blob: a47db81ff9b2e95763b1bfd7796f3b974c54cd2b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/bind_helpers.h>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include <base/sequenced_task_runner.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <brillo/brillo_export.h>
#include <grpcpp/grpcpp.h>
#include <grpcpp/support/async_unary_call.h>
#include "brillo/grpc/async_grpc_constants.h"
#include "brillo/grpc/grpc_completion_queue_dispatcher.h"
#include "brillo/grpc/time_util.h"
namespace brillo {
namespace internal {
// Base class for a gRPC client that supports sending RPCs to an endpoint and
// posting a task on a task runner when the response has been received. This
// base class is not specific to a Stub or Service.
// This class has to be exported as AsyncGrpcClient is a templated class
class BRILLO_EXPORT AsyncGrpcClientBase {
// Type of the callback which will be called when an RPC response is
// available.
template <typename ResponseType>
using ReplyCallback = base::Callback<void(
grpc::Status status, std::unique_ptr<ResponseType> response)>;
explicit AsyncGrpcClientBase(
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner);
virtual ~AsyncGrpcClientBase();
// Shuts down this client. This instance may only be destroyed after
// |on_shutdown_callback| has been called.
void ShutDown(const base::Closure& on_shutdown_callback);
GrpcCompletionQueueDispatcher* dispatcher() { return &dispatcher_; }
static std::shared_ptr<grpc::Channel> CreateGrpcChannel(
const std::string& target_uri);
grpc::CompletionQueue completion_queue_;
GrpcCompletionQueueDispatcher dispatcher_;
} // namespace internal
// A gRPC client that is specific to |ServiceType|.
// Example usage:
// AsyncGrpcClient<Foo> client(base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get(),
// "unix:/path/to/socket");
// client.CallRpc(&FooStub::AsyncDoSomething,
// something_request,
// do_something_callback);
// client.CallRpc(&FooStub::AsyncDoOtherThing,
// other_thing_request,
// do_other_thing_callback);
// client.Shutdown(on_shutdown_callback);
// // Important: Make sure |client| is not destroyed before
// // |on_shutdown_callback| is called.
// The callbacks (e.g. |do_something_callback| in the example) have the
// following form:
// void DoSomethingCallback(grpc::Status status,
// std::unique_ptr<DoSomethingResponse> response);
template <typename ServiceType>
class AsyncGrpcClient final : public internal::AsyncGrpcClientBase {
AsyncGrpcClient(scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner,
const std::string& target_uri)
: AsyncGrpcClientBase(task_runner) {
stub_ = ServiceType::NewStub(CreateGrpcChannel(target_uri));
~AsyncGrpcClient() override = default;
// A function pointer on a gRPC Stub class to send an RPC.
template <typename AsyncServiceStub,
typename RequestType,
typename ResponseType>
using AsyncRequestFnPtr =
std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientAsyncResponseReader<ResponseType>> (
AsyncServiceStub::*)(grpc::ClientContext* context,
const RequestType& request,
grpc::CompletionQueue* cq);
// Call RPC represented by |async_rpc_start|. Pass |request| as the request
// with |rpc_deadline| as a timeout. Call |on_reply_callback| on the task
// runner passed to the constructor when a response is available.
template <typename AsyncServiceStub,
typename RequestType,
typename ResponseType>
void CallRpc(AsyncRequestFnPtr<AsyncServiceStub, RequestType, ResponseType>
base::TimeDelta rpc_deadline,
const RequestType& request,
ReplyCallback<ResponseType> on_reply_callback) {
std::unique_ptr<RpcState<ResponseType>> rpc_state =
RpcState<ResponseType>* rpc_state_unowned = rpc_state.get();
std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientAsyncResponseReader<ResponseType>> rpc =
(stub_.get()->*async_rpc_start)(&rpc_state_unowned->context, request,
base::Passed(&rpc_state), on_reply_callback));
// Accessing |rpc_state_unowned| is safe, because the RpcState will remain
// alive (owned by the |dispatcher()|) at least until the corresponding tag
// becomes available through the gRPC CompletionQueue, which can not happen
// before |Finish| is called.
rpc->Finish(rpc_state_unowned->response.get(), &rpc_state_unowned->status,
// Same as above with the default deadline set by
// |SetDefaultRpcDeadlineForTesting|
template <typename AsyncServiceStub,
typename RequestType,
typename ResponseType>
void CallRpc(AsyncRequestFnPtr<AsyncServiceStub, RequestType, ResponseType>
const RequestType& request,
ReplyCallback<ResponseType> on_reply_callback) {
CallRpc(async_rpc_start, default_rpc_deadline_, request, on_reply_callback);
// Sets the request deadline for future requests made with this client.
void SetDefaultRpcDeadlineForTesting(base::TimeDelta default_rpc_deadline) {
default_rpc_deadline_ = default_rpc_deadline;
// Holds memory for the response and the grpc Status.
template <typename ResponseType>
struct RpcState {
explicit RpcState(base::TimeDelta rpc_deadline) {
const void* tag() const { return this; }
void* tag() { return this; }
grpc::Status status;
grpc::ClientContext context;
std::unique_ptr<ResponseType> response = std::make_unique<ResponseType>();
template <typename ResponseType>
static void OnReplyReceived(
std::unique_ptr<RpcState<ResponseType>> rpc_state,
const ReplyCallback<ResponseType>& on_reply_callback,
bool ok) {
// gRPC CompletionQueue::Next documentation says that |ok| should always
// be true for client-side |Finish|.
if (rpc_state->status.error_code() != grpc::StatusCode::OK) {
VLOG(1) << "Outgoing RPC failed with error_code="
<< rpc_state->status.error_code() << ", error_message='"
<< rpc_state->status.error_message() << "', error_details='"
<< rpc_state->status.error_details() << "'";
base::TimeDelta default_rpc_deadline_ = kDefaultRpcDeadline;
std::unique_ptr<typename ServiceType::Stub> stub_;
} // namespace brillo