blob: 69184e028d218b4e7df215213c5d089ff75f10ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <bitset>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/optional.h>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include <chromeos/ec/ec_commands.h>
#include "biod/ec_command.h"
#include "biod/fp_mode.h"
* The template is encrypted, so it's not strictly necessary to use
* SecureVector, but we do so as part of a defense-in-depth strategy in case
* there's a bug in the encryption/FPMCU.
using VendorTemplate = brillo::SecureVector;
namespace biod {
class CrosFpDeviceInterface {
using MkbpCallback = base::Callback<void(const uint32_t event)>;
CrosFpDeviceInterface() = default;
virtual ~CrosFpDeviceInterface() = default;
struct EcVersion {
std::string ro_version;
std::string rw_version;
ec_current_image current_image = EC_IMAGE_UNKNOWN;
virtual void SetMkbpEventCallback(MkbpCallback callback) = 0;
struct FpStats {
uint32_t capture_ms = 0;
uint32_t matcher_ms = 0;
uint32_t overall_ms = 0;
virtual bool SetFpMode(const FpMode& mode) = 0;
* @return mode on success, FpMode(FpMode::Mode::kModeInvalid) on failure
virtual FpMode GetFpMode() = 0;
virtual base::Optional<FpStats> GetFpStats() = 0;
virtual base::Optional<std::bitset<32>> GetDirtyMap() = 0;
virtual bool SupportsPositiveMatchSecret() = 0;
virtual base::Optional<brillo::SecureVector> GetPositiveMatchSecret(
int index) = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<VendorTemplate> GetTemplate(int index) = 0;
virtual bool UploadTemplate(const VendorTemplate& tmpl) = 0;
virtual bool SetContext(std::string user_id) = 0;
virtual bool ResetContext() = 0;
// Initialise the entropy in the SBP. If |reset| is true, the old entropy
// will be deleted. If |reset| is false, we will only add entropy, and only
// if no entropy had been added before.
virtual bool InitEntropy(bool reset) = 0;
virtual bool UpdateFpInfo() = 0;
virtual int MaxTemplateCount() = 0;
virtual int TemplateVersion() = 0;
virtual int DeadPixelCount() = 0;
virtual EcCmdVersionSupportStatus EcCmdVersionSupported(uint16_t cmd,
uint32_t ver) = 0;
} // namespace biod