blob: 3e586ed0a45ede37327ab6bb92c27166a2e5ca52 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "crash-reporter/anomaly_detector_text_file_reader.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "crash-reporter/test_util.h"
namespace anomaly {
using FileReaderRun = std::vector<std::string>;
std::unique_ptr<TextFileReader> InitializeFileReaderForTest(
const std::string& input_file_name) {
base::FilePath input_file_path = test_util::GetTestDataPath(input_file_name);
return std::make_unique<TextFileReader>(input_file_path);
void ReaderTest(const std::unique_ptr<TextFileReader>& r,
const FileReaderRun& want) {
FileReaderRun got{};
std::string line;
while (r->GetLine(&line)) {
ASSERT_EQ(want.size(), got.size());
for (int i = 0; i < want.size(); i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(want[i], got[i]);
// Tests that an invalid file does not cause the entire program to fail.
TEST(AnomalyDetectorFileReaderTest, InvalidFileTest) {
auto r = InitializeFileReaderForTest("FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST");
// Make sure all public methods are safe with invalid file.
std::string line;
TEST(AnomalyDetectorFileReaderTest, OpenFileTest) {
auto r = InitializeFileReaderForTest("TEST_MESSAGE_LOG");
// Tests if SeekToEnd() successfully moves the TextFileReader past
// the last line of the log to avoid re-reading of old logs.
TEST(AnomalyDetectorFileReaderTest, SeekToEndTest) {
auto r = InitializeFileReaderForTest("TEST_MESSAGE_LOG");
FileReaderRun want{};
ReaderTest(r, want);
TEST(AnomalyDetectorFileReaderTest, FileTextReaderTest) {
auto r = InitializeFileReaderForTest("TEST_MESSAGE_LOG");
std::string l1 =
"2020-05-10T22:45:04.419261Z ERR tpm_managerd[790]: TPM error "
"0x3011 (Communication failure): Failed to connect context.";
std::string l2 = "";
std::string l3 =
R"(2020-05-12T20:56:03.754453Z INFO rsyslogd[642]: [origin )"
R"(software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.1904.0" x-pid="642" )"
R"(x-info=""] rsyslogd was HUPed)";
std::string l4 =
"2020-05-13T11:56:27.236308Z INFO kernel: [ 893.009245] "
"atme1_mxt_ts 3-004b: Status: 00 Config Checksum: 673e89";
std::string l5 =
"2020-05-14T19:37:04.202906Z INFO VM(3)[8947]: "
"[devices/src/virtio/] ballon config changed to consume "
"255836 pages";
std::string l6 =
"2020-06-08T08:28:49.080656Z NOTICE [2917]: log message with no "
FileReaderRun want{std::move(l1), std::move(l2), std::move(l3),
std::move(l4), std::move(l5), std::move(l6)};
ReaderTest(r, want);
// This test fixture is responsible for the creation and deletion of temporary
// files.
class AnomalyDetectorFileReaderConcurrentTest : public ::testing::Test {
void SetUp() override {
file_ = base::File(path_, base::File::FLAG_OPEN | base::File::FLAG_APPEND);
void TearDown() override {
CHECK(base::DeleteFile(path_, false));
CHECK(base::DeleteFile(path_.AddExtension("old"), false));
// Use this method to append lines to file_.
void AppendToFile(const std::vector<std::string>& lines) {
for (auto line : lines) {
file_.WriteAtCurrentPos(line.c_str(), line.length());
file_.WriteAtCurrentPos("\n", 1);
// This simulates log rotation. The original file_ will be moved to
// ${path_}.old and a new file is created in its place. After this function
// is called, AppendToFile will write to the newly createcd file.
void RotateFiles() {
CHECK(base::Move(path_, path_.AddExtension("old")));
file_ =
base::File(path_, base::File::FLAG_CREATE | base::File::FLAG_APPEND);
base::FilePath path_;
base::File file_;
TEST_F(AnomalyDetectorFileReaderConcurrentTest, ReadAppendedTextTest) {
std::vector<std::string> file_content{"line 1", "line 2", "end"};
auto r = std::make_unique<TextFileReader>(path_);
FileReaderRun want{};
// Test that the file is empty.
ReaderTest(r, want);
// Append new lines to the file.
want.insert(want.end(), file_content.begin(), file_content.end());
// Test if the newly appended lines are correctly read by TextFileReader.
ReaderTest(r, want);
// Test that text appended to file after calling SeekToEnd is read properly.
// This is important since LogReader calls SeekToEnd upon initialisation.
TEST_F(AnomalyDetectorFileReaderConcurrentTest, ReadAfterSeekToEndTest) {
std::vector<std::string> file_content{"line 1", "line 2", "end"};
auto r = std::make_unique<TextFileReader>(path_);
FileReaderRun want{};
want.insert(want.end(), file_content.begin(), file_content.end());
ReaderTest(r, want);
// This simulates concurrent read and write on the file.
TEST_F(AnomalyDetectorFileReaderConcurrentTest, ReadDuringWriteTest) {
auto r = std::make_unique<TextFileReader>(path_);
file_.WriteAtCurrentPos("li", 2);
// r will not return any line since there is no '\n' at the end.
ReaderTest(r, {});
file_.WriteAtCurrentPos("ne\n", 3);
ReaderTest(r, {"line"});
// Tests if LoadToBuffer works as intended when given a file containing lines
// that are longer than the buffer size of TextFileReader.
TEST_F(AnomalyDetectorFileReaderConcurrentTest, ReadLineLongerThanBufferTest) {
auto r = std::make_unique<TextFileReader>(path_);
const int size_larger_than_buffer = TextFileReader::kBufferSize_ + 1;
// Create a line longer than TextFileReader::kBufferSize_.
std::string long_line(size_larger_than_buffer, 'a');
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
file_.WriteAtCurrentPos(long_line.c_str(), size_larger_than_buffer);
file_.WriteAtCurrentPos("\n", 1);
ReaderTest(r, {long_line, long_line});
// Test if TextFileReader can open a file that did not exist when it was
// initialised.
TEST_F(AnomalyDetectorFileReaderConcurrentTest, OpenFileRetryTest) {
// File <path_>.old does not exist yet.
auto r = std::make_unique<TextFileReader>(path_.AddExtension("old"));
std::string line;
// Write to file <path_>.
std::vector<std::string> file_content{"line 1", "line 2", "end"};
// This moves the file <path_> to <path_>.old.
// TextFileReader should detect that <path_>.old now exists and read from it.
FileReaderRun want{};
want.insert(want.end(), file_content.begin(), file_content.end());
ReaderTest(r, want);
// Test if TextFileReader stops retrying to open the file pointed by file_path_
// after kMaxOpenRetries_ times.
TEST_F(AnomalyDetectorFileReaderConcurrentTest, OpenFileRetryExceededTest) {
// File <path_>.old does not exist yet.
auto r = std::make_unique<TextFileReader>(path_.AddExtension("old"));
// GetLine internally calls Open.
std::string line;
for (int i = 0; i < TextFileReader::kMaxOpenRetries_; i++) {
std::vector<std::string> file_content{"line 1", "line 2", "end"};
// This moves the file <path_> to <path_>.old. Now <path_>.old exists and has
// content.
// r does not try to open <path_>.old anymore since maximum number of retries
// have been reached.
FileReaderRun want{};
ReaderTest(r, want);
// The original file opened by TextFileReader is replaced by a new file.
// TextFileReader should finish reading the original file and then read the new
// file to the end.
TEST_F(AnomalyDetectorFileReaderConcurrentTest, HandleFileMoveTest) {
std::vector<std::string> file_content_1{"line1", "line2", "end"};
std::vector<std::string> file_content_2{"new line 1", "new line 2",
"new end"};
auto r = std::make_unique<TextFileReader>(path_);
// Adding lines to file_.
// The original file is now moved to ${path_}.old but file_ is still pointing
// to it.
// Adding lines to newly created file ${path_}.
// want should include both file_content_1 and file_content_2.
FileReaderRun want{};
want.insert(want.end(), file_content_1.begin(), file_content_1.end());
want.insert(want.end(), file_content_2.begin(), file_content_2.end());
// r should first read lines till the end of ${path_}.old file then open
// ${path_} and read the lines from the new file.
ReaderTest(r, want);
} // namespace anomaly