blob: 0876823d26910e5734a9cb8b207798d4adfd894f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <brillo/flag_helper.h>
#include "debugd/src/process_with_output.h"
namespace {
const char kUsageMessage[] =
"Configures sshd and installs SSH test keys, or queries whether sshd has\n"
"been configured (based on the existence of the required files).\n"
// Source and install paths. Keeping paths and filenames separate is useful
// to avoid repeating filenames and get easy access to the individual parts when
// needed. The InstallFile class below is used to simplify combining paths.
const char kKeySourceDir[] = "/usr/share/chromeos-ssh-config/keys";
const char kKeyInstallDir[] = "/root/.ssh";
const char* const kKeyFilenames[] = {"authorized_keys", "id_rsa", ""};
const char kInitSourceDir[] = "/usr/share/chromeos-ssh-config/init";
const char kInitInstallDir[] = "/etc/init";
const char kInitFilename[] = "openssh-server.conf";
// Class to help simplify file path handling.
class InstallFile {
InstallFile(const char* source_dir,
const char* install_dir,
const char* filename)
: source_path_(base::FilePath(source_dir).Append(filename)),
install_path_(base::FilePath(install_dir).Append(filename)) {}
~InstallFile() = default;
const base::FilePath& source_path() const { return source_path_; }
const base::FilePath& install_path() const { return install_path_; }
base::FilePath source_path_, install_path_;
// Checks if a file exists and is not a directory. Symlinks will return true
// as long as the path they point to exists.
bool FileExists(const base::FilePath& path) {
return base::PathExists(path) && !base::DirectoryExists(path);
// Reloads the Upstart configuration and starts the SSH job.
bool StartUpstartJob() {
// The Upstart D-Bus interface isn't well documented and reload-configuration
// isn't listed anywhere I can find, so just use initctl for this.
std::string error;
int result = debugd::ProcessWithOutput::RunProcessFromHelper(
"initctl", {"reload-configuration"},
nullptr, // stdin.
nullptr, // stdout.
&error); // stderr.
if (result != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
LOG(WARNING) << "\"initctl reload-configuration\" failed with exit code "
<< result << ": " << error;
return false;
// Upstart job name is the init file name without the .conf extension.
std::string job_name(base::FilePath(kInitFilename).RemoveExtension().value());
// The job should be known to initctl now, otherwise something has gone wrong
// and we can't start it.
result = debugd::ProcessWithOutput::RunProcessFromHelper("initctl",
{"status", job_name},
nullptr, // stdin.
nullptr, // stdout.
&error); // stderr.
if (result != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
LOG(WARNING) << "\"initctl status\" can't find job '" << job_name << "' ("
<< result << "): " << error;
return false;
// At this point we know initctl has the job loaded so try to start it. Any
// error here can be ignored, it just means the job has already started.
{"start", job_name},
nullptr, // stdin.
nullptr, // stdout.
nullptr); // stderr.
return true;
// Checks if all the necessary SSH files are installed.
bool AreSshFilesInstalled(const std::vector<InstallFile>& install_files) {
for (const auto& install_file : install_files) {
if (!FileExists(install_file.install_path())) {
return false;
return true;
// Installs the required SSH files and start sshd.
bool ConfigureSsh(const std::vector<InstallFile>& install_files) {
// Check that sources exist ahead of time so we don't link to some and then
// error out in a half-configured state.
for (const auto& install_file : install_files) {
if (!FileExists(install_file.source_path())) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Required file \"" << install_file.source_path().value()
<< "\" is missing";
return false;
base::ScopedFD init_ns_fd(open("/proc/1/ns/mnt", O_CLOEXEC));
// Since debugd is running in a sandboxed envrionment, the check
// whether '/' is writable needs to be done in the init namespace,
// instead of the debugd sandboxed namespace.
setns(init_ns_fd.get(), CLONE_NEWNS);
if (!base::CreateDirectory(base::FilePath(kKeyInstallDir)) ||
!base::CreateDirectory(base::FilePath(kInitInstallDir))) {
return false;
// Install as many symlinks as possible, if one fails mark the failure but
// keep going and try to complete the rest. SSH could still be partially
// usable if, for example, the Upstart file installs but the test keys don't.
bool install_success = true;
for (const auto& install_file : install_files) {
// We need to overwrite anything that might be at the install location.
base::DeleteFile(install_file.install_path(), true);
if (!base::CreateSymbolicLink(install_file.source_path(),
install_file.install_path())) {
install_success = false;
PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to create symlink at \""
<< install_file.install_path().value() << "\"";
// Upstart needs a kick to load and start the new .conf file. Still try to
// start the job even if not all files were installed successfully, but
// return false if either fails.
return StartUpstartJob() && install_success;
} // namespace
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
DEFINE_bool(q, false, "Query whether SSH has been configured");
brillo::FlagHelper::Init(argc, argv, kUsageMessage);
std::vector<InstallFile> install_files;
for (const char* filename : kKeyFilenames) {
install_files.emplace_back(kKeySourceDir, kKeyInstallDir, filename);
install_files.emplace_back(kInitSourceDir, kInitInstallDir, kInitFilename);
if (FLAGS_q) {
return AreSshFilesInstalled(install_files) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;
return ConfigureSsh(install_files) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;