blob: 4ac9369e5802a705dbd13d93e135d6719f9df791 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <base/optional.h>
#include <tpm_manager/client/tpm_manager_utility.h>
#include "cryptohome/tpm_impl.h"
namespace cryptohome {
// |TpmNewImpl| is derived from |TpmImpl| and refines a set of interfaces with
// the data coming from |tpm_managerd|. In particular, the logic which should
// belong to only |tpm_managerd| (e.g. the ownership operation, owner password,
// etc.) are overwritted in this class and the corresponding setters should take
// no effect. Once |ServiceMonolithic| is obsoleted, the implementation of this
// class should be backported to |TpmImpl| and this class should be removed at
// the same time.
class TpmNewImpl : public TpmImpl {
TpmNewImpl() = default;
virtual ~TpmNewImpl() = default;
bool GetOwnerPassword(brillo::SecureBlob* owner_password) override;
void SetOwnerPassword(const brillo::SecureBlob& owner_password) override;
bool IsEnabled() override;
void SetIsEnabled(bool enabled) override;
bool IsOwned() override;
void SetIsOwned(bool owned) override;
bool HasResetLockPermissions() override;
bool TakeOwnership(int max_timeout_tries,
const brillo::SecureBlob& owner_password) override;
bool GetDelegate(brillo::Blob* blob,
brillo::Blob* secret,
bool* has_reset_lock_permissions) override;
bool DoesUseTpmManager() override;
bool GetDictionaryAttackInfo(int* counter,
int* threshold,
bool* lockout,
int* seconds_remaining) override;
bool ResetDictionaryAttackMitigation(
const brillo::Blob& delegate_blob,
const brillo::Blob& delegate_secret) override;
bool RemoveOwnerDependency(
TpmPersistentState::TpmOwnerDependency dependency) override;
bool ClearStoredPassword() override;
bool GetVersionInfo(TpmVersionInfo* version_info) override;
base::Optional<bool> IsDelegateBoundToPcr() override;
bool DelegateCanResetDACounter() override;
// Initializes |tpm_manager_utility_|; returns |true| iff successful.
bool InitializeTpmManagerUtility();
// Calls |TpmManagerUtility::GetTpmStatus| and stores the result into
// |is_enabled_|, |is_owned_|, and |last_tpm_manager_data_| for later use.
bool CacheTpmManagerStatus();
// Attempts to get |tpm_manager::LocalData| from signal or by explicitly
// querying it. Returns |true| iff either approach succeeds. Behind the scene,
// the function attempts to update the local data when it's available from
// ownership taken signal. Otherwise, for any reason why we don't have it from
// ownership taken signal, it actively query tpm status by a dbus request.
// This intuitive way can be seen an overkill sometimes(e.g. The signal is
// waiting to be connected); however this conservative approach can avoid the
// data loss due to some potential issues (e.g. unexpectedly long waiting time
// until the signal is confirmed to be connected).
bool UpdateLocalDataFromTpmManager();
// Gets delegate from tpm manager and call feed the value to |SetDelegate|.
bool SetDelegateDataFromTpmManager();
// wrapped tpm_manager proxy to get information from |tpm_manager|.
tpm_manager::TpmManagerUtility* tpm_manager_utility_{nullptr};
// Gives |TpmNewImpl| a new set of members of status from tpm manager so we
// can touch the already working code as little as possible. Otherwise need to
// move data members in |TpmImpl| to |protected| field.
bool is_enabled_{false};
bool is_owned_{false};
// Indicates if the delegate has been set and the parent class |TpmImpl|
// already has the information about the owner delegate we have from tpm
// manager.
bool has_set_delegate_data_ = false;
// This flag indicates |CacheTpmManagerStatus| shall be called when the
// ownership taken signal is confirmed to be connected.
bool shall_cache_tpm_manager_status_{true};
// Records |LocalData| from tpm_manager last time we query, either by
// explicitly requesting the update or from dbus signal.
tpm_manager::LocalData last_tpm_manager_data_;
// Cache of TPM version info, base::nullopt if cache doesn't exist.
base::Optional<TpmVersionInfo> version_info_;
// The following fields are for testing purpose.
friend class TpmNewImplTest;
explicit TpmNewImpl(tpm_manager::TpmManagerUtility* tpm_manager_utility);
} // namespace cryptohome