blob: 3431b1ccdb006d014227a8725c9a126d2bfe2bc0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "crash-reporter/anomaly_detector_text_file_reader.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cerrno>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sys/stat.h>
namespace anomaly {
TextFileReader::TextFileReader(const base::FilePath& path)
: file_path_(path), buf_(kBufferSize_) {
TextFileReader::~TextFileReader() {}
bool TextFileReader::GetLine(std::string* line) {
if (!file_.IsValid() && !Open())
return false;
bool end_of_file = false;
while (!end_of_file) {
for (; pos_ < end_pos_; pos_++) {
if (buf_[pos_] == '\n') {
if (skip_next_) {
skip_next_ = false;
*line = std::string(line_fragment_.begin(), line_fragment_.end());
return true;
end_of_file = true;
if (LoadToBuffer()) {
end_of_file = false;
return false;
bool TextFileReader::Open() {
if (kMaxOpenRetries_ == open_tries_) {
// Simply return false if the number of retries have reached the limit.
return false;
file_ = base::File(file_path_, base::File::FLAG_OPEN | base::File::FLAG_READ);
if (!file_.IsValid()) {
PLOG(WARNING) << "Try #" << open_tries_
<< " Failed to open file: " << file_path_.value();
if (kMaxOpenRetries_ == open_tries_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Max number of retries to open file " << file_path_.value()
<< " reached.";
return false;
// Reset open_tries_ upon successful Open().
open_tries_ = 0;
struct stat st;
// Use fstat instead of stat to make sure that it gets the inode number for
// the file that was opened.
CHECK_GE(fstat(file_.GetPlatformFile(), &st), 0);
inode_number_ = st.st_ino;
return true;
bool TextFileReader::LoadToBuffer() {
pos_ = 0;
end_pos_ = 0;
int64_t bytes_read = file_.ReadAtCurrentPos(, buf_.size());
if (bytes_read > 0) {
end_pos_ = bytes_read;
return true;
// In the unlikely event that Open() fails after CheckForNewFile()
// returned true, TextFileReader will try to open the file again every time
// GetLine is called before max number of retries is reached.
if (CheckForNewFile() && Open()) {
// rsyslog ensures that a line does not get split between restarts (e.g.
// during log rotation by chromeos-cleanup-logs) meaning the logs at the end
// of the original file will be a complete line. Therefore we can safely
// assume that line_fragment_ is empty and thus can be cleared.
return LoadToBuffer();
return false;
bool TextFileReader::CheckForNewFile() {
struct stat st;
int result = stat(file_path_.value().c_str(), &st);
// This can happen if a the file_ has been moved but a new file at file_path
// has not been created yet.
if (result < 0)
return false;
return inode_number_ != st.st_ino;
void TextFileReader::SeekToEnd() {
if (!file_.IsValid())
skip_next_ = true;
file_.Seek(base::File::FROM_END, -1);
void TextFileReader::SeekToBegin() {
if (!file_.IsValid())
skip_next_ = false;
file_.Seek(base::File::FROM_BEGIN, 0);
void TextFileReader::Clear() {
end_pos_ = 0;
pos_ = 0;
} // namespace anomaly