blob: 028d5e1395023803bf61ac63f3afc8b5ee668f4d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// InstallAttributes - class for managing install-time system attributes.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/observer_list.h>
#include <base/observer_list_types.h>
#include <base/values.h>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include "cryptohome/crypto.h"
#include "cryptohome/install_attributes.pb.h"
#include "cryptohome/lockbox.h"
#include "cryptohome/platform.h"
#include "cryptohome/tpm.h"
#include "cryptohome/tpm_init.h"
namespace cryptohome {
// InstallAttributes - manages secure, install-time attributes
// Provides setting and getting of tamper-evident install-time
// attributes. Upon finalization, the underlying tamper-evident
// store will "lock" the attributes such that they become read-only
// until the next install.
// InstallAttributes is not thread-safe and should not be accessed in parallel.
class InstallAttributes {
enum class Status {
kUnknown, // Not initialized yet.
kTpmNotOwned, // TPM not owned yet.
kFirstInstall, // Allows writing.
kValid, // Validated successfully.
kInvalid, // Not valid, e.g. clobbered, absent.
COUNT, // This is unused, just for counting the number of elements.
// Note that COUNT should always be the last element.
class Observer : public base::CheckedObserver {
virtual void OnFinalized() = 0;
// Creates an instance of install attributes that will use the |tpm|. If |tpm|
// is NULL, InstallAttributes will proceed insecurely (unless it is set with
// SetTpm at a later time).
explicit InstallAttributes(Tpm* tpm);
InstallAttributes(const InstallAttributes&) = delete;
InstallAttributes& operator=(const InstallAttributes&) = delete;
virtual ~InstallAttributes();
virtual Status status() const { return status_; }
// Sets status (for testing).
void set_status_for_testing(Status status) { status_ = status; }
// Updates the TPM used by Lockbox or disables the use of the TPM.
// This does NOT take ownership of the pointer.
virtual void SetTpm(Tpm* tpm);
// Prepares the class for use including instantiating a new environment
// if needed. If initialization completes, |tpm_init| will be used to remove
// this instance's dependency on the TPM ownership.
virtual bool Init(TpmInit* tpm_init);
// Populates |value| based on the content referenced by |name|.
// Parameters
// - name: addressable name of the entry to retrieve
// - value: pointer to a Blob to populate with the value, if found.
// Returns true if |name| exists in the store and |value| will be populated.
// Returns false if the |name| does not exist.
virtual bool Get(const std::string& name, brillo::Blob* value) const;
// Populates |name| and |value| based on the content referenced by |index|.
// Parameters
// - index: 0-addressable index of the desired entry.
// - name: addressable name of the entry to retrieve
// - value: pointer to a Blob to populate with the value, if found.
// Returns true if |index| exists in the store.
// Returns false if the |index| does not exist.
virtual bool GetByIndex(int index,
std::string* name,
brillo::Blob* value) const;
// Appends |name| and |value| as an attribute pair to the internal store.
// Parameters
// - name: attribute name to associate |value| with in the store
// - value: Blob of data to store with |name|.
// Returns true if the association can be stored, and false if it can't.
// If the given |name| already exists, it will be replaced.
virtual bool Set(const std::string& name, const brillo::Blob& value);
// Finalizes the install-time attributes making them tamper-evident.
virtual bool Finalize();
// Returns the number of entries in the Lockbox.
virtual int Count() const;
// Return InstallAttributes version.
// This is populated from the default value in install_attributes.proto and
// should be incremented there when behavior vesioning is needed.
virtual uint64_t version() const { return version_; }
// Allows overriding the version, often for testing.
virtual void set_version(uint64_t version) { version_ = version; }
// Returns true if the attribute storage is securely stored. It does not
// indicate if the store has been finalized, just if the system TPM/Lockbox
// is being used.
virtual bool is_secure() const { return is_secure_; }
virtual void set_is_secure(bool is_secure) { is_secure_ = is_secure; }
// Allows replacement of the underlying lockbox.
// This does NOT take ownership of the pointer.
virtual void set_lockbox(Lockbox* lockbox) { lockbox_ = lockbox; }
virtual Lockbox* lockbox() { return lockbox_; }
// Replaces the platform implementation.
// Does NOT take ownership of the pointer.
virtual void set_platform(Platform* platform) { platform_ = platform; }
virtual Platform* platform() { return platform_; }
// Returns a description of the system's install attributes as a Value.
// The Value is of type Dictionary, with keys "initialized", "version",
// "lockbox_index", "secure", "invalid", "first_install" and "size".
virtual base::Value GetStatus();
void AddObserver(Observer* obs) { observer_list_.AddObserver(obs); }
void RemoveObserver(Observer* obs) { observer_list_.RemoveObserver(obs); }
void NotifyFinalized() {
for (Observer& observer : observer_list_)
// Provides the TPM NVRAM index to be used by the underlying Lockbox instance.
static const uint32_t kLockboxIndex;
// Provides the default location for the attributes data file.
static const char kDefaultDataFile[];
// File permissions of attributes data file (modulo umask).
static const mode_t kDataFilePermissions;
// Provides the default location for the cache file.
static const char kDefaultCacheFile[];
// File permissions of cache file (modulo umask).
static const mode_t kCacheFilePermissions;
// Helper to find a given entry index using its name.
virtual int FindIndexByName(const std::string& name) const;
// Convert the current attributes to a byte stream and write it
// to |out_bytes|.
virtual bool SerializeAttributes(brillo::Blob* out_bytes);
// Remove the data file on disk if it exists.
bool ClearData();
Status status_ = Status::kUnknown;
bool is_secure_ = false; // Indicates if there is hardware protection (TPM).
base::FilePath data_file_; // Location data is persisted to.
base::FilePath cache_file_; // World-readable data cache file.
uint64_t version_ = 0; // Default implementation version.
// Default implementations of dependencies
std::unique_ptr<SerializedInstallAttributes> default_attributes_;
std::unique_ptr<Lockbox> default_lockbox_;
std::unique_ptr<Platform> default_platform_;
// Overridable dependency pointer which allow for easy injection.
SerializedInstallAttributes* attributes_ = nullptr;
Lockbox* lockbox_ = nullptr;
Platform* platform_ = nullptr;
base::ObserverList<Observer> observer_list_;
} // namespace cryptohome