blob: a8b5305fa467cc212487a4ebf396dc2966ea652e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chaps/attributes.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include "chaps/chaps_utility.h"
#include "chaps/proto_bindings/attributes.pb.h"
using std::string;
using std::vector;
namespace chaps {
Attributes::Attributes() : attributes_(NULL), num_attributes_(0) {}
Attributes::Attributes(CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR attributes, CK_ULONG num_attributes)
: attributes_(attributes), num_attributes_(num_attributes) {}
Attributes::~Attributes() {
bool Attributes::Serialize(vector<uint8_t>* serialized_attributes) const {
string tmp;
if (!SerializeInternal(attributes_, num_attributes_,
true, // Allow nesting.
return false;
*serialized_attributes = ConvertByteStringToVector(tmp);
return true;
bool Attributes::Parse(const vector<uint8_t>& serialized_attributes) {
if (!ParseInternal(ConvertByteVectorToString(serialized_attributes),
true, // Allow nesting.
&attributes_, &num_attributes_)) {
return false;
return true;
bool Attributes::ParseAndFill(const vector<uint8_t>& serialized_attributes) {
return ParseAndFillInternal(ConvertByteVectorToString(serialized_attributes),
true, // Allow nesting.
attributes_, num_attributes_);
bool Attributes::IsAttributeNested(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type) {
return (type == CKA_WRAP_TEMPLATE || type == CKA_UNWRAP_TEMPLATE);
void Attributes::Free() {
// This function is effective only when the memory is allocated internally.
if (allocated_attribute_arrays_.empty()) {
// |allocated_byte_arrays_| is supposed to be empty as well as they are
// always the children of some allocated attributes.
<< "no byte arrays should be allocated when no parent attribute is.";
// Also resets |attributes_| and |num_attributes_| if |attributes_| has been
// freed up. Note that by implementation a successful parsing results in
// |attributes_| being put at the front of |allocated_attribute_arrays_|, so
// it's unnecessary to scan the entire vector.
if (attributes_ == allocated_attribute_arrays_[0].get()) {
attributes_ = NULL;
num_attributes_ = 0;
bool Attributes::SerializeInternal(CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR attributes,
CK_ULONG num_attributes,
bool is_nesting_allowed,
string* serialized) const {
// The PKCS #11 specification explicitly defines this as -1 cast to CK_ULONG.
// See the C_GetAttributeValue section, page 133 in v2.20.
const CK_ULONG kErrorIndicator = static_cast<CK_ULONG>(-1);
AttributeList attribute_list;
for (CK_ULONG i = 0; i < num_attributes; ++i) {
bool is_attribute_nested = IsAttributeNested(attributes[i].type);
if (is_attribute_nested && !is_nesting_allowed) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Nesting attempted and not allowed.";
return false;
Attribute* next = attribute_list.add_attribute();
if (!attributes[i].pValue || attributes[i].ulValueLen == kErrorIndicator) {
// The caller is to receive length only so we won't put a value in the
// proto-buffer.
if (!is_attribute_nested) {
// When the attribute itself is an array of attributes, we need to
// recurse. Recursion is only allowed once because the PKCS #11
// specification has no cases that require more and we don't want
// malicious attributes to cause stack overflow.
CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR inner_attributes =
CK_ULONG num_inner_attributes =
attributes[i].ulValueLen / sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE);
string inner_serialized;
if (!SerializeInternal(inner_attributes, num_inner_attributes,
false, // Do not allow nesting.
return false;
return attribute_list.SerializeToString(serialized);
bool Attributes::ParseInternal(const string& serialized,
bool is_nesting_allowed,
CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR* attributes,
CK_ULONG* num_attributes) {
AttributeList attribute_list;
if (!attribute_list.ParseFromString(serialized)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse proto-buffer.";
return false;
CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR attribute_array =
for (int i = 0; i < attribute_list.attribute_size(); ++i) {
const Attribute& attribute = attribute_list.attribute(i);
attribute_array[i].type = attribute.type();
if (!attribute.has_value()) {
// Only a length was requested, this is indicated in a CK_ATTRIBUTE by a
// NULL pValue.
attribute_array[i].ulValueLen = IntToValueLength(attribute.length());
attribute_array[i].pValue = NULL;
if (!IsAttributeNested(attribute_array[i].type)) {
attribute_array[i].ulValueLen = attribute.value().length();
attribute_array[i].pValue =
memcpy(attribute_array[i].pValue, attribute.value().data(),
if (!is_nesting_allowed) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Nesting attempted and not allowed.";
return false;
// The value is a nested attribute list and needs to be parsed.
CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR inner_attribute_list = NULL;
CK_ULONG num_inner_attributes = 0;
if (!ParseInternal(attribute.value(),
false, // Do not allow nesting.
&inner_attribute_list, &num_inner_attributes)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Nested parse failed.";
return false;
attribute_array[i].ulValueLen = num_inner_attributes * sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE);
attribute_array[i].pValue = inner_attribute_list;
*attributes = attribute_array;
*num_attributes = attribute_list.attribute_size();
return true;
bool Attributes::ParseAndFillInternal(const string& serialized,
bool is_nesting_allowed,
CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR attributes,
CK_ULONG num_attributes) {
AttributeList attribute_list;
if (!attributes) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Attempted to fill NULL attribute array.";
return false;
if (!attribute_list.ParseFromString(serialized)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse proto-buffer.";
return false;
if (num_attributes != IntToValueLength(attribute_list.attribute_size())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Attribute array size mismatch (expected=" << num_attributes
<< ", actual=" << attribute_list.attribute_size() << ").";
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < attribute_list.attribute_size(); ++i) {
const Attribute& attribute = attribute_list.attribute(i);
if (attributes[i].type != attribute.type()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Attribute type mismatch (expected=" << attributes[i].type
<< ", actual=" << attribute.type() << ").";
return false;
if (!attribute.has_value()) {
// Only a length is provided. A NULL pValue is fine.
attributes[i].ulValueLen = IntToValueLength(attribute.length());
if (!attributes[i].pValue) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Attempted to fill NULL attribute.";
return false;
if (!IsAttributeNested(attributes[i].type)) {
if (attribute.value().length() > attributes[i].ulValueLen) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Attribute value overflow (length="
<< attribute.value().length()
<< ", max=" << attributes[i].ulValueLen << ").";
return false;
attributes[i].ulValueLen = attribute.value().length();
memcpy(attributes[i].pValue, attribute.value().data(),
if (!is_nesting_allowed) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Nesting attempted and not allowed.";
return false;
// The value is a nested attribute list and needs to be parsed.
CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR inner_attribute_list =
CK_ULONG num_inner_attributes =
attributes[i].ulValueLen / sizeof(CK_ATTRIBUTE);
if (!ParseAndFillInternal(attribute.value(),
false, // Do not allow nesting.
inner_attribute_list, num_inner_attributes)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Nested parse failed.";
return false;
return true;
// Convert int to CK_ULONG preserving -1. Unfortunately, PKCS #11 uses -1 as a
// special value for the length field in CK_ATTRIBUTE.
CK_ULONG Attributes::IntToValueLength(int i) {
if (i == -1)
return ~0UL;
return static_cast<CK_ULONG>(i);
string Attributes::AttributeValueToString(const CK_ATTRIBUTE& attributes) {
return string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(attributes.pValue),
CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR Attributes::AllocateCkAttributeArray(size_t num) {
CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR attribute_array = allocated_attribute_arrays_.back().get();
// Initializes the value and the length to prevent dangling pointers.
for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
attribute_array[i].ulValueLen = 0;
attribute_array[i].pValue = nullptr;
return attribute_array;
CK_BYTE_PTR Attributes::AllocateCkByteArray(size_t size) {
return allocated_byte_arrays_.back().get();
} // namespace chaps