blob: a6e9476d34b9a90c4cd206c8d7a88cc0fd33602a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Homedirs - manages the collection of user home directories on disk. When a
// homedir is actually mounted, it becomes a Mount.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include <chaps/token_manager_client.h>
#include <dbus/cryptohome/dbus-constants.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include <policy/device_policy.h>
#include <policy/libpolicy.h>
#include "cryptohome/mount_factory.h"
#include "cryptohome/rpc.pb.h"
#include "cryptohome/vault_keyset.h"
#include "cryptohome/vault_keyset.pb.h"
#include "cryptohome/vault_keyset_factory.h"
namespace cryptohome {
// The uid shift of ARC++ container.
const uid_t kArcContainerShiftUid = 655360;
// The gid shift of ARC++ container.
const gid_t kArcContainerShiftGid = 655360;
const int64_t kFreeSpaceThresholdToTriggerCleanup = 1LL << 30;
const int64_t kFreeSpaceThresholdToTriggerAggressiveCleanup = 768 * 1024 * 1024;
const int64_t kTargetFreeSpaceAfterCleanup = 2LL << 30;
extern const char kAndroidCacheInodeAttribute[];
extern const char kAndroidCodeCacheInodeAttribute[];
extern const char kTrackedDirectoryNameAttribute[];
extern const char kRemovableFileAttribute[];
extern const char kEcryptfsVaultDir[];
extern const char kMountDir[];
class Credentials;
class Crypto;
class DiskCleanup;
class Platform;
class UserOldestActivityTimestampCache;
class VaultKeyset;
class HomeDirs {
// HomeDir contains lists the current user profiles.
struct HomeDir {
std::string obfuscated;
bool is_mounted = false;
virtual ~HomeDirs();
// Gets the user's eCryptfs vault directory for the given shadow root path and
// obfuscated username.
static base::FilePath GetEcryptfsUserVaultPath(
const base::FilePath& shadow_root,
const std::string& obfuscated_username);
// Gets the directory to mount the user's cryptohome at given the shadow root
// path and obfuscated username.
static base::FilePath GetUserMountDirectory(
const base::FilePath& shadow_root,
const std::string& obfuscated_username);
// Initializes this HomeDirs object. Returns true for success.
virtual bool Init(Platform* platform,
Crypto* crypto,
UserOldestActivityTimestampCache* cache);
// Removes all cryptohomes owned by anyone other than the owner user (if set),
// regardless of free disk space.
virtual void RemoveNonOwnerCryptohomes();
// Returns the system salt, creating a new one if necessary. If loading the
// system salt fails, returns false, and blob is unchanged.
virtual bool GetSystemSalt(brillo::SecureBlob* blob);
// Returns the owner's obfuscated username.
virtual bool GetOwner(std::string* owner);
virtual bool GetPlainOwner(std::string* owner);
// Returns whether the given user is a non-enterprise owner, or if it will
// become such in case it signs in now.
bool IsOrWillBeOwner(const std::string& account_id);
// Returns whether the ephemeral users policy is enabled.
virtual bool AreEphemeralUsersEnabled();
// Returns a list of present keyset indices for an obfuscated username.
// There is no guarantee the keysets are valid.
virtual bool GetVaultKeysets(const std::string& obfuscated,
std::vector<int>* keysets) const;
// Outputs a list of present keysets by label for a given obfuscated username.
// There is no guarantee the keysets are valid nor is the ordering guaranteed.
// Returns true on success, false if no keysets are found.
virtual bool GetVaultKeysetLabels(const std::string& obfuscated_username,
std::vector<std::string>* labels) const;
// Returns a VaultKeyset that matches the given obfuscated username and the
// key label. If the label is empty or if no matching keyset is found, NULL
// will be returned.
// The caller DOES take ownership of the returned VaultKeyset pointer.
// There is no guarantee the keyset is valid.
virtual VaultKeyset* GetVaultKeyset(const std::string& obfuscated_username,
const std::string& key_label) const;
// Removes the cryptohome for the named user.
virtual bool Remove(const std::string& username);
// Renames account identified by |account_id_from| to |account_id_to|.
// This is called when user e-mail is replaced with GaiaId as account
// identifier.
virtual bool Rename(const std::string& account_id_from,
const std::string& account_id_to);
// Computes the size of cryptohome for the named user.
// Return 0 if the given user is invalid of non-existent.
// Negative values are reserved for future cases whereby we need to do some
// form of error reporting.
// Note that this method calculates the disk usage instead of apparent size.
virtual int64_t ComputeDiskUsage(const std::string& account_id);
// Returns true if the supplied Credentials are a valid (username, passkey)
// pair.
virtual bool AreCredentialsValid(const Credentials& credentials);
// Returns true if a path exists for the given obfuscated username.
virtual bool Exists(const std::string& obfuscated_username) const;
// Checks if a cryptohome vault exists for the given obfuscated username.
virtual bool CryptohomeExists(const std::string& obfuscated_username) const;
// Checks if a eCryptfs cryptohome vault exists for the given obfuscated
// username.
virtual bool EcryptfsCryptohomeExists(
const std::string& obfuscated_username) const;
// Checks if a dircrypto cryptohome vault exists for the given obfuscated
// username.
virtual bool DircryptoCryptohomeExists(
const std::string& obfuscated_username) const;
// Gets the user's eCryptfs vault directory for the given obfuscated username.
base::FilePath GetEcryptfsUserVaultPath(
const std::string& obfuscated_username) const;
// Gets the directory to mount the user's cryptohome at. The user is specified
// by its obfuscated username.
base::FilePath GetUserMountDirectory(
const std::string& obfuscated_username) const;
// Returns true if a valid keyset can be decrypted with |creds|. If true,
// |vk| will contain the decrypted value, and |key_index|, if non-null, will
// contain the key index. If false, |vk| will contain the last failed keyset
// attempt, and |error|, if non-null, will contain the error details.
// NOTE: The LE Credential Keysets are only considered when the key label
// provided via |creds| is non-empty.
virtual bool GetValidKeyset(const Credentials& creds,
VaultKeyset* vk,
int* key_index,
MountError* error);
// Returns the vault keyset path for the supplied obfuscated username.
virtual base::FilePath GetVaultKeysetPath(const std::string& obfuscated,
int index) const;
// Adds a new vault keyset for the user using the |existing_credentials| to
// unwrap the homedir key and the |new_credentials| to rewrap and persist to
// disk. The key index is return in the |index| pointer if the function
// returns true. |index| is not modified if the function returns false.
// |new_data|, when provided, is copied to the key_data of the new keyset.
// If |new_data| is provided, a best-effort attempt will be made at ensuring
// key_data().label() is unique.
// If |clobber| is true and there are no matching, labeled keys, then it does
// nothing. If there is an identically labeled key, it will overwrite it.
virtual CryptohomeErrorCode AddKeyset(const Credentials& existing_credentials,
const brillo::SecureBlob& new_passkey,
const KeyData* new_data,
bool clobber,
int* index);
// Removes the keyset identified by |key_data| if |credentials|
// has the remove() KeyPrivilege. The VaultKeyset backing
// |credentials| may be the same that |key_data| identifies.
virtual CryptohomeErrorCode RemoveKeyset(const Credentials& credentials,
const KeyData& key_data);
// Finds and updates the keyset authenticated by |credentials| and
// applies |changed_data| to the keyset conditionally on if
// |authorization_signature| is needed and is valid.
virtual CryptohomeErrorCode UpdateKeyset(
const Credentials& credentials,
const Key* changed_data,
const std::string& authorization_signature);
// Returns true if the |signature| is valid over the |new_key| given
// the AuthorizationData specification from |existing_key_data|.
virtual bool CheckAuthorizationSignature(const KeyData& existing_key_data,
const Key& new_key,
const std::string& signature);
// Removes the keyset specified by |index| from the list for the user
// vault identified by its |obfuscated| username.
// The caller should check credentials if the call is user-sourced.
// TODO(wad,ellyjones) Determine a better keyset priotization and management
// scheme than just integer indices, like fingerprints.
virtual bool ForceRemoveKeyset(const std::string& obfuscated, int index);
// Allows a keyset to be moved to a different index assuming the index can be
// claimed for a given |obfuscated| username.
virtual bool MoveKeyset(const std::string& obfuscated, int src, int dst);
// Migrates the cryptohome for the supplied obfuscated username from the
// supplied old key to the supplied new key.
virtual bool Migrate(const Credentials& newcreds,
const brillo::SecureBlob& oldkey,
scoped_refptr<Mount> user_mount);
// Returns the path to the user's chaps token directory.
virtual base::FilePath GetChapsTokenDir(const std::string& username) const;
// Returns the path to the user's legacy chaps token directory.
virtual base::FilePath GetLegacyChapsTokenDir(
const std::string& username) const;
// Returns the path to the user's token salt.
virtual base::FilePath GetChapsTokenSaltPath(
const std::string& username) const;
// Returns true if the cryptohome for the given obfuscated username should
// migrate to dircrypto.
virtual bool NeedsDircryptoMigration(
const std::string& obfuscated_username) const;
// Attempts to reset all LE credentials associated with a username, given
// a credential |cred|.
virtual void ResetLECredentials(const Credentials& creds);
// Removes all LE credentials for a user with |obfuscated_username|.
virtual void RemoveLECredentials(const std::string& obfuscated_username);
// Get the number of unmounted android-data directory. Each android users
// that is not currently logged in should have exactly one android-data
// directory.
virtual int32_t GetUnmountedAndroidDataCount();
// Marks that the device got locked to be able to use only data of a single
// user until reboot. Internally touches a file in temporary storage marking
// that PCR was extended.
virtual bool SetLockedToSingleUser() const;
// Get the list of cryptohomes on the system.
virtual std::vector<HomeDir> GetHomeDirs();
// Called during disk cleanup if the timestamp cache is not yet
// initialized. Loads the last activity timestamp from the vault keyset.
virtual void AddUserTimestampToCache(const std::string& obfuscated);
// Accessors. Mostly used for unit testing. These do not take ownership of
// passed-in pointers.
// TODO(wad) Should this update default_crypto_.set_platform()?
void set_platform(Platform* value) { platform_ = value; }
Platform* platform() { return platform_; }
virtual void set_shadow_root(const base::FilePath& value) {
shadow_root_ = value;
virtual const base::FilePath& shadow_root() const { return shadow_root_; }
virtual void set_enterprise_owned(bool value) { enterprise_owned_ = value; }
virtual bool enterprise_owned() const { return enterprise_owned_; }
void set_policy_provider(policy::PolicyProvider* value) {
policy_provider_ = value;
policy::PolicyProvider* policy_provider() { return policy_provider_; }
void set_crypto(Crypto* value) { crypto_ = value; }
Crypto* crypto() const { return crypto_; }
virtual DiskCleanup* disk_cleanup() const { return cleanup_; }
virtual void set_disk_cleanup(DiskCleanup* cleanup) { cleanup_ = cleanup; }
void set_vault_keyset_factory(VaultKeysetFactory* value) {
vault_keyset_factory_ = value;
VaultKeysetFactory* vault_keyset_factory() const {
return vault_keyset_factory_;
void set_use_tpm(bool use_tpm) { use_tpm_ = use_tpm; }
base::TimeDelta GetUserInactivityThresholdForRemoval();
// Loads the device policy, either by initializing it or reloading the
// existing one.
void LoadDevicePolicy();
// Returns the path of the specified tracked directory (i.e. a directory which
// we can locate even when without the key).
bool GetTrackedDirectory(const base::FilePath& user_dir,
const base::FilePath& tracked_dir_name,
base::FilePath* out);
// GetTrackedDirectory() implementation for dircrypto.
bool GetTrackedDirectoryForDirCrypto(const base::FilePath& mount_dir,
const base::FilePath& tracked_dir_name,
base::FilePath* out);
// Removes all mounted homedirs from the vector
void FilterMountedHomedirs(std::vector<HomeDir>* homedirs);
// Used by RemoveNonOwnerCryptohomes and FreeDiskSpace to perform the actual
// cleanup.
void RemoveNonOwnerCryptohomesInternal(const std::vector<HomeDir>& homedirs);
// Callback used during RemoveNonOwnerCryptohomes()
void RemoveNonOwnerCryptohomesCallback(const std::string& obfuscated);
// Deletes all directories under the supplied directory whose basename is not
// the same as the obfuscated owner name.
void RemoveNonOwnerDirectories(const base::FilePath& prefix);
// Loads the serialized vault keyset for the supplied obfuscated username.
// Returns true for success, false for failure.
bool LoadVaultKeysetForUser(const std::string& obfuscated_user,
int index,
VaultKeyset* keyset) const;
// Helper function to check if the directory contains subdirectory that looks
// like encrypted android-data (see definition of looks-like-android-data in
// the LooksLikeAndroidData function). Each file names under mounted_user_dir
// filesystem tree has encrypted name, but unencrypted metadata.
// False positive is possible, but practically should never happen. Even if
// false positive happens, installd in ARC++ will use non-quota path and the
// system will keep running properly (though a bit slower) so it is still
// safe.
bool MayContainAndroidData(const base::FilePath& mounted_user_dir) const;
// Helper function to check if the directory looks like android-data. A
// directory is said to look like android-data if it has subdirectory owned by
// Android system. It is possible for a directory that looks like android-data
// to not actually be android-data, but the other way around is not possible.
// But practically in current home directory structure, directory that looks
// like android-data is always android-data. So normally, this function
// accurately predicts if the directory in the parameter is actually
// android-data.
bool LooksLikeAndroidData(const base::FilePath& directory) const;
// Helper function to check if the directory is owned by android system
// UID.
bool IsOwnedByAndroidSystem(const base::FilePath& directory) const;
// If the VaultKeyset is TPM backed (directly or via PinWeaver, etc.) this
// method will tell the TPM firmware that a successful decryption occurred.
void DeclareTpmStableIfAppropriate(VaultKeyset* vk);
// Takes ownership of the supplied PolicyProvider. Used to avoid leaking mocks
// in unit tests.
void own_policy_provider(policy::PolicyProvider* value) {
policy_provider_ = value;
std::unique_ptr<Platform> default_platform_;
Platform* platform_;
base::FilePath shadow_root_;
UserOldestActivityTimestampCache* timestamp_cache_;
bool enterprise_owned_;
std::unique_ptr<policy::PolicyProvider> default_policy_provider_;
policy::PolicyProvider* policy_provider_;
Crypto* crypto_;
std::unique_ptr<DiskCleanup> default_cleanup_;
DiskCleanup* cleanup_;
// TODO(wad) Collapse all factories into a single manufacturing plant to save
// some pointers.
std::unique_ptr<VaultKeysetFactory> default_vault_keyset_factory_;
VaultKeysetFactory* vault_keyset_factory_;
brillo::SecureBlob system_salt_;
chaps::TokenManagerClient chaps_client_;
// The container a not-shifted system UID in ARC++ container (AID_SYSTEM).
static constexpr uid_t kAndroidSystemUid = 1000;
bool use_tpm_;
friend class HomeDirsTest;
FRIEND_TEST(HomeDirsTest, GetTrackedDirectoryForDirCrypto);
} // namespace cryptohome