector<dbus::ObjectPath>>()) {
std::string device = path.value();
// Strip "/device/" prefix.
device = device.substr(device.find_last_of('/') + 1);
if (devices_.find(device) == devices_.end())
// Registers handler if we see this device for the first time.
if (known_device_paths_.insert(std::make_pair(device, path)).second) {
org::chromium::flimflam::DeviceProxy proxy(bus_, path);
weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), device),
known_device_paths_[device] = path;
for (const auto& d : devices_) {
if (new_devices.find(d) == new_devices.end())
devices_ = new_devices;
for (const auto& h : device_handlers_)
h.Run(added, removed);
ShillClient::IPConfig ShillClient::ParseIPConfigsProperty(
const std::string& device, const brillo::Any& property_value) {
IPConfig ipconfig;
for (const auto& path :
property_value.TryGet<std::vector<dbus::ObjectPath>>()) {
std::unique_ptr<org::chromium::flimflam::IPConfigProxy> ipconfig_proxy(
new org::chromium::flimflam::IPConfigProxy(bus_, path));
brillo::VariantDictionary ipconfig_props;
if (!ipconfig_proxy->GetProperties(&ipconfig_props, nullptr)) {
// It is possible that an IPConfig object is removed after we know its
// path, especially when the interface is going down.
LOG(WARNING) << "[" << device << "]: "
<< "Unable to get properties for " << path.value();
// Detects the type of IPConfig. For ipv4 and ipv6 configurations, there
// should be at most one for each type.
auto it = ipconfig_props.find(shill::kMethodProperty);
if (it == ipconfig_props.end()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "[" << device << "]: "
<< "IPConfig properties is missing Method";
const std::string& method = it->second.TryGet<std::string>();
const bool is_ipv4_type =
(method == shill::kTypeIPv4 || method == shill::kTypeDHCP ||
method == shill::kTypeBOOTP || method == shill::kTypeZeroConf);
const bool is_ipv6_type = (method == shill::kTypeIPv6);
if (!is_ipv4_type && !is_ipv6_type) {
LOG(WARNING) << "[" << device << "]: "
<< "unknown type \"" << method << "\" for " << path.value();
if ((is_ipv4_type && !ipconfig.ipv4_address.empty()) ||
(is_ipv6_type && !ipconfig.ipv6_address.empty())) {
LOG(WARNING) << "[" << device << "]: "
<< "Duplicated ipconfig for " << method;
// Gets the value of address, prefix_length, gateway, and dns_servers.
it = ipconfig_props.find(shill::kAddressProperty);
if (it == ipconfig_props.end()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "[" << device << "]: "
<< "IPConfig properties is missing Address";
const std::string& address = it->second.TryGet<std::string>();
it = ipconfig_props.find(shill::kPrefixlenProperty);
if (it == ipconfig_props.end()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "[" << device << "]: "
<< "IPConfig properties is missing Prefixlen";
int prefix_length = it->second.TryGet<int>();
it = ipconfig_props.find(shill::kGatewayProperty);
if (it == ipconfig_props.end()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "[" << device << "]: "
<< "IPConfig properties is missing Gateway";
const std::string& gateway = it->second.TryGet<std::string>();
it = ipconfig_props.find(shill::kNameServersProperty);
if (it == ipconfig_props.end()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "[" << device << "]: "
<< "IPConfig properties is missing NameServers";
// Shill will emit this property with empty value if it has no dns for
// this device, so missing this property indicates an error.
const std::vector<std::string>& dns_addresses =
// Checks if this ipconfig is valid: address, gateway, and prefix_length
// should not be empty.
if (address.empty() || gateway.empty() || prefix_length == 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "[" << device << "]: "
<< "Skipped invalid ipconfig: "
<< "address.length()=" << address.length()
<< ", gateway.length()=" << gateway.length()
<< ", prefix_length=" << prefix_length;
// Fills the IPConfig struct according to the type.
if (is_ipv4_type) {
ipconfig.ipv4_prefix_length = prefix_length;
ipconfig.ipv4_address = address;
ipconfig.ipv4_gateway = gateway;
ipconfig.ipv4_dns_addresses = dns_addresses;
} else { // is_ipv6_type
ipconfig.ipv6_prefix_length = prefix_length;
ipconfig.ipv6_address = address;
ipconfig.ipv6_gateway = gateway;
ipconfig.ipv6_dns_addresses = dns_addresses;
return ipconfig;
bool ShillClient::GetDeviceProperties(const std::string& device,
Device* output) {
const auto& device_it = known_device_paths_.find(device);
if (device_it == known_device_paths_.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown device " << device;
return false;
org::chromium::flimflam::DeviceProxy proxy(bus_, device_it->second);
brillo::VariantDictionary props;
if (!proxy.GetProperties(&props, nullptr)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to get device properties for " << device;
return false;
const auto& type_it = props.find(shill::kTypeProperty);
if (type_it == props.end()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Device properties is missing Type for " << device;
return false;
const std::string& type_str = type_it->second.TryGet<std::string>();
output->type = ParseDeviceType(type_str);
if (output->type == Device::Type::kUnknown)
LOG(WARNING) << "Unknown device type " << type_str << " for " << device;
const auto& interface_it = props.find(shill::kInterfaceProperty);
if (interface_it == props.end()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Device properties is missing Interface for " << device;
return false;
output->ifname = interface_it->second.TryGet<std::string>();
const auto& ipconfigs_it = props.find(shill::kIPConfigsProperty);
if (ipconfigs_it == props.end()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Device properties is missing IPConfigs for " << device;
return false;
output->ipconfig = ParseIPConfigsProperty(device, ipconfigs_it->second);
return true;
void ShillClient::OnDevicePropertyChangeRegistration(
const std::string& interface,
const std::string& signal_name,
bool success) {
if (!success)
LOG(ERROR) << "[" << interface << "]: "
<< "Unable to register listener for " << signal_name;
void ShillClient::OnDevicePropertyChange(const std::string& device,
const std::string& property_name,
const brillo::Any& property_value) {
if (property_name != shill::kIPConfigsProperty)
const IPConfig& ipconfig = ParseIPConfigsProperty(device, property_value);
// TODO(jiejiang): Keep a cache of the last parsed IPConfig, and only
// trigger handlers if there is an actual change.
for (const auto& handler : ipconfigs_handlers_)
handler.Run(device, ipconfig);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const ShillClient::Device& dev) {
return stream << "{ifname: " << dev.ifname
<< ", type: " << DeviceTypeName(dev.type)
<< ", service: " << dev.service_path << "}";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream,
const ShillClient::Device::Type type) {
return stream << DeviceTypeName(type);
} // namespace patchpanel