blob: d5ff9a0153c8452cfb688b72ebec8c74b08947f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include "power_manager/powerd/system/dbus_wrapper.h"
namespace dbus {
class MessageReader;
class MethodCall;
class ObjectProxy;
class Response;
} // namespace dbus
namespace power_manager {
class Clock;
namespace system {
class ArcTimerManager {
using TimerId = int32_t;
// Initializes the D-Bus API handlers.
void Init(DBusWrapperInterface* dbus_wrapper);
// Returns the timer ids associated with |tag|.
std::vector<TimerId> GetTimerIdsForTesting(const std::string& tag);
// Metadata associated with a timer set for the instance.
struct ArcTimerInfo;
// Monotonically increasing timer id that will be associated with each managed
// timer. Returned from |CreateArcTimers| and used by callers to refer to
// their timer. Always >= 1.
TimerId next_timer_id_ = 1;
// Creates new timers in |timers_| as requested by |method_call|,
// which should contain a "tag" string argument followed by an array of
// (int32, FD) values that will be passed to CreateArcTimers.
// The response contains an array of int32 timer IDs corresponding to
// the created timers.
// Any existing timers associated with the tag will be deleted first.
// If an error occurs while creating timers, no timer IDs will be returned.
// At most one timer is allowed per clock.
void HandleCreateArcTimers(
dbus::MethodCall* method_call,
dbus::ExportedObject::ResponseSender response_sender);
// Creates a vector of |ArcTimerInfo|s by parsing |clock_id, expiration_fd| at
// the current position in |array_reader|. Returns an empty vector on failure
// i.e. invalid arguments in |array_reader| or failure while allocating
// resources. Returns a non-empty vector iff |ArcTimerInfo| objects are
// created successfully.
static std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ArcTimerInfo>> CreateArcTimers(
dbus::MessageReader* array_reader, bool create_for_testing);
// Creates |ArcTimerInfo| by parsing |clock_id, expiration_fd| at the current
// position in |array_reader|. Returns null on failure i.e. invalid arguments
// in |array_reader| or failure while allocating resources. Returns non-null
// iff |ArcTimerInfo| object is created successfully. CLOCK_REALTIME will be
// used instead of CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM when create_for_testing is true.
static std::unique_ptr<ArcTimerInfo> CreateArcTimer(
dbus::MessageReader* array_reader, bool create_for_testing);
// Returns true iff |arc_timers| have duplicate clock ids between two or more
// entries.
// Note: Is static because it needs to access |ArcTimerInfo|.
static bool ContainsDuplicateClocks(
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ArcTimerInfo>>& arc_timers);
// Receives |int32_t timer_id, base::TimeTicks absolute_expiration_time| over
// D-Bus. Starts the timer of id |timer_id| to run at
// |absolute_expiration_time| in the future. If the timer is already running,
// it will be replaced. Notification will be performed as an 8-byte write to
// the associated expiration fd. Returns D-Bus error if |timer_id| is not
// present in the stored timers. Returns empty D-Bus response iff timer is
// started successfully.
void HandleStartArcTimer(
dbus::MethodCall* method_call,
dbus::ExportedObject::ResponseSender response_sender);
// Receives a |string tag| as an argument. Deletes all |ArcTimerInfo| entries
// associated with the client's tag in |timers_| and stops any pending timers.
// Also, deletes client's entry in |client_timer_ids_|. Returns a D-Bus error
// if the tag is found and any associated timers and metadata can't be
// deleted. Returns an empty D-Bus response if no timers exist corresponding
// to the client's tag or if a client's associated timers and metadata is
// deleted successfully.
void HandleDeleteArcTimers(
dbus::MethodCall* method_call,
dbus::ExportedObject::ResponseSender response_sender);
// Deletes all timers, if any, created with the tag |tag|.
void DeleteArcTimers(const std::string& tag);
// Set for testing.
void set_for_testing_(bool is_testing) { is_testing_ = is_testing; }
friend class ArcTimerManagerTest;
// Timers will be created with CLOCK_REALTIME instead of CLOCK_REALTIME_ALARM
// for testing.
bool is_testing_;
// Finds |ArcTimerInfo| entry in |timers_| corresponding to |timer_id|.
// Returns non-null pointer iff entry is present.
ArcTimerInfo* FindArcTimerInfo(TimerId timer_id);
std::unique_ptr<Clock> clock_;
// Map that stores |ArcTimerInfo|s corresponding to different timer ids.
std::map<TimerId, std::unique_ptr<ArcTimerInfo>> timers_;
// List of timer ids associated with a client's tag i.e. the timer ids
// being used by each client.
std::map<std::string, std::vector<TimerId>> client_timer_ids_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ArcTimerManager> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace system
} // namespace power_manager