blob: b2e8cdec9b330b20dde21cd78c5705bef5c7822e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <patchpanel/proto_bindings/patchpanel_service.pb.h>
#include "patchpanel/minijailed_process_runner.h"
#include "patchpanel/shill_client.h"
namespace patchpanel {
// This class manages the iptables rules for traffic counters, and queries
// iptables to get the counters when a request comes. This class will set up
// several iptable rules to track the counters for each possible combination of
// {bytes, packets} x (Traffic source) x (shill device) x {rx, tx} x {IPv4,
// IPv6}. These counters will never be removed after they are set up, and thus
// they represent the traffic usage from boot time.
// Implementation details
// Rules: All the rules/chains for accounting are in (INPUT, FORWARD or
// POSTROUTING) chain in the mangle table. These rules take effect after routing
// and will not change the fate of a packet. When a new interface comes up, we
// will create the following new rules/chains (using both iptables and
// ip6tables):
// - Four accounting chains:
// - For rx packets, `ingress_input_{ifname}` and `ingress_forward_{ifname}`
// for INPUT and FORWARD chain, respectively;
// - For tx packets, `egress_postrouting_{ifname}` and
// `egress_forward_{ifname}` for POSTROUTING and FORWARD chain,
// respectively. Note that we use `--socket-exists` in POSTROUTING chain to
// avoid packets from FORWARD being matched again here.
// - One accounting rule in each accounting chain, which provides the actual
// counter for accounting. We will extend this to several rules when source
// marking is ready.
// - One jumping rule for each accounting chain in the corresponding prebuilt
// chain, which matches packets with this new interface.
// The above rules and chains will never be removed once created, so we will
// check if one rule exists before creating it.
// Query: Two commands (iptables and ip6tables) will be executed in the mangle
// table to get all the chains and rules. And then we perform a text parsing on
// the output to get the counters. Counters for the same entry will be merged
// before return.
class CountersService {
using SourceDevice = std::pair<TrafficCounter::Source, std::string>;
struct Counter {
Counter() = default;
Counter(uint64_t rx_bytes,
uint64_t rx_packets,
uint64_t tx_bytes,
uint64_t tx_packets);
uint64_t rx_bytes = 0;
uint64_t rx_packets = 0;
uint64_t tx_bytes = 0;
uint64_t tx_packets = 0;
CountersService(ShillClient* shill_client, MinijailedProcessRunner* runner);
~CountersService() = default;
// Collects and returns counters from all the existing iptables rules.
// |devices| is the set of interfaces for which counters should be returned,
// any unknown interfaces will be ignored. If |devices| is empty, counters for
// all known interfaces will be returned. An empty map will be returned on
// any failure. Note that currently all traffic to/from an interface will be
// counted by (UNKNOWN, ifname), i.e., no other sources except for UNKNOWN are
// used.
std::map<SourceDevice, Counter> GetCounters(
const std::set<std::string>& devices);
// TODO(b/161060333): Move the following two functions elsewhere.
// Creates a new chain using both iptables and ip6tables in the mangle table.
void IptablesNewChain(const std::string& chain_name);
// Creates a new rule using both iptables and ip6tables in the mangle table.
// The first element in |params| should be "-I" (insert) or "-A" (append), and
// this function will replace it with "-C" to do the check before executing
// the actual insert or append command. This function will also append "-w" to
// |params|. Note that |params| is passed by value because it will be modified
// inside the function, and the normal pattern to use this function is passing
// an rvalue (e.g., `IptablesNewRule({"-I", "INPUT", ...})`), so no extra copy
// should happen in such cases.
void IptablesNewRule(std::vector<std::string> params);
// Installs the required chains and rules for the given shill device.
void SetupChainsAndRules(const std::string& ifname);
// Installs the accounting rules in the given accounting chain. Currently we
// only need one rule to match all the traffic, without distinguishing
// different sources.
void SetupAccountingRules(const std::string& chain_name);
void OnDeviceChanged(const std::set<std::string>& added,
const std::set<std::string>& removed);
ShillClient* shill_client_;
MinijailedProcessRunner* runner_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CountersService> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace patchpanel